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Security for Forest and Range Practice Liabilities Regulation (B.C. Reg. 20/2004).

Northern America

The present Regulation implements the Forest and Range Practices Act. In particular, it deals with security and liabilities of forest and range practice. The text consists of 3 sections as follows: Security (1); Return of security (2); Offence (3).

Implements: Forest and Range Practices Act ([SBC 2002] Chapter 69). (2016-02-29)

Carinthia Sewage Sludge and Compost Ordinance.

Western Europe

The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the treatment of sewage sludge, biogenic waste, biowaste, and green waste on agricultural land. The text consists of 13 articles dealing with definition of terms, treatment of biogenic waste and sewage sludge, requirements of biogenic waste to be used on agricultural land, bringing into circulation, and entry into force. Seven Annexes are enclosed.

Order No. 153 on nitrogen forecast for 2004.

Northern Europe

This Order sets regulation on the use of fertilizers in agriculture and establishes specific delineation of areas of corn and spring-sown crops with high nitrogen ratio by making corrections on soil type and geographic location. These corrections apply to corn and spring-sown crops with higher nitrogen ratio than 0 kg N per. ha (as listed in Appendix 1, Table 1).Appendix 1 - Breakdown of municipalities in the two areas in the above table.

Decree No. 5.300 of 7 December 2004 implementing Act No. 7.661 on National Planning for Coastal Zone Management.

South America

This Decree, composed of 40 articles structured in seven chapters, implements Act No. 7.661 on National Planning for Coastal Zone Management, PNGC. The Decree rules on coastal zone use and occupation procedures and establishes rules for the management of maritime ORLA. It defines general rules for Coastal Zone environmental Management establishing the basic provisions for the identification of policies, plans and programmes at federal, state and local levels, indicating the related competent authorities.

Resolución Nº 176 - Costos de forestación, recuperación de suelos degradados, poda y raleo por hectárea para la temporada del año 2002.

South America

La presente Resolución fija los costos de forestación, recuperación de suelos degradados, estabilización de dunas, poda y raleo, en pesos y por hectárea, y el establecimiento de cortinas cortavientos , en pesos y por kilómetro, para la temporada de forestación del año 2002.

Implementa: Decreto Ley Nº 701 - Fomento forestal. (1979-03-21)

Decree No. 8803 of 2002 regulating stone quarries.

Western Asia

This Decree is composed of 4 Parts divided into 4 chapters and 30 articles. Part I defines stone quarries and their places. Chapters I to IV deal with the following matters: the National Council for Stone Quarries; licences; exploiter’s obligations during and after the period of exploitation transfer; and, amendment and extension of licences. Investment allowances and compensations are dealt with in Part II. Parts III and IV contain violation seizures, penalties provisions, and transitional provisions.

Décret n° 2003-417 étendant le périmètre d'intervention du Conservatoire de l'espace littoral et des rivages lacustres dans le Marais Vernier (Eure).

Western Europe

Le périmètre d'intervention du Conservatoire de l'espace littoral et des rivages lacustres est étendu sur les parties de territoire des communes suivantes du département de l'Eure: - commune de Sainte-Opportune-la-Mare : sections cadastrales ZH-AC-AD-ZA; - commune de Saint-Ouen-des-Champs: sections cadastrales AB-AC; - commune de Saint-Thurien : section cadastrale AB.

Décret nº 2002-3332 portant approbation d'une convention de concession et d'un cahier des charges pour l'occupation et l'exploitation des parties du domaine public maritime du Lac Nord de Tunis.

Northern Africa

Le présent décret porte approbation d'une convention de concession et d'un cahier des charges pour l'occupation et l'exploitation des parties du domaine public maritime du Lac Nord de Tunis.

Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 95-73 relative au domaine public maritime. (1995-07-24)

Ministerial Decree No. 112 on land tenure of radioactively and chemically contaminated land, carrying out drainage and land reclamation thereon, setting up protection zones and conservation of objects situated thereon.

Eastern Europe

Contaminated land depending upon the type and the level of contamination or indices of negative impact upon human health and environment caused by contamination, shall be transferred into reserve land for the purpose of conservation, shall be used in conformity with purposeful use thereof under special conditions of land tenure and shall be used in conformity with purposeful use thereof without the establishment of special conditions of land tenure if contamination level and indices of negative impact do not exceed the established rates.

Farm Waste Grant (Nitrate Vulnerable Zones)(Wales) Scheme 2004 (S.I. No. 1606 (W.165) of 2004).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Scheme makes provision for the making of grants in respect of agricultural businesses which are situated in nitrate vulnerable zones, as defined by paragraph 4 of the Schedule to the Protection of Water against Agricultural Nitrate Pollution (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2002.

Landfill Tax (Amendment) Regulations 2004 (S.I. No. 769 of 2004).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations amend the principal Regulations of 1996 by amending the definition of "transfer note" in regulation 2(1) of the principal Regulations to include transfer notes that are required in Northern Ireland. Regulation 3 increases the maximum credit that landfill site operators may claim against their annual landfill tax liability in the scheme whereby operators are entitled to credit based on the contributions they give to approved bodies with objects concerned with the environment.