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From Bullets to Banners and Back Again? The Ambivalent Role of Ex-combatants in Contested Land Deals in Sierra Leone

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2018
Sierra Leone

The rise of land deals poses unpredictable risks to war-torn societies, exposing them to the violent folds of the global economy. In Sierra Leone, commercial land leases have perpetuated the chieftaincy monopoly, further curtailed social mobility, and sparked particular resentment among youths and ex-combatants. Drawing on the concept of the “war machine,” I analyse how Kamajor militia fighters shape contestation against land deals and explore the attendant risks for remobilisation and conflict transformation.

Development of an Innovative Land Valuation Model (iLVM) for Mass Appraisal Application in Sub-Urban Areas Using AHP: An Integration of Theoretical and Practical Approaches

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2018

Land development in sub-urban areas is more frequent than in highly urbanized cities, causing land prices to increase abruptly and making it harder for valuers to update land values in timely manner. Apart from this, the non-availability of sufficient reliable market values forces valuers to use alternatives and subjective judgement. Land value is critical not only for private individuals but also for government agencies in their day-to-day land dealings. Thus, mass appraisal is necessary.

Access to Land Influencing the Urban Development of Egypt

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2018

The paper seeks to assess the impact of access to the land of Egypt on urban development in an attempt to identify policies and laws that can be categorized as a catalyst in urban conflict A systematicreview of Data on land tenure environment of Egypt land access land governance and tenure security the actors involved in these processes their roles the land tenure related challenges they face and measures that can be taken to address these challenges was collected at country level In the context of Egypt Access to land is deemed with obstacles confronting beneficiaries and legal procedures

Large-scale land deals in Sierra Leone at the intersection of gender and lineage

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2018
Sierra Leone

There is wide engagement with large-scale land deals in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly from the perspectives of development and international political economy. Recently, scholars have increasingly pointed to a gendered lacuna in this literature. Engagement with gender tends to focus on potential differential impacts for men and women, and it also flags the need for more detailed empirical research of specific land deals.

The dark underbelly of land struggles: the instrumentalization of female activism and emotional resistance in Cambodia

Journal Articles & Books
October, 2018

Facing land grabs and eviction in the name of development, women worldwide increasingly join land rights struggles despite often deeply engrained images of female domesticity and conventional gender norms. Yet, the literature on female agency in the context of land struggles has remained largely underexplored. Based on extensive ethnographic fieldwork, my findings suggest that land rights activism in Cambodia has undergone a gendered re-framing process.

Plantation assemblages and spaces of contested development in Sierra Leone and Cambodia

Journal Articles & Books
October, 2018
Sierra Leone

Much has been written on land deals, their impact and challenges of contestation in the Global South. Multiple studies show that communities are high-spirited as long as they oppose the actual conversion of their land. My findings illustrate, however, how companies, local authorities, communities, civil society and the government mitigate conflicts, re-shape resource governance, and negotiate terms of development in operating plantations and local-global dynamics thereof.

République Démocratique du Congo - Acquisitions foncières à grande échelle

Reports & Research
June, 2018
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ce profil pays présente les données de la Land Matrix pour République Démocratique du Congo et inclut les acquisitions de terres à grande échellequi:

• consistent en des transferts du droit d’exploitation ou de contrôle des terres au moyen bail ou de la concession;

• couvrent des surfaces de 200 hectares ou plus;

• ont été initiées depuis l’année 2000;

• impliquent une conversion potentielle des terres (souvent de pâturages extensifs et de services écosystémiques vers un usage agricole);

Failed farmland deals: a growing legacy of disaster and pain

Reports & Research
June, 2018

GRAIN has documented at least 135 farmland deals for food crop production that have backfired between 2007 and 2017. They represent 17.5 million hectares. These are not failed land grabs, since the land almost never goes back to the communities, but failed agribusiness projects. While higher standards of due diligence and stronger forms of liability are surely needed, the real challenge is to get the land back to the communities. No one should rest until that is achieved.

It’s time to end land grabs and establish food sovereignty in Gambela

Reports & Research
May, 2018

Includes the indigenous peoples of Ethiopia; Ethiopia’s dire context; food insecurity; land grabs, conflicts and food security; development by displacement I: Ethiopia’s land investment policies; table of land deals with foreign companies in Gambela since 2007; development by displacement II: Ethiopia’s villagization programme; Voluntary Guidelines; time to close the door on land grabbing in Gambela. Concludes that it is time for change.

Agri-investments and land disputes - How to resolve pre-existing community conflicts over land identified for commercial or development projects (Briefing note)

Policy Papers & Briefs
February, 2018

This note is for private sector project implementers and financers (development finance institutions, international development agencies, commercial lenders and equity investors) seeking to invest responsibly in new greenfield sites in low and middle- income countries. It aims to provide practical guidance on identifying and addressing community land conflicts to prevent them escalating into disputes between the project and local communities.

Of local people and investors: The dynamics of land rights configuration in Tanzania

Reports & Research
January, 2018

Analyses the configuration of land rights among different users of land and discusses the implementation of Tanzania’s land policy reform. The key rights explored include those of small-scale producers (farmers and pastoralists) and large-scale investors. Explores how the state defines, allocates, protects and compensates for land when it appropriates such rights. Looks at the formal, informal and procedural rights that provide for and protect the rights of small-scale producers and investors, and the compensation offered to those who give up their land for investment.