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Management of secondary and logged-over forests in Indonesia: selected proceedings of an international workshop, 17-19 November, 1997

Journal Articles & Books
December, 1999

Secondary and logged-over tropical forests cover more than 600 million hectares. An international workshop held in Bogor (Indonesia) in November 1997 provided a forum of discussion on the research priorities for the sustainable management of secondary forests in Indonesia and more generally in South East Asia. Secondary forests were defined as: "woody vegetation regrowing on land whose previous forest cover was destroyed by at least 90 % by human activities or natural disaster".

On yield regulation for sustainable forestry, with examples from Queensland

Journal Articles & Books
December, 1999

Personal anecdotes are used to highlight some important considerations for yield regulation and to introduce some pertinent literature. A checklist of key issues and research needs is offered. Perhaps the most important consideration is to maintain a holistic systems view, and to involve clients and to ensure their needs are met.

Pedoman pembalakan berdampak rendah untuk hutan dipterocarpa lahan rendah dan bukit di Indonesia

Reports & Research
December, 1999

These guidelines form the basis for defining the initial set of activities to be classified as Reduced-Impact Logging (RIL). They have been adapted to and will be tested in the local conditions that occur in the lowland and hill dipterocarp forest of the Bulungan Model Forest project in East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Promoting forest conservation through ecotourism income?

Journal Articles & Books
December, 1999

A principal criterion for classifying a tourism operation as 'ecotourism' is that local residents at the site should receive substantial economic benefits, which serve both to raise local living standards and as enhanced incentives for nature conservation. This paper sets out a methodological framework for analysis of the alleged participation-income-conservation link, and applies it to the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve in the Ecuadorian Amazon region.

Self-governance and forest resources

Journal Articles & Books
December, 1999

Forest resources share attributes with many other resource systems that make difficult their governance and management in a sustainable, efficient and equitable manner. Destruction or degradation of forest resources is most likely to occur in open-access forests where those involved, or external authorities, have not established effective governance. Conventional theories applied to forest resources presumed that forest users themselves were incapable of organizing to overcome the temptations to overharvest.

Evaluation des ressources forestières ligneuses dans la République Centrafricaine

Journal Articles & Books
November, 1999
Central African Republic

A medium-size report that deals with the overall situation of data on fuelwood in the Central African Republic. The report is composed of three main parts; the first section is a short description of the country and the terms of the study. The second part is an evaluation of the country's forest cover while the third part states the forest parameters (number of trees, volume, etc.) followed by a conclusion.

Decentralización y transferencia de competencias en el sector forestal

Journal Articles & Books
November, 1999
Costa Rica

Los intentos de transferir funciones y facultades en materia de ordenacin pueden adoptar formas distintas en una escala progresiva que va desde el control central total de los recursos forestales hasta la plena descentralizacin y transferencia de la autoridad y las facultades, aunque las soluciones en cualquiera de los dos extremos de la escala suelen ser inadecuadas. En ests pginas se examinan diversos temas relacionados con la redistribucin de la autoridad y las facultades sobre los bosques y la actividad forestal.