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Regulation amending the Regulation defining areas with natural or other specific constraints.

February, 2017

This Regulation amends some parts of the Regulation defining areas with natural or other specific constraints (Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 34/2015, 65/2015 and 91/2015).Changes are related to the local self-government and their powers and duties in relation to the status of affiliation with areas with natural or other special restrictions that has to be established; and names and official denominations of urban areas that are included in the group of the above mentioned areas with natural or other specific constraints that are located on the territory of the Republic of Croa

Resolución Nº 002-2017-VIVIENDA ─ Constituye la Comisión Consultiva del Sector Saneamiento del Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento.

January, 2017

El presente Decreto Supremo constituye la Comisión Consultiva del Sector Saneamiento del Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento, con el encargo de absolver consultas o emitir opiniones en temas de política y asuntos de competencia del sector saneamiento, expidiendo pronunciamientos de carácter no vinculante y siempre que el Ministro lo considere necesario; así como de promover el diálogo en asuntos del referido sector entre el Estado y la sociedad.

Movement patterns of a keystone waterbird species are highly predictable from landscape configuration

Journal Articles & Books
January, 2017

Background: Movement behaviour is fundamental to the ecology of animals and their interactions with other organisms, and as such contributes to ecosystem dynamics. Waterfowl are key players in ecological processes in wetlands and surrounding habitats through predator-prey interactions and their transportation of nutrients and other organisms. Understanding the drivers of their movement behaviour is crucial to predict how environmental changes affect their role in ecosystem functioning.

Decree No. 37.966 approving the Table of Classification of Urban and Rural Land Uses and Activities of the Distrito Federal.

January, 2017

This Decree, consisting of 7 articles and six Annexes, approves the Table of Classification of the Urban and Rural Land Uses and Activities of the Distrito Federal. In the Classification of Urban and Rural Uses and Activities of the Federal District, the activities are framed in the following uses: I - Urban: (A) residential as set out in Annex I; (B) as set out in Annex II; (C) industrial, as set out in Annex III; (D) institutional, as set out in Annex IV; (E) provision of services as set out in Annex V; II - Rural, as set out in Annex VI.

Arrêté A/2017/044/MVAT/CAB/SGG du 16 Janvier 2017, portant création, composition et fonctionnement d'une Commission interministérielle d’indemnisation des occupants des emprises du projet de construction de la nouvelle ville de Conakry dans les quartie...

January, 2017

Le présent arrêté crée une Commission Interministérielle de supervision et de contrôle des paiements d'indemnités dues aux occupants des emprises du Projet de construction de la Nouvelle Ville de Conakry dans les quartiers de Lambanyi,Waréya et Kobayah (Commune de Ratoma). La commission est chargée d'assurer les paiements des indemnités dues aux occupants des emprises du Projet de construction de la Nouvelle Ville de Conakry.

How Do Differences in Land Ownership Types in China Affect Land Development? A Case from Beijing

Peer-reviewed publication
January, 2017

China has a unique land use system in which there are two types of land ownership, namely, state-owned urban land and farmer collective-owned rural land. Despite strict restrictions on the use rights of farmer collective-owned land, rural land is, in fact, developed along two pathways: it is formally acquired by the state and transferred into state ownership, or it is informally developed while remaining in collective ownership.

Government Lands Act 2017.

December, 2016

This Act regulates the administration of Government land and land acquisition for public purposes. Further it establishes the procedure to be followed for such acquisition and provides for eviction from lands and properties which are either held or administered by the Government.

Reforming Urban Laws in Africa

Manuals & Guidelines
December, 2016
South Africa

Reforming Urban Laws in Africa, A Practical Guide, was written by Stephen Berrisford and the late Patrick McAuslan. It provides hands-on guidance to officials, practitioners and researchers working on the urgent task of improving, modernising and rationalising urban legislation in the Sub-Saharan region. 

Nepal Demographic and Health Survey 2016

Reports & Research
December, 2016

The 2016 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) is the fifth survey of its kind to be implemented in the country as part of the worldwide Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program. It was implemented by New ERA under the aegis of the Ministry of Health (MOH) of the Government of Nepal with the objective of providing reliable, accurate, and up-to-date data for the country.

An Overview of Large-Scale Investments in the Mekong Region

Reports & Research
December, 2016

WEBSITE INTRODUCTION: Across the Mekong region, ‘development’ has become synonymous with rapid economic growth, to be achieved through predominantly large-scale, private investments. The development model promoted by the region’s governments prioritizes trade and investment liberalization, and privatization. Private investment is sought in virtually every sector of the economy from energy, oil, minerals, agriculture and food processing to education, health, tourism, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, transportation and urban infrastructure.

Greenhouse Gas Implications of Peri-Urban Land Use Change in a Developed City under Four Future Climate Scenarios

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2016

Present decisions about urbanization of peri-urban (PU) areas may contribute to the capacity of cities to mitigate future climate change. Comprehensive mitigative responses to PU development should require integration of urban form and food production to realise potential trade-offs. Despite this, few studies examine greenhouse gas (GHG) implications of future urban development combined with impacts on PU food production.

Mapping technological and biophysical capacities of watersheds to regulate floods

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2016
United States of America

Flood regulation is a widely valued and studied service provided by watersheds. Flood regulation benefits people directly by decreasing the socio-economic costs of flooding and indirectly by its positive impacts on cultural (e.g., fishing) and provisioning (e.g., water supply) ecosystem services. Like other regulating ecosystem services (e.g., pollination, water purification), flood regulation is often enhanced or replaced by technology, but the relative efficacy of natural versus technological features in controlling floods has scarcely been examined.