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Isolados e ilhados: indigenismo e conflitos no Vale do Javari, Amazônia

Journal Articles & Books

Nesse artigo, pretendemos mostrar como um certo ideal de índio permeia as utopias indigenistas do Estado brasileiro e como a política de isolamento, influenciada por esses ideais, apresenta suas idiossincrasias e contradições. Apresentamos um estudo sobre os conflitos recentes na Terra Indígena Vale do Javari (AM) que levaram à morte violenta de índios Korubo e Matis, considerados pelo governo respectivamente como “isolados” e de “recente contato”. Analisamos a história do conflito a partir das narrativas indigenistas e dos indígenas.

Du nouveau pour la sécurisation foncière des agricultures familiales ?

Journal Articles & Books

Cet article analyse les avancées obtenues pour les exploitations familiales en matière de sécurisation foncière en Afrique. Il identifie plusieurs défis à venir, comme la régulation des investissements à grande échelle, le renforcement des acteurs de la société civile ou encore l’élargissement de l’offre de sécurisation foncière.

La réforme foncière au Sénégal : bilan d’étape et défis

Institutional & promotional materials

Cette journée consacrée au Sénégal a été motivée par l’agenda politique national : engagé depuis les années1990 dans un processus de réforme foncière, le Sénégal a vu s’achever, en juin dernier, les ateliers décentralisés aux niveaux communal et départemental de concertation autour du projet de réforme. La fin de ces discussions marque une étape importante pour la Commission nationale de la Réforme foncière (CNRF), en charge de faire aboutir le processus.

Design of land consolidation pilot projects in Central and Eastern Europe

Journal Articles & Books

In much of Central and Eastern Europe, the land tenure structure includes many small and fragmented farms. Land consolidation can be an effective instrument to make agriculture more competitive and to improve rural conditions. This guide provides advice on what countries can do to start a land consolidation pilot project. It shows why land consolidation is important; it describes briefly what land consolidation is; and it identifies key decisions that should be made and key actions that should be undertaken before a land consolidation project can begin.

Land tenure journal. FAO support to land consolidation in Europe and Central Asia during 2002-2018 - Experiences and way forward.

Journal Articles & Books
Central Asia

In Europe and Central Asia, FAO has 53 member countries today, and provides technical support in 18 countries in the Western Balkans, Trans Caucasus, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Most of these 18 countries have farm structures dominated by smallholders and family farms or dualistic farm structures with many small farms and few large corporate farms (FAO, 2018).Land fragmentation and small farm sizes are a fundamental structural problem resulting in low productivity and competitiveness in the globalized economy (Di Falco et al.

Land tenure and rural development

Journal Articles & Books

The present volume is part of a series of Land Tenure Studies produced by FAO’s Land Tenure Service of the Rural Development Division. Land tenure plays a vital role in achieving sustainable rural development. Increasing technological change and economic integration are requiring policy makers, planners, development experts and rural producers to re-examine the institutional arrangements used to administer who has rights to what resources for which purposes and for how long.

Gender and access to land

Journal Articles & Books

Gender issues are often ignored in projects that aim to improve land tenure and land administration. To support land administrators in governments and their counterparts in civil society, this guide shows where and why gender inclusion is important in projects. In order to help inform policy and implementation decisions, it identifies indicators for measuring the quality and quantity of access to land before, during and after an intervention and outlines recommended principles for gender inclusion in land administration projects.

Decentralization and rural property taxation

Journal Articles & Books

Increasingly land tenure institutions are required to support the decentralization of services to local governments. One expectation of decentralization is improved delivery of services by the level of government that is closest to the beneficiaries of those services. While the scope of services being allocated to local governments has expanded, many rural local governments lack the revenues needed for them to fulfil their new responsibilities. This guide provides advice to countries that wish to increase revenues by introducing rural property taxes.

Access to rural land and land administration after violent conflicts

Journal Articles & Books

Violent conflicts typically cause significant changes to land tenure and its administration. A widespread conflict
lasting for a number of years may result in successive waves of displacement of people. People may lose their land because they have been forcibly evicted, or they may abandon their land because of fear of violence. Those displaced are forced to seek land to settle, either within the country as Internally Displaced Persons, or externally as refugees. People living in safer areas may have lost access to their land with the