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Law No. 6537 amending the Law No. 5403 on Soil Preservation and Land Utilization.

Western Asia

This Law amends Law No. 5403 on Soil Preservation and Land Utilization with several minor changes. This Law adds Articles 8A to 8K regarding agricultural land sizes and transfer of inherited agricultural lands. This Law repeals the last sentence of Paragraph 5 of Article 13 of Law No. 3083 on land reform regarding rearrangement of land in irrigated areas.

Amends: Law No. 5403 on Soil Preservation and Land Utilization. (2005-07-03)
Amends: Law No. 3083 on land reform regarding rearrangement of land in irrigated areas. (1984-11-22)

Act I of 1987 (The Act of Land).

Eastern Europe

The Act is divided into six Parts as follows: Preamble (1); Ownership (2), divided into the following chapters: General rules (I), State ownership (II), Cooperative ownership (III), Private ownership (IV), Special rules concerning acquisition of land; Use of Land (3), divided into the following chapters: Joint use with a farmers' agricultural cooperative (VII), Indemnification in case of certain rights of use of public interest. Part 4 deals with the exchange of land (X), Land/estate reallocation (XI).

Nature-based Activities Act (No. 610 of 1984).

Northern Europe

The scope of this Act is to improve the living standards and the opportunity of earning of those who occupy themselves with agriculture, forestry, fishery and aqaculture, hunting, reindeer breeding and other nature-based activities in the Northern districts of Finland. The Act provides a possibility for such persons to acquire lands which may be used for the purposes as indicated in this Act and the Act relative to Agricultural Production Units (188/77) (sect. 8). Section 15 provides for the right of access to water.

Farmland Act.

Republic of Korea
Eastern Asia

The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the strengthening of the agricultural competitiveness, the balanced development of the national economy, and the preservation of national land through the stabilization of farmers' agricultural management and the improvement of agricultural productivity, by stipulating necessary matters for the ownership, utilization, preservation, etc.

National Environment Policy (NEP).

National Policies
Eastern Africa

The National Environment Policy (NEP) is a multi-sectoral instrument whose vision is to reach environmental sustainability for the Republic of Mauritius and to ensure a clean and healthy environment. The specific objectives to be attained in this field include the following: Conservation of Environmental Resources; integration of environmental concerns in economic and social development; development of environmental ethics in citizens. The policy recognizes the right of every person to a clean and healthy environment.

Law No. VII of 1961 on forest and wildlife management and its implementing Decree No. 73 of 1981 of the Cabinet on the management of forests and wildlife.

Eastern Europe

This is a comprehensive statute of forest management aiming to extend forests by reforestation, to produce good quality and competitive forest products; to contribute to soil conservation, water management and other useful purposes; to integrate hunting and wildlife management with the national economy. The Law differentiates between forests (for timber extraction, research purposes, protection forests and recreational forests, protected forests and for wildlife management purposes) and other woodlands whose surface area is less than half a hectare.

Guam Land Conservation Act - Chapter 65 of Division 6 of Title 5 of the Guam Code.


This Act allows the Department of Agriculture to establish agricultural preserves, contains rules governing administration and establishment of preserves, grants authority to the Department to enter into contracts with landowners to limit the use of agricultural land for preservation purposes and provides for relief from the provisions of such contracts.The following lands may be included in an agricultural reserve: (a) land devoted to recreational use; (b) a wildlife habitat area; and (c) a submerged area.

Decreto Supremo Nº 072/05/PCM - Reglamento del Registro Nacional de Profesionales y Técnicos de Demarcación Territorial.

South America

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba el Reglamento que norma los alcances y el proceso de inscripción en el Registro Nacional de Profesionales y Técnicos de Demarcación Territorial acreditados ante la Dirección Nacional Técnica de Demarcación Territorial (DNTDT) de la Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros (PCM), que tiene por finalidad organizar y unificar la información de los profesionales y técnicos, capacitados en materia de saneamiento de límites y organización territorial, comprometidos con los objetivos y principios del proceso de Demarcación y Organización Territorial.

Fish and Game Code - Chapter 7.4 of Division 2; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Department-Managed Lands (secs. 1745 - 1745.2).

United States of America
Northern America

This Chapter of Division 2 of the Fish and Game Code of California concern management of Department-managed lands, i.e. includes lands, or lands and water, acquired for public shooting grounds, state marine (estuarine) recreational management areas, ecological reserves, and wildlife management areas. The Department may enter into contracts or other agreements for the management and operation of department-managed lands with non-profit conservation groups.

Common Agricultural Policy Single Payment and Support Schemes (Cross Compliance) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2010 (S.R. No. 174 of 2010).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations amend the Common Agricultural Policy Single Payment and Support Schemes (Cross Compliance) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2005 in the requirements associated with Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition (GAEC) regarding irrigation authorisations, undergrazing, field boundaries protection of semi natural habitats and historic monuments.

Décret exécutif nº 08-122 modifiant et complétant le décret exécutif nº 06-424 fixant la composition et le fonctionnement du conseil de coordination côtière.

Northern Africa

Le présent décret modifie la composition du conseil de coordination côtière, qui a pour objet de mobiliser l’ensemble des moyens requis pour la protection des zones littorales ou côtières sensibles ou exposées à des risques environnementaux particuliers, en ajoutant la direction de l'environnement de wilaya et le commissariat national du littoral.

Modifie: Décret exécutif nº 06-424 fixant la composition et le fonctionnement du conseil de coordination côtière. (2006-11-22)