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An Expert Approach to an Assessment of the Needs of Land Consolidation within the Scope of Improving Water Resource Management

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2021

The objective of this study is to present the approach to assess needs of land consolidation to prepare rural areas for proper water resource management. The study presented links of water management with land consolidation, which is a new approach in rural development planning in Central Europe. The results of this research are presented in the form of a needs assessment matrix for water retention.

Runoff Volume Reduction Using Green Infrastructure

Peer-reviewed publication
March, 2021

Uncontrolled urbanization is a frequent cause behind the local flooding of catchment areas. This also results in a degradation of water quality in receivers, as well as causing a disruption of the natural water cycle in the catchment. Classical solutions, such as retention, do not prove to be sufficient under all conditions. An alternative solution is the application of low impact development (LID), which, in the analysed case, takes the form of rain gardens, infiltration trenches and controlled unsealing of catchment components.

Macroeconomic Perspective on Urban Sprawl: A Multidimensional Approach in Poland

Peer-reviewed publication
February, 2021
United States of America

There are important relationships between the urban sprawl process and economic growth. They are usually expressed through spatial relations and changes taking place in the local, regional and national economy. The temporal and spatial dimension, including dispersed location, are the determinants of development and economic growth. Therefore, the urban sprawl phenomenon and the related location, hypothetically conditioning economic growth, should be subject to macroeconomic research. The article examines how urban sprawl affects the national budget and national economic growth.

Economic Consequences of Adopting Local Spatial Development Plans for the Spatial Management System: The Case of Poland

Peer-reviewed publication
February, 2021
United States of America

The spatial management system in Poland struggles with serious costs as a consequence of local planning. The problem is the lack of appropriate value capturing mechanisms and cost compensation for municipalities, along with significant burdens. Private property is subject to special protection, but the public good is less valued. The article attempts to assess the situation in Poland, recalling also the experiences of spatial management systems from other European countries. It combines legal, economic, and geographical perspectives.

Land Cover Effects on Selected Nutrient Compounds in Small Lowland Agricultural Catchments

Peer-reviewed publication
February, 2021
United States of America

The influence of landscape on nutrient dynamics in rivers constitutes an important research issue because of its significance with regard to water and land management. In the current study spatial and temporal variability of N-NO3 and P-PO4 concentrations and their landscape dependence was documented in the Świder River catchment in central Poland.

Change in the Level of Agricultural Development in the Context of Public Institutions’ Activities—A Case Study of the NASC Activities in Poland

Peer-reviewed publication
February, 2021
United States of America

Agricultural development is determined by various factors, such as environmental, economic, demographic, or social circumstances. In order to present the level of this development as com-prehensively as possible, a multidimensional analysis should be carried out with an appropriate methodology. In this article, a taxonomic approach known as the Hellwig’s method was used to determine the level of agricultural development. The area of research was the territory of Poland, divided into voivodships, which are the main units of the administrative division of the country.

“Sucha Góra” (“Trockenberg”)—The Triangulation Point Doomed to Be Forgotten?

Peer-reviewed publication
February, 2021
Czech Republic
United States of America

The current study documents the importance of research on preserved artifacts which were previously used to take measurements of the Earth, and their importance for cultural heritage. The article reviewed the available source documents presenting the history of the astrogeodetic control point of Sucha Góra-Trockenberg as a monument of the first order triangulation network, preserved in cartographic materials and as the starting point of local geodetic networks, used in mining until 2000 in the so-called Upper Silesian Coal Basin, located in the territory of Poland and the Czech Republic.

The Potential to Save Agrestal Plant Species in an Intensively Managed Agricultural Landscape through Organic Farming—A Case Study from Northern Germany

Peer-reviewed publication
February, 2021
Czech Republic
United Kingdom

Intensive agriculture is among the main drivers of diversity decline worldwide. In Central Europe, pressures related with agriculture include habitat loss due to the consolidation of farming units, pesticide and fertilizer use, and shortened crop rotations. In recent decades, this development has resulted in a severe decline of agrestal plant communities. Organic farming has been suggested as a biodiversity friendly way of farming, as it strongly restricts the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers and relies on longer crop rotations.

In search of factors determining the participation of farmers in agri-environmental schemes – Does only money matter in Poland?

Peer-reviewed publication
January, 2021
United States of America

The growing awareness of the negative impact of agriculture on the natural environment creates social expectation towards the reduction of this impact through the pro-environmental activities of farmers. Agri-environmental programmes are one of the key instruments of EU agricultural policy aimed at encouraging farmers to do so. Due to their voluntary nature and involvement of farmers in these activities, there has been a scientific discussion for a long time on the factors determining the participation of farmers in these programmes.

National Level Land-Use Changes in Functional Urban Areas in Poland, Slovakia, and Czechia

Peer-reviewed publication
January, 2021
Czech Republic
United States of America

Land-use and cover change (LUCC) impacts global environmental changes. Therefore, it is crucial to obtain cross-national level LUCC data that represents past and actual LUCC. As urban areas exhibit the most significant dynamics of the changes, accompanied by such processes as urban sprawl, it seems desirable to take into account LUCC information from such areas to acquire national level information. The paper analyses land-use changes (LUCs) in urban areas in Czechia, Poland, and Slovakia.

Is There Urban Landscape in Metropolitan Areas? An Unobvious Answer Based on Corine Land Cover Analyses

Peer-reviewed publication
January, 2021
United States of America

The recent increase in urban areas has stimulated landscape urbanization. One of the ways to study this process is an analysis based on the structure of land cover. The aim of this paper is to assess the intensity of the urban landscape on the basis of the CORINE in the seven largest metropolitan areas in Poland and in the Ruhr Metropolis in Germany. To this end, an urban landscape intensity indicator (ULII) was used based on Corine Land Cover at three levels of detail: the metropolitan area, municipalities and hexagons.