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Fisheries (Berthing) (Amendment) Regulations (S.R.O. 18 of 2005).


These Regulations amend the Fisheries (Berthing) Regulations in regulations 5 and 7 and Schedules I and II. Regulation 5 (on use of public structures at landing areas) is amended by defining “public structure or facility” as any structure erected or facility established for fisheries purposes at a designated fish landing site. Regulation 7 (on the payment of fees) of the Principal Regulations is amended in paragraph (a) by inserting after the word “Chief Fisheries Officer” the following: “or the designated authority.”

Joint Decree No. 477/07 creating the Permanent Technical Committee of Bengo for the coastal zone management (POOC).

Middle Africa

This Joint Decree creates the Permanent Technical Committee of Bengo for the coastal zone management (POOC). It establishes composition, duties and responsibilities of the above mentioned institution entitled to carry out controls and to perform coastal zone management.

Implements: Decree No. 4/01 regulating Coastal Management Plans (POOC). (2001-02-02)

Coastal Protection (Non-Local Government Areas) Regulation 1994.


This Regulation implements the Coastal Protection Act 1979 by preventing any person (including a public authority) to carry out development on land within such part of the coastal zone as is not within a local government area, and as is not subject to an environmental planning instrument within the meaning of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Implements: Coastal Protection Act 1979. (2005-08-02)

Guam Territorial Seashore Protection Commission - Chapter 7 of Title 18 of the Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations.


The purpose of these Rules and Regulations of the Guam Territorial Seashore Protection Commission is to define powers and duties of the Commission and to regulate procedures of meetings and other matters regarding the internal organization of the Commission.The Commission may, among other things, grant land use permit and terminate a right of use or occupancy.

Décret n° 2004-310 relatif aux espaces remarquables du littoral et modifiant le Code de l'urbanisme.

Western Europe

Le présent décret modifie certaines dispositions du Code de l'urbanisme relatives aux espaces remarquables du littoral. Lorsqu'ils identifient des espaces ou milieux relevant du présent article, les documents d'urbanisme précisent, le cas échéant, la nature des activités et catégories d'équipements nécessaires à leur gestion ou à leur mise en valeur notamment économique.

Décret n° 2004-308 relatif aux concessions d'utilisation du domaine public maritime en dehors des ports.

Western Europe

Les dépendances du domaine public maritime situées hors des limites administratives des ports peuvent faire l'objet de concessions d'utilisation en vue de leur affectation à l'usage du public, à un service public ou à une opération d'intérêt général. Les biens ainsi concédés ne sont pas soustraits au domaine public. Ces concessions sont conclues pour une durée qui ne peut excéder trente ans.

Decreto Nº 29.307/MP/J/MIVAH/S/MEIC/TUR - Reglamento para el tramite de visado planos para la construcción de edificaciones en la zona marítimo terrestre.

Costa Rica
Central America

El presente Reglamento establece los requisitos legales de visado de planos para la construcción de edificaciones en la Zona Marítimo Terrestre. El concesionario podrá construir tierra adentro de la línea de mojones que demarca el límite de la zona pública de la zona marítimo terrestre conforme al plan regulador.

Implementa: Ley Nº 6043 - Ley sobre la Zona Marítimo Terrestre. (1977-03-02)

Decree No. 5.300 implementing Act No. 7.661 establishing National Planning for Coastal Zone Management.

South America

This Decree, composed of 40 articles divided into seven Chapters, implements Act No. 7.661 establishing National Planning for Coastal Zone Management (PNGC). In particular, it adopts measures related to the use and occupation of the coastal areas and defines criteria for the management of the maritime coast.

Implements: Act No. 7.661 establishing National Planning for Coastal Zone Management. (1988-05-16)

Beach Authority (Use of Public Beach) Regulations 2004 (G.N. No. 90 of 2004).

Eastern Africa

These Regulations make provision for the control of activities on public beaches in the sense of the Beach Control Act. The holding of a public gathering on a beach shall be subject to authorization by the Beach Control Authority. Other rules concern swimming and use of boats in the sea adjacent to a public beach, disturbing or damaging of flora and fauna on beaches, pollution, erecting of structures, etc.

Decision No. 12/2004/QD-BTNMT defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Topography and Cartography Department.

South-Eastern Asia

The Decision provides for the institution of the Department, its functions and powers, involving activities dedicated to the management of cartography and topography on land, sea and overland.