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Determination of land use and land cover changes in Canakkale province using remote sensing

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2013

The Landsat TM/ETM images obtained in 2000, 2006 and 2010 were used to generate Land Use and Land Cover (LULC)maps of Canakkale province including forest,grassland,agriculture,water and residential area bare soil classes.

Çalışmada 2000, 2006 ve 2010 yıllarında alınan Landsat TM/ETM uydu görüntüleri kullanılarak Çanakkale ilinin orman, mera, tarım, su, yerleşim çıplak alan sınıflarını içeren Arazi Kullanım ve Bitki Örtüsü (AKBÖ) haritaları yapılmıştır.

On a research landscape change and fragmentation case study,Bartin City and Arit Basin

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2013

In this study,land cover data were digitized on topographical maps(1954,1984 and 2001).Land cover data were analyzed using ArcGIS and Fragstats programs.

Bu çalışmada, araştırma alanına ait 1954,1984 ve 2001 yılı topoğrafik haritaları üzerindeki arazi örtüsü verileri sayısallaştırılmıştır.

The cadastre of values and income: some considerations

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2013

The article intends to verify the logical and methodological framework of a cadastre of values, based on the market prices, in addition to cadastre of incomes, as provided by the reform guidelines which
have been discussed by some time in the Italian Parliament, also in view of the criticism made and the issues inherent in the theoretical and empirical determination of the asset values for the intended purpose.

Technologies and spatial data for modern land governance. Tools to support the cadastral reform

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2013

This article outlines the methods and activities, in the field of mapping, in support of the important process of renewal of the entire cadastral system.
It describes the technology and spatial data currently available that can assist in setting up complex issues of reforming appraisal system and, more generally, in the processes against tax evasion in real estate.

Equity, land register and government of the territory. A methodological proposal to support the Public Administration

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2013

The paper presents a research project submitted to the MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research), in response to the Notice of PRIN (Scientific Research Programmes of Relevant National Interest) for the year 2012. The "Fairness, Land register and territory government" project addresses the core of property taxation and, in particular, how such fairness can be guaranteed in Italy only through a process of revision of the land register estimates.

Razionalizzazione estimativa dell’expertise immobiliare

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2013

La pratica estimativa italiana è caratterizzata da valutazioni basate su giudizi soggettivi formulati dai valutatori sulla base della loro esperienza e competenza piuttosto che sulla rilevazione di dati di mercato di immobili comparabili. Questa pratica intende sopperire alla carenza di informazioni sul mercato immobiliare e alla conseguente assenza di raccolte sistematiche di dati di mercato.

Interoperabilità e interdisciplinarità dell’informazione: l’approccio BIM dal progetto SEEMPubS al progetto DIMMER

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2013

I temi della progettazione, della realizzazione e della gestione costituiscono i capisaldi del processo edilizio e la tendenza attuale, seppure in stato embrionale per quanto riguarda il territorio nazionale, è rappresentata dall’applicazione di un approccio che preveda l’analisi e la ricerca di tipo integrato tra competenze e settori differenti per conoscenze ed esperienza.

Housing prices: an analysis of the dynamics of italian market development

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2013

Considering the time series of house prices at regional level in this article we present a study on the dynamics of house prices in Italy at both short and long term.
In the short run, we analyse real house price appreciation in order to investigate the existence of a common national impact, a city specific fixed effects and the persistence parameters with the aim to investigate co-movements among the regional time series.
For the long run, we propose a preliminary analysis on the existence of a “convergence” process among Italian regional house prices series.

Il catasto a valori e redditi: alcune considerazioni

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2013

L’articolo intende verificare la tenuta logico-metodologica della costituzione di un catasto dei valori basato sui valori di mercato, oltreché dei redditi, come prevedono le linee di riforma in discussione
da tempo nel Parlamento italiano, anche alla luce delle critiche avanzate e delle criticità insite nella determinazione teorica ed empirica dei valori patrimoniali per finalità impositive.

Information interoperability and interdisciplinarity: the BIM approach from SEEMPubS project to DIMMER project

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2013

Design, implementation and management constitute the cornerstones of the building process and the current trend, albeit still at an embryonic state in Italy, is represented by the application of a problem-solving approach combining integrated analysis and research between interdisciplinary professionals able to integrate their know-how and experience.

Analyzing migration phenomena with spatial autocorrelation techniques

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2013

In less than one century, Italy has tested a strong intensification of immigration changing from a country originating great migration flows to a country which is the destination of migration flows. The
aim of this paper is to examine foreign immigration in Italy distinguishing according to nationality of foreigners.
The spatial dimension of migration flows has been analyzed in this paper using Spatial Autocorrelation techniques and more particularly Local Indicators of Spatial Association in order to analyze the highest