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Ley Agraria, 1992.

Central America

El comisariado ejidal es el órgano encargado de la ejecución de los acuerdos de la asamblea, así como de la representación y gestión administrativa del ejido (art. 32). Como órgano de participación de la comunidad podrá constituirse en cada ejido una junta de pobladores, integrada por los ejidatarios y avecindados del núcleo de población, la que podrá hacer propuestas sobre cuestiones relacionadas con el poblado, sus servicios públicos y los trabajos comunitarios del asentamiento humano (art. 41).

Ley orgánica de los Tribunales Agrarios.

Central America

La presente Ley regula las características, funcionamiento y competencias de los Tribunales Agrarios, definidos como órganos federales dotados de plena jurisdicción y autonomía para dictar sus fallos, a los que corresponde la administración de la justicia agraria en todo el territorio nacional (art. 1º). Los tribunales agrarios se dividen en dos: Tribunal Superior Agrario y los Tribunales unitarios agrarios (art. 2º).

Law No. 57 of 1992 on protection of foreign investments.

Western Asia

This Law consists of VII Sections that contain 43 articles. Section I (arts. 1-8) lays down general provisions. Section II (arts. 9-15) regards state guarantees concerning foreign investments. Section III (arts. 16-35) regards establishment and activity of enterprises with foreign investments. Section IV (arts. 36 and 37) regards purchase of securities by foreign investors. Section V (arts. 38-40) regards acquisition of rights for use of land and other proprietary rights by foreign investors. Section VI (art. 41) regards foreign investments in free economic zones. Section VII (arts.

Law No.930 of 1994 on leasing activity.

Western Asia

The present Law regulates leasing relations in the Azerbaijan Republic, determines rights and obligations of subjects of leasing contract. The document consists of V Secs. that contain 16 Arts. Section I (arts. 1-3) lays down general provisions. Section II (art. 4) specifies the forms of leasing activity. Section III (Arts. 5-8) regards leasing contract. Section IV (Arts. 9-12) establishes rights and obligations of the subjects of leasing contract. Section V (Arts. 13-16) regards termination of the leasing contract.

Decreto Nº 54/92 - Modifica el Decreto Nº 1.551/62, Ley de Transformación Agraria.

Central America

El presente Decreto modifica la Ley de Transformación Agraria en aspectos relacionados con las funciones del Instituto Nacional de Transformación Agraria y los criterios y condiciones para la transferencia de la propiedad de las tierras.

Enmienda: Decreto Nº 1.551/62 - Ley de Transformación Agraria. (1962-10-17)

Law amending the Law on compulsory transfer of property (Expropriation Law).

Western Europe

The present Law introduces some amendments to the Law on compulsory transfer of property (Expropriation Law) of 27 April 1902. In particular, the Law amends, inter alia, article 22 establishing that an appeal against decisions of the Assessment Commission can be filed within 30 days from the delivery of the complaint to the administrative court.

Amends: Law on compulsory transfer of property (Expropriation Law). (1995-01-01)

Land Boundaries Act, 1980.


The Act provides for powers of land surveyors to carry out land survey of boundaries of estates and for procedures of such survey, the review of surveys and the inclusion of surveys in survey plans. Notice of land survey shall be given 7 days prior to survey and shall be in the form as set out in the First Schedule. A warrant of land survey shall be issued in a prescribed form by a judge if survey is carried out to establish boundaries of adjoining lands in order to resolve a land dispute (sect. 6).

Loi sur l’expropriation.

Western Europe

La présente loi s’applique à toute expropriation à réaliser sur le territoire du canton, à moins que la législation fédérale ne soit exclusivement applicable. La présente loi s’applique également à l’indemnisation due en cas de restriction de la propriété équivalant à une expropriation (expropriation matérielle). L’expropriation n’est admissible que dans les cas d’utilité publique déterminés par une loi et dans la mesure où la réalisation de l’ouvrage correspond à un intérêt public. Le chapitre III du livre I définit la composition et le fonctionnement de la Commission d’expropriation.

Legislative Decree No. 7 of 1984 amending Legislative Decree No. 8 of 1970 on the appropriation of lands for public purposes.

Western Asia

This Legislative Decree adds to article 6 of Legislative Decree No. 8 of 1970 on the appropriation of lands for public purposes a new clause as follows: (c) the appropriator has the option to compensate the landowner of the appropriated land with a compensation fee or with another land or both.

Amends: Legislative Decree No. 8 of 1970 concerning the appropriation of land for public purposes. (1970-09-01)

Legislative Decree No. 16 of 1979 on land sale contracts.

Western Asia

This Legislative Decree aims at the regulatins of unregistered land sale contracts. The present Decree is composed of 10 articles. Article 1 deals with the scope of the Decree. Articles 2-5 provide for the establishment of the Dispute Settlement Committee and lay down its competencies and duties. Articles 6-8 refer to the role of the Court. Article 9 abrogates articles 2 and 3 of Law No. 1 on Cadastre.