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Recreation Areas Management Act 2006.


The purpose of this Act is the establishment, maintenance and use of recreation areas, and to provide, coordinate, integrate and improve recreational planning, recreational facilities and recreational management for recreation areas.The Act consists of 12 Parts divided into 251 sections. Part 2 provides for the establishment of recreational areas and Part 3 concerns the preparation, contents and approval of management plans. Part 4 covers provisions regarding the access to, and permits for, recreation areas and Part 5 deals with commercial activity agreements for recreation areas.

Regional Law No. 5-z "On protected areas".

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations in the sphere of organization, conservation and management of protected areas with a view of ensuring landscape and ecological sustainability, conservation and protection of unique and model ecosystems, wild fauna and wild flora species, genetic fund thereof, and ecological education of the population.

Regional Act No. 3 on mountain areas.

Southern Europe

This Regional Act sets out the legislative framework for promoting the economic and social development of mountain areas. To this end it promotes the creation of “mountain unions” which are composed of municipalities falling within mountain territories. These entities shall exercise the functions listed in article 3, which cover the following areas: land reclamation in mountain territories; management of waters resources; forest management; renewable sources of energy. The Regional Fund for Mountain Areas is set up for the attainment of the objectives pursued by this law.

Regional Law No. 8-RZ "On protected areas".

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations in the sphere of organization, protection and management of protected areas with a view of conservation of unique and typical natural ecosystems and objects, particular natural formations, objects of wild fauna and wild flora and genetic resources thereof, study of natural processes in the biosphere and control over change of its state, and also for ecological education.

Provincial Parks Act (C.C.S.M. c. P20).

Northern America

This Act has 43 sections, and is divided as follows: Interpretation (sects. 1-3); Dedication and Purpose of Provincial Parks (sects. 4 and 5); Designation and Management of Provincial Parks (sects. 6-11); Park Lands Administration (sects. 12-22); Enforcement (sects. 23-26); General Provisions (sects. 27-35); and Consequential, Repeal and coming into Force (sects.

Law on territorial planning (No. I-1120).

Northern Europe

Territorial planning is described as a process and procedure of land use planning in article 2. The objectives of territorial planning are outlined in article 3. Articles 4 to 20 concern territorial planning at national, county, and municipal level. Planning shall be: general or "master" (arts. 5-10); special (arts. 1-14), or; detailed (arts. 15-20). There shall be master plans for each of the specified territorial subdivisions. Master planning shall establish priorities, objectives and strategies for the territory in question.

Loi fédérale sur l'aménagement du territoire (Loi sur l'aménagement du territoire, LAT).

Western Europe

Le but de cette lois est: De protéger les bases naturelles de la vie, telles que le sol, l'air, l'eau, la forêt et le paysage; b. De créer et de maintenir un milieu bâti harmonieusement aménagé et favorable à l'habitat et à l'exercice des activités économiques; c. De favoriser la vie sociale, économique et culturelle des diverses régions du pays et de promouvoir une décentralisation judicieuse de l'urbanisation et de l'économie; d. De garantir des sources d'approvisionnement suffisantes dans le pays; e. D'assurer la défense générale du pays.

Act containing rules relative to taxation of certain landed property for purposes of nature and landscape protection.

Western Europe

This Act concerns a special taxation regime for certain country estates for purposes of protection of the natural environment and landscape in the Netherlands. The owner of an estate may apply to the Minister so as to qualify the estate to fall with the application of this Act. Tax exemptions shall be disapplied and tax must be paid in cases when the conditions and criteria formulated under this Act cease to exist or certain requirements have not been observed by owners.

Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 (Act No. 126).


This Act, consisting of 156 sections divided into twelve Parts and completed by one Schedule, establishes a comprehensive set of legislative provisions dealing with state conservation and land management matters. It establishes a number of statutory bodies including the Conservation Commission of Western Australia, the Marine Parks and Reserves Authority, and the Marine Parks and Reserves Scientific Advisory Committee, and it defines their composition, and functions and powers.

Act No. 35 of 2012 relative to the establishment of the Council for the Living Environment and Infrastructure.

Western Europe

This Act establishes the Council for the Living Environment and Infrastructure, which shall advise the Government and the two houses of parliament regarding sustainable development of infrastructure, spatial planning, the and the environment, and in particular on a wide variety of matters including, climate policy, water, agriculture, nature conservation and food quality. The Council shall also advise on hazardous substances and disaster prevention and management.

Parks Act (RSNB 2011, c 202).

Northern America

The present Act provides for the designation of areas to be parts of provincial parks and provides for the management of such parks. The Act covers also the appointment and powers of park wardens, the protection of flora, prospecting and mining and enforcement measures. The text consists of 23 sections and 1 Schedule.

Implemented by: General Regulation - Parks Act (N.B. Reg 85-104). (2014-06-24)
Repeals: Parks Act ( S.N.B. 1982, c. P-2.1). (2010-12-17)