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Regional Law No. 27-RZ “On the particulars of turnover of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

This Law regulates relations concerning ownership, land tenure, and disposal of agricultural land. It establishes terms and conditions for allotment of plots of agricultural land pertaining to state and municipal property, and also the modalities of expropriation thereof in regional and municipal ownership. Agricultural land shall be used exclusively for agricultural production. Privatization of agricultural land, pertaining to regional of municipal property, shall be authorizeв 49 years after entry into force of this Regional Law, except for distant (outrun) pastures.

Compulsory Acquisition of Land (Guernsey) Law, 1949.

Northern Europe

This Law provides for acquisition of private land by the States Treasury Department on behalf of public bodies for purposes of public interest. The law sets out procedures for such acquisition (by compulsory purchase order) and compensation to the former owner. The Act also provides for temporary possession of land by the States and control or use of and access to land (both also to be executed by orders).

Implemented by: Compulsory Acquisition of Land (Guernsey) (Prescribed Forms) Regulations, 2012 (G.S.I. No. 30 of 2012). (2012-07-03)

Sale of Land Act 1970.


This Act, consisting of 23 sections divided into six Parts, aims at consolidating and amending the law related to the sale of land. The Law is divided as follows: Part I Preliminary; Part II Sale of land under terms contract; Part III Restrictions on sale of subdivisional land; Part IV Offences in relation to sale of land; Part IVA Dealings in undivided shares in land; Part V Application to the Court by vendor or purchaser; Part VI Rules relating to title of general law land

Law amending the Law on State survey and the real estate cadastre.

Southern Europe

This Law amends certain provisions part of the Law on State survey and the real estate cadastre (Official Gazette 16/2007).Major changes are related to the general terms and official institutional denominations, scopes and established duties of the local competent bodies in terms of administrative and technical survey and standards, and other imprinting amendments.

Amends: Law on State survey and the real estate cadastre. (2007-01-26)

Regional Law No. 99-OZ “On allotment of land plots free of charge in ownership to citizens with three and more children”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes cases of allotment of land plots free of charge in ownership to citizens with three and more children out of stock of public or municipal land. Land plots can be allotted to the aforesaid category of citizens for the following purposes: (a) individual housing construction; (b) suburban housing construction; (c) gardening and horticulture; (d) stockbreeding; and (e) farming.

Regional Law No. 765-ZRK “On maximum agricultural land plot areas allotted out of stock of public and municipal land to citizens in ownership”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes maximum land area limits for plots of agricultural land allotted on condition of ownership to citizens out of stock of public or municipal land as follows: (a) for peasant farming – 30 ha; (b) for horticulture, gardening, stockbreeding, suburban housing construction out of stock of low yield agricultural land – 1.500 square metres; and (c) for subsidiary smallholding – 5.000 square metres.

Regional Law No. 109-OZ “On allotment of land plots free of charge to citizens”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of allotment of public or municipal land plots free of charge to citizens with three or more children, residing on the regional territory, and establishes minimum and maximum land areas. It shall be applicable to land plots under housing constructions. Families with three or more children under age shall be granted the right of allotment of the aforesaid plots of land free of charge once-only on condition of ownership. Minimum land area shall be 0, 04 ha and maximum land area shall be 0, 2 ha.

Land Tax Rating Act 2000.


This Act, consisting of 9 sections completed by one Schedule, prescribes the amount of land tax payable in respect of the apportioned assessed land value in respect of any principal residence land, primary production land and general land.

Regional Law No. 1057-OZ “On some issues related to turnover of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations concerning turnover of agricultural land within plenary powers pertaining to the jurisdictional competence of the regional administration. Minimum land area of agricultural land plots authorized for transactions shall be equivalent to average district land share. Maximum agricultural land plot area that can be owned by a single household or by a single legal person within a single administrative unit shall be ten percent of total available agricultural land area within the boundaries of a single municipal unit.