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Trade Policy Reform in the East Asian Transition Economies

August, 2014

The performance of the East Asian
transition economies in export and income growth has been
strikingly better than that of countries in Eastern Europe
and the former Soviet Union. The East Asian economies have
achieved remarkably high growth rates in outputs and exports
without the often large declines in output and exports
observed in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. East
Asian reformers have successfully made many of the parallel

Driving Dispossession: The Global Push to “Unlock the Economic Potential of Land”

Reports & Research
June, 2014
Sri Lanka
Papua New Guinea

Driving Dispossession: The Global Push to “Unlock the Economic Potential of Land,” sounds the alarm on the unprecedented wave of privatization of natural resources that is underway around the world. Through six case studies — Ukraine, Zambia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, and Brazil — the report details the myriad ways by which governments — willingly or under the pressure of financial institutions and Western donor agencies — are putting more land into so-called “productive use” in the name of development.

Trade-offs between high class land and development: Recent and future pressures on Auckland's valuable soil resources

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2014
New Zealand

Sustainable land management is essential to meeting the global challenge of securing soil and water resources that can support an ever increasing population. In Auckland, New Zealand's largest city, population growth is forecast to increase from 1.5 to 2.5 million by 2040 which will put immense pressure on the region's soil resources.

Planning Un-Sustainable Development of Mezzogiorno. Methods and Strategies for Planning Human Sustainable Development

Peer-reviewed publication
May, 2014

Growing like “wildfire”, traffic congestion, the spread of pollution, the inefficiency of the services, the chaotic mix of land uses, lack of green are some of the features, unfortunately now become familiar in cities across the world. This is an interesting time for both examine the tools available to urban planners expression of for the analysis and definition of policies both to see how they have adapted to the new conditions. A betterenvironment and qualitylandscapes are necessary conditions for attractinginvestments, assets and people. But they are not sufficient.

Export Profiles of Small Landlocked Countries : A Case Study Focusing on their Implications for Lesotho

May, 2014

World Bank demographic and country
characteristic statistics identify 16 small landlocked
countries that are similar to Lesotho. The authors attempt
to determine what useful policy information can be derived
from the recent trade performance of these
"comparators." Among questions they pose are
whether the trade profiles of the comparators suggest
potentially promising export ventures for Lesotho, do they

Social Housing in Urban Regeneration. Regeneration Heritage Existing Building: Methods and Strategies

Peer-reviewed publication
April, 2014

The theme of urban regeneration has played a strategic role during the last two decades in European and national urban building policies. Current addresses, also defined in Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities in 2007, indentify the necessity to invest in requalification of degraded residential assets and not in new developments, individuating in urban regeneration the main tool for development of contemporary city. Public neighborhoods have developed, historically, a wide set of common problems.

The politics of the forest frontier: Negotiating between conservation, development, and indigenous rights in Cross River State, Nigeria

Peer-reviewed publication
April, 2014

Nigeria's once thriving plantation economy has suffered under decades of state neglect and political and civil turmoil. Since Nigeria's return to civilian rule in 1999, in a bid to modernize its ailing agricultural economy, most of its defunct plantations were privatized and large new areas of land were allocated to ‘high-capacity’ agricultural investors.

Comercialización en la Agricultura Familiar Campesina Andina

Policy Papers & Briefs
April, 2014

A partir de la experiencia de un proyecto especializado en los denominados “circuitos cortos de mercado”, el autor de este artículo presenta y desglosa las conflictivas relaciones entre la producción de la agricultura campesina  y los mercados urbanos. Es indudable, nos dice el autor, que en la actualidad y en un marcado contexto de modernización en los países andinos, existen nuevas oportunidades y riesgos de exclusiones. Por ello, hoy más que nunca, se hace imprescindible indagar alternativas e innovaciones de mercado para nuevas relaciones entre el campo y las ciudades.