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Ordinance on classification of agricultural land according to degree of erosion hazard.

Western Europe

The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the classification of agricultural land according to degree of erosion risks by water and wind with a view to direct payments. The text consists of 4 articles as follows: Classification and representation (1); Identification and marking of erosion- prone area (2); Non-standard requirements (3); Entry into force; expiry (4). Two Annexes are enclosed.

Décret exécutif nº 09-114 du 7 avril 2009 fixant les conditions d'élaboration du plan d'aménagement côtier, son contenu, et les modalités de sa mise en oeuvre.

Northern Africa

Le présent décret a pour objet de fixer les conditions d'élaboration du plan d'aménagement côtier, son contenu, et les modalités de sa mise en oeuvre.

Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 02-02 relative à la protection et à la valorisation du littoral. (2002-02-05)

Ministerial Joint Decree No. 110/1205322 setting forth technical specifications for the development of studies for the delimitation of land areas falling under the “NATURA 2000” network − updating, description and delimitation of land habitat types in ...

Southern Europe

The exact description and delimitation of habitat types are an important tool and a basic condition for the protection and effective management of the natural environment and biodiversity in Greece. It is also a bounding obligation towards the competent EU bodies. Previously registered habitats (period 1999−2001) concerned in total 237 land areas totaling roughly 2 millions hectares of land. This work was the first and only mapping of habitat types in protected areas, resulting in the production of thematic maps (habitat type maps).

Law No.5 of 1982 on the protection of grasslands and forests.

Northern Africa

This Law consisting of 27 articles aims at regulating the green cover protection in Libya. It establishes that the General People's Committee for Agricultural Land Reclamation and Reconstruction is responsible for protection, development and management of public forests and rangelands, and contributes to administrate private forests and pastoral farms.

Development and Planning (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations, 2010.

Cayman Islands

These Regulations amend the Development and Planning Regulations (2006 revision) in a various provisions concerning planning and building permissions on residential and agricultural land. Some requirements also concern construction in coastal zones. They also concern "planned area developments", i.e. master planned developments of large tracts of land that provide for a mix of land uses, densities and open space. A planned area development may be considered when a proposed master plan is submitted to the Central Planning Authority for approval.

Kerala Land Development Act, 1964 (Act No. 17 of 1964).

Southern Asia

This Act provides for the establishment of the Land Development Board and defines its composition and functions, which include to direct the District Committees for the preparation of draft schemes and approve them, to advise Government on the strategies to be followed for land and water conservation as well as eco-restoration, etc.The Act also establishes District Committees, a Padasekharam Committee, and a Watershed committee.The Act sets out procedures for the preparation, and contents of, Land Development Schemes which shall provide for: control and prevention of soil erosion; preservat

Resolución Nº 503/12 - Por la cual se ordena a la Dirección General de Control de la Calidad Ambiental y de los Recursos Naturales realizar un monitoreo de las áreas de reserva legal de bosques en propiedades rurales de más de veinte hectáreas en todo ...

South America

En virtud de esta Resolución se ordena a la Dirección General de Control de la Calidad Ambiental y de los Recursos Naturales realizar un monitoreo de las áreas de reserva legal de bosques en propiedades rurales de más de veinte hectáreas en todo el teritorio nacional. Asimismo, se dispone que en todo proyecto que se desarolle en propiedades rurales de más de 20 hectáreas la misma Dirección debe determinar si el proponente del proyecto cumple con la obligación de mantener el 25 por ciento del área de bosque natural.

Law No. 8934 on environmental protection.

Southern Europe

This Law establishes the framework on environmental protection, which aims at: (a) the rational use of natural resources; (b) the prevention of environmental damage and, when necessary, the rehabilitation and restoration of damaged environment; and (c) the international cooperation in the field of environmental protection.

Décret n° 2012-006-PR du 07-03-2012 portant organisation des départements ministériels.

Western Africa

Le présent décret définit l'organisation des départements ministériels et détermine les institutions et organismes qui leur sont rattachés.Ce sont notamment, entre autres, le Ministère de la santé; le Ministère de l'eau, de l'assainissement et de l'hydraulique villageoise; le Ministère de l'administration territoriale, de la décentralisation et des collectivités locales; le Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'élevage et de la pêche; le Ministère de l'environnement et de ressources forestières; le Ministère du commerce et de la promotion du secteur privé; le Ministère de l'urbanisme et de l'hab

Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania regarding the delimitation of jurisdictional subjects and plenary powers between the State Bodies of the Russian Federation and the State Bodies of the Republic of North ...

Eastern Europe

The authorized representatives of the state bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and the bodies of state power of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania have agreed on the following: 1)The relations between State Bodies of the Russian Federation and State Bodies of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania shall be governed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania and the present Treaty.

Foreshore and Seabed Act, 2004.

New Zealand

This Act provides for the preservation and protection of the public foreshore and seabed including the protection of the association of whanu, hapu and iwi by vesting the full legal ownership of the public foreshore and seabed in the Crown, providing for the recognition and protection of ongoing customary rights and by providing for general rights of public access and recreation in, on, over and across the public foreshore and seabed, etc.The Act provides for rights of access in, and of navigation within foreshore and seabed, and of fishing rights.The Act provides for the recognition of ter

Regulation on controlling soil pollution.

Western Asia

The Regulation specifies limited values and measures for preventing soil pollution. The Ministry of Environment, together with other pertinent institutions and agencies, defines the areas and locations where soil pollution occurs and determines and implements corresponding measures. The list of soil pollutants and their limit values are given in Annex-IA and Annex-IB of the Regulation. Use of any agricultural chemicals and fertilizers that are not licensed by the Ministry of Agriculture is prohibited. The use of waste disposal and composted materials are defined in details.