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Regional Law No. 23-RZ “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

This Law regulates relations concerning ownership, land tenure, and disposal of agricultural land. It establishes terms and conditions for allotment of plots of agricultural land pertaining to state and municipal property, and also the modalities of expropriation thereof in regional and municipal ownership. Agricultural land shall be used exclusively for agricultural production. Privatization of agricultural land, pertaining to regional of municipal property, shall be authorizeв 49 years after entry into force of this Regional Law, except for distant (outrun) pastures.

Regional Law No. 48-Z “On regulation of relations in the sphere of turnover of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations in the sphere of turnover of agricultural land, including privatization thereof that shall be performed within the period of three years from the date of entry into force of this legislative act. Minimum land area of agricultural land plots authorized for transactions shall be established by the local government, varying from one to ten hectares and maximum agricultural land area that can be owned by a single natural or legal person shall not exceed ten percent of total available agricultural land area.

Regional Law No. 70-Z “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations concerning ownership, tenure and disposal of plots agricultural land and also land share in common property. Minimum consolidated agricultural land plot area shall be fifty hectares. Maximum agricultural land plot area that can be owned by a single household of by a single legal person within a single administrative unit shall not exceed ten percent of total available agricultural land area within the boundaries of a single municipal unit. Regional administration shall have preferential terms for purchase of agricultural land in case of sale thereof.

Regional Law No. 32-Z “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations concerning ownership, tenure and disposal of plots agricultural land and also land share in common property. Minimum consolidated agricultural land plot area shall be five hectares. Maximum agricultural land plot area that can be owned by a single household of by a single legal person within a single administrative unit shall not exceed seventy-five percent of total available agricultural land area within the boundaries of a single municipal unit.

Regional Law No. 200 “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations concerning ownership, tenure and disposal of plots agricultural land and also land share in common property. Maximum agricultural land plot area that can be owned by a single household of by a single legal person within a single administrative unit shall not exceed ten percent of total available agricultural land area. It also establishes that minimum agricultural land plot authorized for allotment for agricultural production shall be established within average allotment rate set forth for each municipal district.

State Lands (Amendment) Decree 2013 (No. 7 of 2013).


This Decree amends the State Lands Act, originally titled “Crown Lands Act”, in section 6 by adding a subsection (6), which provides that any i Taukei land which is exchanged for portions of State land under subsection (3) must not be exchanged for portions of private freehold land under subsection. It also adds a new section (28a), which allows a person who is not a registered surveyor to be appointed as the Director of Lands.

Law No. 3512-bc “On public property”.

Western Asia

This Law establishes that public property can be movable and immovable objects, including plots of agricultural land and public forest. It establishes the terms and conditions for privatization of public property. Privatization of public property shall be performed in accordance with purchase and sale contracts. The following objects of public property shall not be subject to privatization: (a) subsoil; (b) water resources; (c) territorial water; (d) continental shelf; (e) state forest fund; (f) protected areas; (g) national parks; and (h) objects of cultural heritage.

Law No. 5274-vs “On acknowledgement of the right of ownership to land plots pertaining to the ownership (tenancy) of natural and legal persons of private law.

Western Asia

The scope of this Law shall be acknowledgement of the right of ownership to land plots pertaining to the ownership (tenancy) of natural and legal persons of private law. It shall be also applicable to unauthorized land seizure related to the plots of land pertaining to public land. This Law establishes plenary powers of state bodies representing the interests of the state in the process of acknowledgement of the right of ownership.

Regional Law No. 59 “On realization of the right of citizens with three and more children of acquisition free of charge in ownership of the plots of land”.

Eastern Europe

The scope of this Regional law shall be to ensure the right of citizens with three and more children for acquisition free of charge in ownership of the plots of land pertaining to state or municipal property.

Law No. 59-z “On regulation of land relations”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations concerning tenure and conservation of land. Natural and legal persons shall have equal access to purchase in ownership of the plots of land. Local government shall have municipal property related to the following categories of land: (a) recognized as municipal land by federal and regional legislation; (b) right to which originates from delimitation of public property to land; (c) land purchased in accordance with civil legislation; and (d) land transferred free of charge out of federal property.

Regional Law No. 68-z "On allocation free of charge in ownership to legal persons of plots of land pertaining to state or municipal property".

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates the issues of allocation free of charge in ownership to legal persons of plots of land pertaining to state or municipal property. It shall be applicable to plots of land with non-delimited plenary powers and jurisdiction that can be disposed of by local government and also to plots of land pertaining to municipal property. The aforesaid plots of land can be allocated for collective housing construction.