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Achtung Gesundheitsgefahr: Afrikas Städte ernähren sich zunehmend einseitig

December, 2022

Die Parameter für die Ernährung in Afrika verändern sich rasch aufgrund der Urbanisierung, die vom Wachstum von Wirtschaft und Bevölkerung und der Migration vom Land in die Stadt angetrieben wird. Dieser Wandel ist eine Herausforderung für die Ernährungssicherheit und die Nährstoffversorgung in städtischen Gebieten und den Megastädten Afrikas wie Accra, Kinshasa, Lagos und Nairobi, da die Verbraucher zunehmend Arbeit sparende, verarbeitete Lebensmittel verlangen. Mit der Supermarktrevolution werden in den Städten immer mehr erschwingliche hochverarbeitete Lebensmittel angeboten.

What is forest tenure (in)security? Insights from participatory perspective analysis

December, 2022

Over the past two decades, growing recognition of forest-based Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPs and LCs) sparked forest tenure reforms to formalize IP and LC rights to forests and forest lands through a variety of mechanisms. Nevertheless, tenure security, an intended objective of such reforms, has received less attention, despite being integral to the life and livelihoods of IPs and LCs and important for forests.

Harnessing improved seed and mechanization for climate resilience : Report on the CIMMYT Seed and Mechanization Fairs 2023

December, 2022

The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), successfully hosted the fourth edition of the Seed and Mechanization Fairs, running under the theme "Harnessing improved seed and mechanization for climate resilience." The fairs served as a strategic market and learning platform for smallholder farmers in the implementation districts of Mwenezi and Masvingo. The aim was to connect farmers with private seed sector and mechanization companies, while facilitating the adoption of drought-tolerant seed and tailor-made machinery.

Silage maize as a potent candidate for sustainable animal husbandry development—perspectives and strategies for genetic enhancement

December, 2022

Maize is recognized as the queen of cereals, with an ability to adapt to diverse agroecologies (from 58oN to 55oS latitude) and the highest genetic yield potential among cereals. Under contemporary conditions of global climate change, C4 maize crops offer resilience and sustainability to ensure food, nutritional security, and farmer livelihood. In the northwestern plains of India, maize is an important alternative to paddy for crop diversification in the wake of depleting water resources, reduced farm diversity, nutrient mining, and environmental pollution due to paddy straw burning.

Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security: Concept, Datasets and Opportunities for Computational Social Science Applications

December, 2022

Ensuring food and nutritional security requires effective policy actions that consider the multitude of direct and indirect drivers. The limitations of data and tools to unravel complex impact pathways to nutritional outcomes have constrained efficient policy actions in both developed and developing countries. Novel digital data sources and innovations in computational social science have resulted in new opportunities for understanding complex challenges and deriving policy outcomes.

What do we know about the future of aquatic foods in global agri-food systems?

December, 2022

Food, land, and water systems face daunting challenges in the future, and the body of research exploring these challenges is growing rapidly. This note is part of a series developed by the CGIAR Foresight Initiative to summarize what we know today about the future of various aspects of food systems. The goal of these notes is to serve as a quick reference, point to further information, and help guide future research and decisions.

Water for life and food: Synergies between SDGs 2 and 6 and human rights

December, 2022

This chapter focuses on the multiple facets and meanings of water and how it is a contested resource. It also explores linkages between SDG 6 (Clean water and sanitation) and SDG 2 (Zero hunger). Water is essential for all life and integral to the functioning of food systems; similarly, changes in our food systems are essential to achieve SDG 6. And improvements in both are needed to reduce inequities in resources and achievements. As an example, land, food and water rights often go hand in hand, and are marked by gender, caste, racial and other exclusions.

Genome-wide association analysis of phenotypic traits in Bambara groundnut under drought-stressed and non-stressed conditions based on DArTseq SNP

December, 2022

Introduction: Bambara groundnut (BG) (Vigna subterranea [L.] Verdc) is an indigenous, resilient, but underutilized leguminous crop that occurs mostly as genetically heterogeneous landraces with limited information on the drought tolerant attributes. This study elucidates the associations between sequencing-based diversity array technology (DArTseq) and phenotypic character as well as differing indices related to drought tolerance in one hundred accessions of Bambara groundnut.

Technological advances in prospecting sites for pumped hydro energy storage

December, 2022

This chapter provides a survey of pumped hydroelectric energy storage (PHES) in terms of the factors considered in the site selection process: geographic, social, economic, and environmental. Due to the number and complexity of factors considered for this purpose, a multicriteria decision-making model is often used during the selection process. From our study, it is observed that the implementation of a PHES project may come with several environmental concerns, that is land and water requirements, impacts on the fishery industry, aquatic habitat, cultural, historical as well as natural.