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Native Lands Act (Cap. 46.20).


This Act provides for title and registration of rights in native land.The Act consists of 65 sections divided into 9 Parts: Preliminary (I); Titles to native land (II); Alienation (III); The Land Court (IV); Lands Code (V); Leases (VI); Survey (VII); Penalties (VIII); General (IX).Section 4 concerns indefeasibility of title of native title subject to specified conditions. Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance native land shall not be alienated, whether by sale, gift, lease or otherwise, to a person who is not a native (sect. 5).

Ley de tierras baldías y ejidos.

South America

La presente Ley de tierras baldías y ejidos establece que son baldíos todos los terrenos que no sean ejidos ni propiedad particular ni pertenezcan legítimamente a corporaciones o personas jurídicas, considerando también como baldíos, y la Nación entra desde luego a poseerlos, los terrenos ejidos que han quedado abandonados por la extinción, comprobada oficialmente, del dominio que en ellos ejercía el Municipio.

Land Consolidation Act.

Western Europe

The present Act lays down provisions relating to land consolidation. Article 1 establishes that to improve production, working conditions in agriculture and forestry, as well as to improve general land use planning and land development, owned land may be consolidated. This is executed by means of official procedures within a certain area with the participation of the totality of land owners and competent authorities. The implementation of land consolidation shall be given top priority by the Länder. Accordingly, they shall appoint the competent organs.

Lands (Provinces) Act, 1995 (Cap. 103).

Western Africa

The 29 sections are divided into 5 Parts: Preliminary (I); General (II); Leases and connected matters (III); Acquisition of land for public purposes (IV); Miscellaneous (V).All Provinces’ Lands (not defined) are vested in the District Authorities of the Districts in which such lands are situated. They shall be held and administered for the use and common benefit of the communities concerned (sect. 4).

Tribal Land Act (Chapter 32:02).

Southern Africa

The Act is divided into 13 Parts: Introductory (I); Land Boards (II); Application (IIa); Administration and appointment to land board service (IIb); Termination of Appointments and Retirements (IIc); Land Board Officers (IId); Offences and penalties (IIe); Land Board Service Commission (IIf); Grant of customary land rights (III); Grant of land rights under common law (IV); Land required for public purposes (V); Land Board Funds (VI); General (VII).There is established in respect of any tribe listed in the Fist Schedule a Land Board as a body corporate (sects. 3 and 9).

Customary Leaseholds (Enfranchisement) (Amendment) Act, 1969 (No. 43 of 1969).

Eastern Africa

This Act amends the Customary Leaseholds (Enfranchisement) Act, 1968 by changing the definitions of “landlord” and “tenant” and by providing anew for the appeal with the Minister against a decision of the Customary Land Tribunal.

Amends: Customary Leaseholds (Enfranchisement) Act, 1968 (No. 47 of 1968). (1968-07-25)

Customary Leaseholds (Enfranchisement) Act, 1968 (No. 47 of 1968).

Eastern Africa

This Act makes provision for the enfranchisement of land held under customary tenure and provides that any enfranchised land shall vest in the person who immediately before the effective date, held the land as a tenant. Rights of landlords shall be extinguished but a landlord shall be entitled to receive compensation from the person in whom the enfranchised land is vested. The Minister may establish Customary Land Tribunals for purposes of this Act. The Act defines functions and powers of such tribunals.

Tokelau Amendment 1969.

New Zealand

This Act amends the Tokelau Act 1948 with respect to matters of legitimacy of the right of inheritance. The provisions of legitimacy: (a) insofar as it affects wills, shall have effect only in relation to the wills of testators who die after the passing of this Act; and (b) insofar as it affects instruments other than wills, shall have effect only in relation to instruments executed after the passing of this Act.

Amends: Tokelau Act 1948 (No. 24). (1948)

Tokelau Amendment 1963.

New Zealand

This Act amends the Tokelau Act 1948 by vesting in the native inhabitants of the atoll of Fakaofo specified land as a village area, to be held by them and their descendants according to their native customs and usages.

Amends: Tokelau Act 1948 (No. 24). (1948)

Tokelau Act 1948 (No. 24).

New Zealand

This Act makes provision for the administration of Tokelau and in particular provides with respect legislative powers of the General Fono and the Governor-General, proof of existence of rules, disallowance of rules and restoration of legislation. The Act also provides for the continuation in force of existing Laws and the application of common law of England.

Ley Nº 89 - Ley por la cual se determina la manera como deben ser gobernados los salvajes que vayan reduciéndose a la vida civilizada.

South America

La presente Ley dispone que la legislación general de la República no regirá entre los salvajes que vayan reduciéndose á la vida civilizada por medio de misiones. En consecuencia, el Gobierno, de acuerdo con la Autoridad eclesiástica, determinará la manera como esas incipientes sociedades deban ser gobernadas. Las comunidades de indígenas reducidos yá a la vida civil tampoco se regirán por las leyes generales de la República en asuntos de Resguardos.