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Renegociar a comunidade e disputar territórios: posse e propriedade nas terras comunitárias na região do lago Niassa

Journal Articles & Books
January, 2022

O presente artigo parte da experiência de delimitação de terras comunitárias, em Cóbuè, província do Niassa, para analisar a interface entre as lideranças tradicionais e os sistemas costumeiros de terras, em Moçambique, enquadrando os debates sobre terra e território, posse e propriedade da terra, bem como os encontros com a história territorial, os impactos das transformações, da legislação e da demanda por terras.

Renegociar a comunidade e disputar territórios: posse e propriedade nas terras comunitárias na região do lago Niassa

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2021
África subsariana

O presente artigo parte da experiência de delimitação de terras comunitárias, em Cóbuè, província do Niassa, para analisar a interface entre as lideranças tradicionais e os sistemas costumeiros de terras, em Moçambique, enquadrando os debates sobre terra e território, posse e propriedade da terra, bem como os encontros com a história territorial, os impactos das transformações, da legislação e da demanda por terras.

Contextualizing customary land registration in Uganda

December, 2021

The land crises and large-scale land grabs affecting many African countries today stem from historical and colonial mistakes whose problems remain. The systems;policies and laws that are being pushed to “register” and “formalise” land ownership do not put into consideration the cultural and historical aspects that govern land in many countries on the continent. Professor Sam Lwanga Lunyiigo asks pertinent questions about this push and about implications of customary land registration in Uganda.

A América Latina frente ao Governo da COVID-19: desigualdades, crises, resistência

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2021
América Latina e Caribe
América Central
América do Sul

A COVID-19 é um acontecimento liminal. Repentinamente, reconfigurou a organização da vida quotidiana, colocou a ordem política à prova e levou à recessão econômica. Confinamento, máscaras, distanciamento social, todas essas medidas preventivas que visam conter o risco de contágio dissolveram formas tácitas da socialização, as quais respondem por boa parte da familiaridade do mundo social que habitamos.

Mining and illicit trading of coltan in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Reports & Research
December, 2021
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Mining and the illicit trade in minerals have long been the source of social and environmental upheaval in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and coltan, a mineral essential to modern electronics, has become a particular focus of criminal networks. This study reveals a network of organised crime involved in the production and supply chain of coltan, and its connections to

Zimbabwe's Disappearing gold: The case of Mazowe and Penhalonga

Reports & Research
December, 2021

Illicit financial flows (IFFs)in the artisanal gold mining sector in Zimbabwe are responsible for leakages of an estimated 3 tonnes of gold, valued at approximately USD157 million every month. The artisanal gold sector has transformed from being a traditional livelihoods option for local families to an anchor of gold smuggling cartels that are robbing the country of the precious metal. Artisanal mining has also spread its tentacles from alluvial gold deposits along rivers and dry riverbeds to large scale disused mines that are now patronized by ruling party officials.

Autonomía territorial indígena en Panamá: las comarcas indígenas

Legislation & Policies
December, 2021

El derecho internacional ha avanzado en las últimas décadas hacia el reconocimiento del derecho de los pueblos indígenas a la libre determinación, expresada en regímenes de autonomía o auto-gobierno en sus territorios. En este sentido, la autonomía territorial indígena es un régimen acordado, que permite a los pueblos concernidos el control de sus propias instituciones sociales, políticas y culturales y de sus territorios, en el marco del Estado en que habitan. En el caso panameño, la figura donde se concreta la autonomía indígena es la Comarca.

Ambiguous Outcomes of Returnees’ Land Dispute Resolution and Restitution in War-Torn Burundi

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2021

Redressing land dispossession in the aftermath of violent conflicts is daunting and complex. While land dispute resolution and restitution are expected to promote return migration, this outcome is contingent upon the changing social, economic and political conditions under which return takes place. Drawing on qualitative data from Makamba Province in southern Burundi, this case study highlights the politically and historically shaped challenges underlying the resolution of competing and overlapping claims on land following protracted displacement.

Land Is Life: Indigenous Relationships to Territory and Navigating Settler Colonial Property Regimes in Canada

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2021

Respectful and reciprocal relationships with land are at the heart of many Indigenous cultures and societies. Land is also at the core of settler colonialism. Indigenous peoples have not only been dispossessed of land for settler occupation and resource extraction, but the transformation of land into property has created myriad challenges to ongoing struggles of land repatriation and renewal. We introduce several perspectives on land rooted in diverse Indigenous worldviews and contrast them with settler colonial perspectives rooted in Eurocentric worldviews.

A Framework for Comparative Assessment of Indigenous Land Governance

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2021

Indigenous peoples are increasingly important players in the management and use of land and natural landscapes, bound in spiritual and traditional practices that endure and pre-date colonisation. This also extends to the aspirations that Indigenous traditional owners may have to generate income from land and to sustain business and employment opportunities that enable reinvestment in local communities. The paper draws from a study undertaken while the authors were at the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that involved 13 countries.

An Overview of Frontier Technologies for Land Tenure: How to Avoid the Hype and Focus on What Matters

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2021

Secure land and natural resource rights are key ingredients for rural transformation, social inclusion, and the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals. In many cases, these rights are not formally recorded, and statutory land administration systems are inaccessible to rural communities.