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Proyecto Frijol Zona Andina: Antropologia: Informe final

Reports & Research
December, 1990
South America
Central America

Anthropological work carried out by the PROFRIZA project in Cusco over 2 cropping seasons, between 1988-90, are reported. The status of bean cultivation in the region was assessed, as well as the experience acquired in seed production, small farmer management of farming activities, and the integration of farming communities that have old ways of exchanging products and services. Appropriate technology to promote crop improvement was identified, and crop management aimed at achieving good results on just one field, instead of several fields, and perhaps with low yields.

Effect of land use on physical and hydrological characteristics of Kabete soils

Reports & Research
December, 1990

Soil physical and hydrological properties of kabete soils were
evaluated at three different land use sites namely forest,
grass la n d , and cropland sites. The purpose of this work was to
determine the effect of selected land uses on phy si caI and
hydrological characteristics of the kabete soils in Kenya.
Soil samples for this study were collected from the College of
Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (CAVS), field station. Soil
samples for the determination of bulk density, organic matter


Journal Articles & Books
November, 1990

El fuego es a veces enemigo, a voces amigo, segn el uso a que se destine la tierra y segn el valor que asuman unas cuantas variables ambientales; en cualquier caso, siempre repercute en los ecosistemas de recursos naturales. Es esencial, por consiguiente, tener en cuenta su efecto probable (tanto positivo, como negativo) al formular planes y programas de desarrollo forestal.


Journal Articles & Books
November, 1990
United States of America

Depending on land management objectives, plus a host of environmental variables, fire will sometimes be an enemy, at other times a friend; in nearly all cases, however, it will continue to exert a powerful influence on natural resource ecosystems. This being so, consideration of the potential impact (both positive and negative) of fire is essential in all land-use plans and programmes for forestry development.

Los bosques y la alimentaria

Journal Articles & Books
November, 1990

Unasylva examina el significado de los bosques para la seguridad alimentaria, formulando la siguiente pregunta: Cmo hacer que los programas y actividades de desarrollo forestal sirvan para asegurar econmica y materialmente a todo el mundo, en todo momento, el acceso a su alimento? En el artculo de fondo M. Hoskins expone cmo contribuyen - y cmo podrn contribuir - los bosques a la seguridad alimentaria, y sugiere estrategias para incorporar a las actividades de desarrollo forestal elementos de seguridad alimentaria.