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Regulation amending Regulation on requirements for additives to enrich soil.

Eastern Europe

This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, which is composed of two paragraphs and one Annex, amends conditions for using soil improvers. In particular it specifies the new form of declaration which has to be signed by an entity buying soil improvers. During the purchase it has to be declared that the improvers will be used only as soil improvers and will not be used to feed livestock.

Measures of Tianjin Municipality for implementing the Water and Soil Conservation Law of the People’s Republic of China.

Eastern Asia

These Measures are formulated in accordance with the provisions in the Water and Soil Conservation Law, aiming to prevent and control water and soil loss, protect and rationally utilize water and soil resources, reduce flood, drought, sandstorm disasters, improve the ecological environment, and ensure the sustainable economic and social development. The Text consists of 28 Articles.The municipal water administrative department shall carry out the investigation of soil and water loss every five years and shall make a public announcement of the results according to law.

Brisbane River Tidal Lands Improvement Act 1927.


The Act authorizes the construction of a weir over the tidal land of the Breakfast Creek. The Brisbane City Council will be responsible for the construction, the maintenance and renewal of the weir (sect. 3). It consists of 5 sections and is completed by one schedule that provides the map of the area and the location of the weir.

Repealed by: Gold Coast Waterways Authority Act 2012 (Act No. 38 of 2012). (2016-05-25)

Décret modifiant le décret du 22 février 1995 relatif à l'assainissement du sol, en ce qui concerne l'assainissement de sites (1).

Western Europe

Ce décret apporte des modifications à certains articles du décret du 22 février 1995 relatif à l'assainissement du sol, en ce qui concerne l'assainissement de sites. Le texte est formé par 4 articles.

Modifie: Décret relatif à l'assainissement du sol. (1997-03-15)

Regulation on the use of sewage sludge in agriculture.

Southern Europe

This Regulation of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, which is composed of 19 articles and two Annexes, establishes provisions concerning the use of sewage sludge as a fertilizer in agriculture, and in particular, prohibitions and restrictions on such use and details on reporting to the European Commission. The sludge from sewage treatment plants, small sewage treatment plants or common treatment facilities may be used in agriculture as a fertilizer only in accordance with this regulation. This Regulation is divided into the following Sections: General provisions (Sec.

Regulation on soil pollution caused by waste.

Southern Europe

The objective of this Regulation of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, which is composed of 18 articles and four Annexes, is to to improve the ecological condition of the soil with the use of excavated material or artificially prepared soil. This Regulation also lays down conditions for the use of building materials, prepared from processed or unprocessed waste of mineral resources if it is in contact with rainwater, groundwater or surface water. Control of the implementation of this Regulation shall be conducted by the inspectors responsible for environmental protection.

National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA)

National Policies
Eastern Africa

The preparation of the Tanzania National Adaption Programme of Action plan is the result of the impacts of climate change on sectors such as agriculture, water, health, energy and others in 2007. Tanzania NAPA document is informed by the aspirations of National Development Vision 2025 for high and shared growth, quality livelihood, peace, stability and unity, good governance, high-quality education and global competitiveness. The NAPA preparatory process involved the participation of many stakeholders.

Décret n° 2-87-917 du 11 chaabane 1408 (30 mars 1988) portant création et délimitation du périmètre d'amélioration pastorale d'El Faija (province de Khenifra).

Northern Africa

Le présent décret crée une zone spéciale d'action rurale dite périmètre d'amélioration pastorale d'El Faija (province de Khenifra). La création de cette zone vise à limiter la dégradation des pâturages et en assurer la reconstitution en vue d’une exploitation rationnelle.

Décret n° 2-89-756 du 09 ramadan 1410 (5 avril 1990) portant création et délimitation du périmètre d'amélioration pastorale de Tendrara (province de Figuig).

Northern Africa

Le présent décret crée une zone spéciale d'action rurale dite périmètre d'amélioration pastorale sise dans la commune rurale de Tendrara (Province de Figuig). La création de cette zone vise à limiter la dégradation des pâturages et en assurer la reconstitution en vue d’une exploitation rationnelle.

Décret n° 2-91-572 du 30 safar 1412 (10 septembre 1991) relatif à la création et délimitation du périmètre d'amélioration pastorale de Bouârfa (province de Figuig).

Northern Africa

Le présent décret crée et délimite un périmètre d'amélioration pastorale de Bouârfa (province de Figuig). Cette zone s’étend sur l’ensemble du territoire de la Commune rurale de Bouarfa, à l’exception des terrains domaniaux et des terres agricoles appartenant à des particuliers.

Décret n° 2-87-524 du 11 chaabane 1408 (30 mars 1988) portant création et délimitation du périmètre d'amélioration pastorale d'El Hadra des Sraghna (commune rurale de Maïat, cercle d'EI-Kelâa-des-Sraghna, province d'EI-Kelâa-des-Sraghna).

Northern Africa

Le présent décret crée et délimite un périmètre d'amélioration pastorale d'El Hadra des Sraghna (commune rurale de Maïat, cercle d'EI-Kelâa-des-Sraghna, province d'EI-Kelâa-des-Sraghna).La création de cette zone vise à limiter la dégradation des pâturages et en assurer la reconstitution en vue d’une exploitation rationnelle.Par ailleurs, les associations d’élevage constituées dans les limites de ce périmètre antérieurement à la publication de ce décret doivent être déclarés aux autorités administratives locales.

Law No. 555 “On soil protection”.

Central Asia

This Law establishes basic principles of state policy, legal grounds for acting of state bodies, natural and legal persons, with a view of rational and careful soil management, soil conservation, improvement of soil fertility and soil protection against negative impact. The Act consists of 5 Sections divided into 21 articles: (1) general provisions; (2) state regulation in the sphere of soil protection; (3) soil protection requirements; (4) state control in the sphere of soil protection; and (5) conclusive provisions.