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Conservation and Citizenship: Democratizing Natural Resource Governance in Africa

Peer-reviewed publication
November, 2010

Rights-based conservation depends on institutions that give citizens clear and enforceable rights to manage lands and natural resources. Such rights hinge on citizens’ abilities to strengthen and defend their rights and on the operation of the rule of law and impersonal forms of government for legal reforms to take place and have meaning.

Putting Pastoralists on the Policy Agenda: Land Alienation in Southern Ethiopia

Reports & Research
July, 2010

Includes land alienation in the case study sites; impacts of land alienation; coping strategies; conclusions and policy recommendations. Found that livestock numbers are declining dramatically in the area, land degradation is increasing, people are becoming more vulnerable to drought and famine, and resource-based conflicts are increasing in severity. The traditional pastoralist way of life is increasingly making way for sedentary farming and enclosed private grazing land.

Sustainable Land Management for Mitigation of and Adaptation to Climate Change

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
June, 2010

The climate change (CC) caused by increase in atmospheric concentration of CO2 and other Greenhouse Gases (GHGs), can be addressed through adaptation and mitigation strategies. Adaptation consists of strategies which minimize vulnerability to CC. The objective is to increase resilience of the ecosystems and communities through adoption of specific sustainable land management (SLM) techniques that have adaptive benefits. On the other hand, the goal of mitigation strategies is to enhance soil and vegetation (land) sinks for absorbing atmospheric CO2 and to minimize net emissions.

Ordonnance N°2010-29 du 20 mai 2010 relative au pastoralisme.

May, 2010

La présente ordonnance (qui complète celle n°93-015 du 2 mars 1993 portant principes d’orientation du code rural) définit et précise les principes fondamentaux et les règles régissant le pastoralisme au Niger.Cette ordonnance consacre la mobilité des éleveurs, pasteurs nomades et transhumants comme un droit fondamental reconnu et garanti par l’Etat et les collectivités territoriales. Les modes d’accès et des droits sur les ressources foncières pastorales relevant du domaine public de l’Etat ou des collectivités territoriales sont régis par les traditions pastorales.

Tasa de pastoreo de Acartia clausi Giesbrecht, 1889 en la Bahía de La Paz, Baja California Sur, México

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2009

En enero, abril y junio de 2003 se generaron series de tiempo de las tasas de pas toreo, ingesta y filtración de Acartia clausi utilizando el método de balance, en una estación de muestreo en la Bahía de La Paz, México. Asi mis mo, se determinaron los cambios de la temperatura superficial del mar y de la concentración de la clorofila a. Las tasas de filtración tuvieron cambios significativos (p<0.05) diarios en abril, pero no en enero y junio. En el caso de la tasa de pastoreo y la tasa de ingesta, la variación diaria fue significativamente distinta en los tres meses.

Effects of crop abandonment and grazing exclusion on available soil water and other soil properties in a semi-arid Mongolian grassland

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2009

Improper cropping and overgrazing have led to land degradation in semi-arid regions, resulting in desertification. During desertification, vegetation changes have been widely observed, and are likely controlled to some extent by soil water. The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in soil physical properties, organic C, and vegetation induced by land-use changes, with special reference to the dynamics of available soil water.

Land use and disturbance effects on the dynamics of natural ecosystems of the Monte Desert: Implications for their management

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2009

The complex interactions between human activity and natural processes determine non-linear dynamics in ecosystems that can difficult their management. Human settlements in arid lands contribute to the modification of disturbance regimes, including the introduction of new disturbances and the elimination of others. In consequence, they can alter the functional mechanisms that allow systems to overcome limiting factors, leading to desertification.

Interacting effects of management and environmental variability at multiple scales on invasive species distributions

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2009
New Zealand

1. The distribution and abundance of invasive species can be driven by both environmental variables and land management decisions. However, understanding these relationships can be complicated by interactions between management actions and environmental variability, and differences in scale among these variables. The resulting 'context-dependence' of management actions may be well-appreciated by ecologists and land managers, but can frustrate attempts to apply general management principles. 2.

Stakeholder interactions in Castile-La Mancha, Spain's cereal-sheep system

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2009

Large tracts of European rural land, mostly in the less favored areas (LFA), are devoted to low-inputs and large scale grazing systems (LSGS) with potential environmental and social functions. Although these LSGS may provide harbor for a good part of European nature values, their continuity is facing contrasting threats of intensification and abandonment. These areas, however, may be characterized by particular grazing structures and social dynamics of change that should be unveiled prior to attempts to devise rural development strategies or to adapt policy frameworks in general.

Comparative diet selection by cattle and sheep grazing two contrasting heathland communities

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2009

In the UK the funding mechanism for moorland restoration is being implemented primarily through agri-environment schemes, yet to date remarkably few comparative grazing studies with domesticated livestock have been conducted on this type of vegetation community. In this experiment the diet composition of four groups of animals grazing heathland swards with low (8%) and high (61%) percentages of cover of Calluna vulgaris was estimated from faeces profiles of n-alkanes and long-chain fatty alcohols.

Grass-to-tree facilitation in an arid grazed environment (Aïr Mountains, Sahara)

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2009

The scarcity of tree regeneration is a major concern for the long-term conservation of tree cover in the Aïr-Ténéré Nature Reserve (Sahara, Niger), and the causes of this shortage are poorly understood. We raised the hypothesis that livestock pressure is a key-factor in the mortality of tree seedlings and that facilitation processes among plants may enhance tree regeneration. We tested whether the tussock grass Panicum turgidum could facilitate the regeneration of a keystone tree species, Acacia tortilis var. raddiana, under a grazing regime.

Does the strength of facilitation by nurse shrubs depend on grazing resistance of tree saplings

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2009

Facilitation of tree regeneration by nurse shrubs that offer protection against large herbivores is an important driver of wood-pasture dynamics. Here we asked whether the response to facilitation by nurse shrubs depends on the grazing resistance of the protégé saplings. We experimentally tested the protective effects of the thorny Rosa rubiginosa on browsing frequency, survival, and biomass change of saplings of two species-groups, presumably differing in grazing resistance: the coniferous Abies alba and Picea abies and the deciduous Acer pseudoplatanus and Fagus sylvatica saplings.