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Database Management System Construction for the Evaluation Results of Intensive Land Use in the Development Areas of Hunan Province

Reports & Research
November, 2013

Using spatial data integration and database technology, analyzing and integrating the assessment results in all the development zones at different time in Hunan Province, the paper is intended to construct the database and managerial system for the assessment results of land use intensity in development zones, thus formulating “one map” of Hunan Development zones and realizing the integrated management and application of the assessment results in all the development zones at any time of Hunan above the provincial level.

Negotiating Access to Land in Nepal

Peer-reviewed publication
November, 2013

In a rural agrarian economy like that of Nepal, land has traditionally been a primary source of livelihood and security, as well as a symbol of status. Thousands of poor farmers are completely dependent on land for their livelihoods, yet not all of them have access to or control over this fundamental resource. Negotiation for access to land has been a lengthy and complicated process. It remains so in the changed political context of Nepal, where increasing numbers of emerging actors need to be considered, often with conflicting claims and counterclaims.

Agriculture and Rural Cooperation: Examples from Armenia, Georgia and Moldova

Reports & Research
November, 2013

This paper was prepared within the “Cooperatives and their alternatives” component of the Agrarian Structures Initiative (ASI) which a regional program of FAO in Europe and Central Asia. This paper outlines some of the main issues influencing the development (or not) of farmer and rural organisations and presents in further detail the specific situation in Armenia, Georgia and Moldova. All three countries returned ownership of the majority of land to the rural population.

The Roadmap for Green Development of Western China

November, 2013

China has made some remarkable achievements in sustainable development, but the constant deterioration of the overall trend of the environment has not yet been effectively curbed. To achieve the goal of sustainable development, we must first ensure coordination and coherence of national development goals in different areas and adhere to green development road. To achieve the objectives related to green development, and to clarify the direction of green development in the next 20 years, a road map is needed to guide and coordinate the process.

Constructing Rights

Peer-reviewed publication
October, 2013

Malaysia has declared its vision of developed country status by the year 2020. Much has been written about its top-down development approach, its relative economic success and the social as well as environmental costs of such approach. In 2011 and 2012 the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) set into motion a national inquiry into the status of customary rights to land in the country. As part of the inquiry, a nationwide series of consultations was held over several months in 2012, culminating in formal public hearings in Peninsular Malyasia, Sarawak and Sabah.

Conference summary and recommendations the third conference on climate change and development in Africa (CCDA-III)

Conference Papers & Reports
October, 2013

This paper focuses on the Conference Summary and Recommendations The Third Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA-III). The overall objective of the conference was to build on CCDA I and II and stimulate debate among experts and stakeholders on how opportunities in climate change can enhance Africa’s transformative and inclusive economic growth and development agenda. CCDA-I and II provided critical input in defining the programme and activities of Clim Dev-Africa, including investment in climate science data, information and service delivery in pilot

Land Rights are Fundamental to Millennium Development Goals

October, 2013

Why are secure property rights and good land governance fundamental to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)? Earlier this month, a group of experts provided answers to this question – and worked to build support for a prominent role for land tenure security and property rights in a Post-2015 MDG framework - at a side event at the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS).

Development of a participatory action research approach for four agricultural carbon projects in East Africa

Reports & Research
September, 2013
Eastern Africa

This paper describes an action research process undertaken with four African agricultural carbon projects—CARE’s Sustainable Agriculture in Changing Climate Initiative in Western Kenya; World Vision’s Assisted Natural Regeneration Project in Humbo, Ethiopia; Vi Agroforestry’s Western Kenya Agricultural Carbon Project; and ECOTRUST’s Trees for Global Benefits in Uganda—to explore their institutional changes as project managers and communities work to build local capacity for project management.

Tales from the Development Frontier : How China and Other Countries Harness Light Manufacturing to Create Jobs and Prosperity

September, 2013

Despite widespread agreement among economists that labor-intensive manufacturing has contributed mightily to rapid development in China and other fast-growing economies, most developing countries have had little success in raising the share of manufacturing in production, employment, or exports. Tales from the Development Frontier recounts efforts to establish light manufacturing clusters in several Asian and African countries, looking in particular at China.

USAID and the Government of Ethiopia launch the Land Administration to Nurture Development (LAND) Program

August, 2013

In June, Ethiopian State Minister of Agriculture Ato Sileshi Getahun joined USAID/Ethiopia Mission Director Dennis Weller, to officially launch the Land Administration to Nurture Development (LAND) project. The LAND project builds on the success of two previous USAID projects that supported the certification of rural land rights, the reform of federal and regional laws governing land administration and land use, and the strengthening of government capacity to administer these rights.