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Displaying 1885 - 1896 of 2457

Common property forest resource management

Journal Articles & Books
November, 1995

Now, nearly 30 years after the publication of The tragedy of the commons, the negative experiences of governments with expropriation of common property resources have led to a reexamination of the potential of collective management; and there is a growing database of information on practical experiments with the restoration or strengthening of common property resource management systems. This issue of Unasylva focuses on both these aspects with respect to forest resources.

Ordenación de recursos forestales de propiedad común

Journal Articles & Books
November, 1995

Actualmente, casi 30 aos despus, la experiencia negativa de los gobiernos con la expropiacin de recursos de propiedad comn ha hecho que se vuelvan a examinar las posibilidades de una gestin colectiva, y ha permitido disponer de una creciente informacin sobre experimentos prcticos con respecto a la restauracin o al refuerzo de los sistemas de gestin de estos recursos. En este nmero de Unasylva se insiste en ambos aspectos en relacin a los recursos forestales.

National Agricultural Policy.

National Policies
September, 1995

The National Agricultural Policy of Namibia is a multi-sectoral policy with the following objectives: achieve growth rates and stability in farm income, agricultural productivity and production levels that are higher than the population growth rate; ensure food security and improve nutritional status; create and sustain viable livelihood and employment opportunities in rural areas; improve the profitability of agriculture and increase investment in agriculture; contribute towards the improvement of the balance of payments; expand vertical integration and domestic value-added for agricultura

Regulations of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture on Rural Forestry.

February, 1995

These Regulations are enacted in order to promote the development of rural forestry and give full play to the role of forest and woodland resources in rural economic construction in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture. The Text consists of 45 Articles.The Regulations make provisions for: forest and woodland ownership and rights; resource management; production and operation; forestry workstation construction; measures for inspection and liabilities, etc. The rural woodland shall be collectively owned by the township and village peasants.

Nepal Agricultural Perspective Plan.

National Policies
December, 1994

The Agricultural Perspective Plan (APP) is a national strategy with a cross-sectoral approach with a duration of twenty years (1995-2015). Its goal is to add two percentage points to the country’s agricultural growth which would expand per capita agricultural growth sixfold, from its current 0.5% to 3% per year. The APP strategy is based on the acceleration of the agricultural growth rate sufficiently to obtrain strong multiplier effect on growth in employment, both in agriculture itself and in nonagricultural sectors.

Programa de Acción Nacional de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía (PAN-LCD).

National Policies
December, 1994

El Programa de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía (PRONALDES) publicado en el mes de Junio de 1996, fue una primera etapa para identificar los problemas y soluciones para las Zonas Secas en Bolivia, juntamente con los Mapas Preliminares de Desertificación de Tierras y de Erosión de Suelos que identifican geográficamente a las zonas afectadas (Noviembre de 1996); sin embargo, el proceso nacional se debe llevar aún más adelante considerando las oportunidades que la CLD ofrece, como son los mecanismos participativos institucionalizados y los mecanismos financieros, para poner en march

Social and economical aspects of Miombo woodland management in Southern Africa: options and opportunities for research

Journal Articles & Books
December, 1994
Southern Africa

Five themes are identified for social, economic and policy research relating to miombo woodland management in southern Africa. They are: (1) patterns of local institutional change; (2) household use of woodland products; (3) markets for woodland products; (4) longer term dimensions to woodland use and exploitation and (5) policy and legislation. These themes are by no means definitive or exhaustive, but are described here as a means of focusing on the scope of future research, and as a basis for identifying priorities.

Forest, People and Profit net equations for sustainability

Reports & Research
June, 1994

The first of the series focuses on the much debated issue of forest lands. Retaining the existing forest cover, improving the quality of so-called forest land, bringing back the traditional ethos of preserving forests as part of the Indian heritage and lifestyle and making people part of the greening movement rather than policing the forests, the changing policies over the past century and their impact on the forest cover, the relevance of these policies in the context of liberalisation and structural adjustment are all addressed in this volume.

Loi-cadre nº 94-018 relative à l'environnement.

June, 1994

Cette loi porte régime de base en matière d'environnement. Elle vise, notamment, à: préserver la diversité et l'intégrité de l'environnement; créer les conditions d'une utilisation quantitativement et qualitativement durable des ressources naturelles; garantir à tous les citoyens un cadre de vie écologiquement sain et équilibré. Les citoyens sont tenus à participer collectivement pour la sauvegarde de l'environnement.