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Advancing an intersectional lens into gender transformative work in agri-food systems

December, 2022

Intersectionality provides a powerful framework for understanding the intricate connections between different dimensions of social identity and their influence on individual experiences of discrimination and privilege. When applied to gender-transformative approaches (GTAs) in agri-food systems, intersectionality becomes critical for unraveling inequalities, including how existing inequalities are exacerbated by shocks and long-term stressors such as malnutrition, conflict, and climate change.

Towards gender transformative food systems: do we need to focus on indigenous communities more?

December, 2022

The literature on the food and nutrition security of tribal and/or indigenous communities in the mountain and hill regions remains opaque, despite the prevalence of malnutrition and food insecurity. Empirical evidence on the gendered dimensions of challenges in the agri-food system in the indigenous communities in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region is even more limited. In this session, we focus on the need for gender-transformative approaches (GTA) in the HKH region, which extends over eight countries from Afghanistan in the west to Myanmar in the east. The panel session, chaired by Dr.

Gender, Social Inequalities and Application of Climate Smart Agriculture Practices among Smallholder Farmers in Ghana

December, 2022

Farmers in Ghana have suffered from the effects of climate change. These negative effects are more severe among women and youth farming groups. Research in Ghana has been focused on developing climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices to mitigate the negative effect of climate change on farmers productivity. The study uses baseline data from the Accelerating impacts of CGIAR climate research for Africa (AICCRA) project to analyze social inequalities and gender dimensions in the application of CSA practices among maize, cowpea, yam, sweet potato and tomato farmers in Ghana.

Inclusive Innovation in Bean Value Chain Interventions: A Comparative Study of Gender Dynamics in Tanzania Malawi and Burundi

December, 2022

As climate change relentlessly threatens the livelihoods of smallholder farmers regionally and globally, persistent gender disparities in the use of climate change adaptation strategies continuously impede achievement of resilience efforts. This study explored one research question: what specific strategies can be implemented to improve the inclusivity of bean value-chain innovations in Tanzania, Malawi and Burundi and enhance climate resilience?

Can 2 + 2 make 5? From adding up to Intersectionality

December, 2022

The objective of this research is to shift participants away from potentially thinking of intersectional research as being additive, towards developing a shared understanding of intersectionality as about the ways identities combine to create specific sets of opportunities, and challenges, in an agri-food system. Taking an intersectional approach is a way of considering how interwoven dimensions of inequality affect groups of people (and individuals) in the context of a problem and can lead to constrained spaces for them to make and act upon decisions.

The underlying causes of deforestation during “peacetime”: Evidence from the implementation of the peace agreement in Colombia

December, 2022

The acceleration of deforestation is one of the unexpected consequences of the signing of the Peace Agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC-EP guerrilla in 2016. In recent years, deforested areas have increased in territories previously occupied by guerrilla and paramilitary groups, while illicit crops have expanded, and the violence perpetrated by other illegal armed groups has intensified. This research seeks to understand the relationship between the implementation of the Peace Agreement and deforestation in Colombia, mainly through a quantitative approach.

Myanmar Household Welfare Survey Round Three: Note on Sample Characteristics and Weighting

December, 2022

The third round of the MHWS was carried out between July 8, 2022 and August 10, 2022. In the third round of MHWS, 12,128 households responded to the survey:
• 5,978 households that were interviewed in Round 1, Round 2, and Round 3;
• 3,063 households that were interviewed in Round 2 and Round 3;
• 589 households that rejoined the sample after being interviewed in Round 1;
• 2,498 households that were added to replace the 3,088 households that dropped out of the sample after Round 2.

Historical evolution of agrifood systems in Odisha, India

December, 2022

The TAFSSA CGIAR Initiative is hosting a series of webinars to highlight research from South Asia on food security, sustainable healthy diets, farmer livelihoods and resilience, and land, air, and groundwater conservation. For the ninth webinar on November 21, Dr. Anindita Sarkar (Professor at the Department of Geography at Miranda House, University of Delhi) will present.

Africa agriculture trade monitor 2023

December, 2022

The 2023 Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor, a flagship publication of AKADEMIYA2063 and the International Food Policy Research Institute, provides an overview of trade in agriculture in Africa, including analysis of short- and long-term trends and drivers behind Africa’s global trade, intra-African trade, and trade within Africa’s regional economic communities.

Identifying with interested AMS the main gaps in the current data available and building on this a strategy for generating an enhanced database, targeting soil health across priority land use/cropping systems

December, 2022

Agriculture is one of the important sectors of the Southeast Asian (SEA) region, contributing 11.4% to the regional GDP. Diverse conditions in climate, vegetation, physiography, geology, and lithology have resulted in 19 complex soil geographical areas, creating 11 farming systems, of which four are considered significant. Soil health has been recognized as key to a successful and productive cropping system, giving rise to sustainable agriculture.