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Chapter 1 of Title 56 of the Code of Federated States of Micronesia - Eminent Domain.


This Chapter establishes procedures to be followed by the Government of the Trust Territory in the exercise of its power to acquire real property by eminent domain, i.e. to condemn property for public use or purposes and to appropriate the ownership and possession of such property for such public use upon paying the owner a just compensation to be ascertained according to the law.The Act concerns, among other things, proceedings at the High Court, the establishment of value of land by the High Court and determination of ownership in the event of dispute.

Chapter 11 of Title 24 of the Chuuk State Code - Public Lands and Condemnation.


This Chapter makes provision with compulsory acquisition of (a right in) land and administration of public land in the State of Chuuk.The Chapter defines the duties of the Governor as regards the proper administration of land, sets out criteria and procedures for the condemnation of land and provides the determination and award of compensation, the determination of claims by a Claims Board and the resolution of disputes regarding titles in land or compensation.

Decreto Nº 82/04 - Ley de propiedad.

Central America

La presente Ley tiene como finalidad fortalecer y otorgar seguridad jurídica a los titulares de la propiedad, desarrollar y ejecutar una política nacional que permita la inversión nacional extranjera y el acceso a la propiedad por parte de todos los sectores de la sociedad.

Ley Nº 49/2003 - Ley de arrendamientos rústicos.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley de arrendamientos rústicos establece la normativa para aquellos contratos mediante los cuales se ceden temporalmente una o varias fincas, o parte de ellas, para su aprovechamiento agrícola, ganadero o forestal a cambio de un precio o renta.

Enmendado por: Ley Nº 26/2005 - Modifica la Ley Nº 49/2003, de arrendamientos rústicos. (2005-11-30)
Enmienda: Ley Nº 19/1995 - Ley de modernización de las explotaciones agrarias. (1995-07-04)
Revoca: Ley Nº 83/1980 - Ley de arrendamientos rústicos. (1980-12-31)

Land Tax Act, 1982.

Central America

Land includes, inter alia, lagoons and open waters. "Agricultural land" means land outside the limits of Suburban lands, Beach lands or Towns. The Chief Valuer shall be appointed for purposes of this Act under section 3. Owners of lands situated outside the town limits shall submit a return to the Chief Valuer within three months of acquisition or entry into force of the present Act as the case may be (sect. 5).

Land Survey Act (Chapter 20:12).

Eastern Africa

This Act provides rules relative to the survey of land. consists of 49 sections which are divided into 9 Parts: Preliminary (I); Administration (II); Recognition and Duties of Land Surveyors (III); Original Surveys and Re-surveys (IV); Division Surveys (V); Townships (VI); Beacons and Boundaries (VII); General Plans and Diagrams (VIII); Miscellaneous (IX).At Harare a Surveyor-General's Office is established (sect. 7). A Survey Regulations Board is established under section 8. The Board may make Regulations, with approval of the Minister, prescribing matters specified in section 9.

Environment Protection Enactment 2002

South-Eastern Asia

This Act constitutes the legislative framework in matter of environmental protection within the State of Sabah. Part II of the Act is devoted to the setting up of the Environment Protection Council whose functions shall be to advise the State Government on matters relevant to the implementation of these provisions. On the other side, Part IV of the Act provides for the establishment of the Environment Protection Fund. Further provisions as regards public servants and administration competent in the environmental field are laid down in Part V.

Ley Nº 28.391 - Ley de formalización de la propiedad informal de terrenos ocupados por posesiones informales, centros urbanos informales y urbanizaciones populares.

South America

La presente Ley de formalización de la propiedad informal de terrenos ocupados por posesiones informales, centros urbanos informales y urbanizaciones populares, tiene por objeto la formalización de la propiedad informal con su respectiva inscripción registral.

Implementado por: Decreto Supremo Nº 005/05/JUS - Reglamento de formalización de la propiedad informal de terrenos. (2005-03-17)

Land Code (No. 136-FZ of 2001).

Eastern Europe

The present Land Code and other legislative acts issued in accordance with it are based upon the following principles: 1) consideration of the importance of land as the basis of vital and economic activity of man and at the same time as immovable property, object of the right of ownership and other land rights; 2) priority of protection of land as the main environmental component in accordance with consideration of land as immovable property that that guarantees to the owner the right of ownership, possession and disposal of land freely on condition that it does not cause damage environment

Land Act No. 9/04.

Middle Africa

This Law, composed of 89 articles divided in 5 chapters, regulates the general principles on land rights. In particular, the Law rules on: property rights, rural community rights, natural resources’ use and protection measures, land expropriation, land concession, territorial planning, land classification, and registration procedures.