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Contaminated Sites Remediation Regulation (Man. Reg. 105/97).

Northern America

The present Regulation implements the Contaminated Sites Remediation Act (Chapter C-205). In particular, it deals with definitions, site registry, expropriation, determination of hearing costs incurred by the Commission. One Schedule is enclosed concerning eligible costs of commission hearings.

Implements: Contaminated Sites Remediation Act (C.C.S.M.c. C 205). (2017)

Conservation Districts Regulation (Man. Reg.14/88).

Northern America

The present Act implements the Conservation Districts Act (C-175). In particular, it refers to section 3 dealing with the Conservation Districts Commission.Subject to the approval of the Commission are: a) drainage improvement, development and maintenance; b) flood control; c) soil conservation; d) water conservation; e) recreation development; and f) such other programmes of resource conservation and development as the board may deem. The text consists of 20 sections.

Implements: Conservation Districts Act (C.C.S.M. c. C175). (2006)

Regulation on forestation.

Western Asia

The present Regulation provides guidelines to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry on planning afforestation activities: (i) Preparation of afforestation projects; (ii) Selection of areas for afforestation; (iii) Organizing forest - social community relations; and (iv) Preparation of annual programs and location distribution tables. One year prior to afforestation, all trees and shrubs that are classified as non-economic will be cleared from the area.

Decision No. 179998/QD-BTC of the Minister of Finance to issue the Regulation on the land, water surface and sea surface rents applicable to foreign investment forms in Vietnam.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision of the Minister of Finance provides for issuing the Regulation on rents applicable to foreign investors who rent land, or water expanses or sea areas in order to conduct their operations (agricultural, infrastructure etc. etc.) Rent Coefficients shall be calculated for urban, non urban land, water( meaning river and lakes) and sea on specific parameters.

Ministerial Decree No.140 of 1994 regarding recultivation, removal, conservation and rational use of the fertile layer of soil.

Eastern Europe

The Government, for the purpose of ensuring recultivation, removal, conservation and rational use of the fertile layers of soil, as well as for strengthening control over timely restoration of damaged soil and its involvement into economic activity, decrees to establish that recultivation of land, damaged by legal persons and citizens in the process of exploration of minerals and peat, carrying out construction activity of all types, geological prospecting, land reclamation, projecting and prospecting and other types of activity, as well as storage and disposal of industrial, domestic and o

Decreto Nº 26.771/J - Reglamento del Registro Público.

Costa Rica
Central America

El presente Decreto aprueba el Reglamento del Registro Público, que tiene bajo su competencia la registración y la expedición de certificaciones acerca de la constitución, modificación y extinción de derechos sobre propiedad inmueble, hipotecas comunes y de cédulas, sociedades mercantiles y civiles, asociaciones civiles, poderes de personas físicas y concesiones de la zona marítima terrestre.

Enmendado por: Decreto Nº 35.509/J - Reglamento de organización del Registro Inmobiliario. (2009-09-30)

Ministerial Decree No. 537 of 2000 regarding the sphere of competence of Federal Land Cadastre Service.

Eastern Europe

The Government decrees to establish that Federal Land Cadastre Service is the Federal Executive Body in the field of state management of land resources that carries out special (executive, control, authorization and other) functions as regards keeping up of state land cadastre and state registration of immovable property situated the plots of land, land survey, state cadastre valuation of land, land monitoring and state control over the use and the protection of land. Federal Land Cadastre Service is entrusted with the functions of the abolished State Land Policy Committee.

Resolución Nº 130 - Normas técnicas sobre planes de ordenamiento predial.

South America

La presente Resolución aprueba las Normas técnicas sobre Planes de Ordenamiento Predial (POP), cuyo objetivo es el de garantizar a largo plazo la conservación y el uso sostenible de las tierras del dominio originario del Estado asignadas a los particulares, mediante un proceso de clasificación de tierras por su capacidad de uso mayor a nivel predial.

Regional Decree No. 14/96/A adopting to the Autonomous Region of Azores Decree-Law No. 219/94 (on the coastal zone management plan).

Southern Europe

This Regional Decree adopts to the Autonomous Region of Azores Decree-Law No. 219/94 (concerning the coastal zone management plan). It consists of 3 articles specifying that for the Autonomous Region of Azores the competent authority entitled for the management, exploitation and conservation of: water, environment and natural resources shall be the Regional Direction for the Management and Planning of Territory and Water Resources.

Order No. 779/99 establishing the planning for the recreational harbours within the Municipality of Albufeira.

Southern Europe

This Order establishes the planning for the recreational harbours within the Municipality of Albufeira. It consists of 7 chapters establishing requirements and conditions to be met in order to manage and authorize every activity to be performed within the said area (including land use planning, coastal area planning, construction of port facilities, etc.). General provisions (Chap. 1); General provisions concerning soil use (2); Specific provisions (3); urbanisation and building characteristics (4); Special provisions (5); External areas for private use (6); Final provisions (7).

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 151/98 approving the coastal zone planning (POAA) of 'Albufeira de Alvito'.

Southern Europe

This Resolution approves the Regulation for Coastal Zone Planning of 'Albufeira de Alvito' (POAA). The Regulation consists of 3 chapters and 1 annex defining the conditions to be satisfied in order to organize and plan the coastal zone of the aforesaid area. The text is divided as follows: General provisions (Chap. 1); Zoning and activities (including land protection, exploitation and use according to the different area) (2); Final provisions, including POAA licensing (3). Annex list geographical map of the area.