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Land Act, 1999 (No. 4 of 1999).

Eastern Africa

An Act to provide for the administration of land and land tenure in Tanzania.The 187 sections of this Act are divided into 14 Parts: Preliminary provisions (I); Fundamental principles of land policy (II); Classification and tenure of land (III); Administration (IV); Rights and incidents of land occupation (V); Granted rights of occupancy VI); Conversion of interests in land (VII); Disposition affecting land (VIII); Leases (IX); Mortgages (X); Easements and analogous rights (XII); Co-occupancy and partition (XIII); Dispute settlement (XIV).Section 23 sets out the fundamental principles of Na

Land Adjudication Act, 2000 (Act No. 14 of 2000).

Trinidad and Tobago

The Minister may by Order in such form as may be prescribed, declare any area to be an adjudication area, from such date as may be specified in the Order (sect. 3). There shall be an Adjudication Officer who shall be an attorney-at-law of at least ten years The President shall appoint such Assistant Adjudication Officers, Demarcation Officers, Recording Officers and Survey Officers as may be necessary for the purposes of this Act.

Loi n°44-2000 portant Code pastoral en Mauritanie.

Western Africa

Les dispositions de la présente loi ont pour objet de définir les concepts et les principes d’une gestion rationnelle de l’espace pastoral et de déterminer les règles précises devant régir l’ensemble des aspects de l’activité pastorale de manière à assurer la préservation et la promotion du pastoralisme dans le cadre d’une évolution harmonieuse du développement rural. Le droit d’accès aux ressources pastorales est entendu comme la garantie pour le pasteur de la liberté de passage vers la ressource naturelle.

Village Land Act, 1999.

Eastern Africa

This Act consists of 66 sections divided into 6 Parts: Preliminary provisions (I); Application of fundamental principles of the National Land Policy (II); Transfers and hazard land (III); Village lands (IV); Dispute settlement (V); Miscellaneous provisions (VI). The President may transfer any area of village land to general or reserved land for public interest (sect. 4). Village land transfer shall not be transferred until the type, amount and timing of the payment of compensation has been agreed upon. The Minister may declare any area of a village land to be hazard land.

Ley Nº 54 - Ley de Desarrollo Agrario.

South America

La presente Ley tiene por objeto el fomento, desarrollo y protección integrales del sector agrario. Para la ejecución de la política agraria (cap. IV), mediante el artículo 23, se crea el Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Agrario (INDA), como entidad de derecho público, con ámbito nacional, personalidad jurídica y patrimonio propio, adscrito al Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería. El INDA substituye en sus funciones al Instituto Ecuatoriano de Reforma Agraria (IERAC).

Law on Land Registration (No. 490-Is).

Western Asia

The State registration of rights to land shall form an integrated part of the land cadaster. Registration shall be carried nation-wide by the State Land Management Department and be managed by a Chief Registrar. A Zone Registrar shall manage registration in a specified zone. Powers of a Registrar are set out in article 7. Documents relative to land shall be registered within thirty days of their creation (art. 8). The Registrar may order registration under article 9.

Limitation Act (No. 8 of 1997).

Antigua and Barbuda

This Act gives the ordinary time limits for bringing actions of the various classes mentioned in the Act and section 33 extends the applicability of the Act also to arbitration. Actions include various actions in respect of land: section 17 provides for the time limit for an action to recover land or rent (time limit of 12 years but does not apply to Crown land (sect. 17). Section 20 declares that provisions of the Act shall apply to equitable interests in land, including interests in the proceeds of the sale of land held upon trust for sale and to legal estates.

Legislative Decree No. 28 of 1999 on the establishment and organization of industrial zones.

Western Asia

This Resolution is composed of 7 Chapters divided into 34 articles. Chapter I gives terms and definitions. Chapter II deals with the establishment of industrial zones, in particular: establishment and definition of industrial zones shall be carried out by a resolution of the Prime Minister; industrial zones are divided into branches industrial zones and branches into sub-branches; maps; industrial activities shall start within a year from the date of the receipt of land vouchers; and, keeping of land registers. Chapter III pertains to the exploitation of lands destined to industrial zones.

Ley Nº 27.046 - Ley de acceso al crédito para la formalización de la propiedad.

South America

La presente Ley de acceso al crédito para la formalización de la propiedad crea el Programa de Apoyo Crediticio para la Formalización de la Propiedad para la adquisición de predios de propiedad privada ocupados.

Enmienda: Ley Nº 27046 - Ley complementaria de promoción del acceso a la propiedad formal. (1998-12-31)