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Foreshore Regulations (S.I. No. 353 of 2011).

Northern Europe

These Regulations prescribe bodies for consultation and submission of observations to the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government in respect of an application for a foreshore lease, licence or permission as may be issued under the Foreshore Act. They also prescribe a statutory time limit for such consultations.

Implements: Foreshore Act, 1933. (1933-06-30)

Decision No. 1462/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Lam Dong province through 2020.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Lam Dong province.The main objectives of the plan include: agricultural, forestry and fishery development; to limit increasing environmental pollution; protection of biodiversity and ecological environment; protection of natural resources; development of water supply, irrigation and drainage systems; and urban space development.

Decision No. 1255/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Kien Giang province through 2020.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Kien Giang province.The main objectives of the plan include: agricultural, forestry and fishery development; development of water supply, irrigation and drainage systems; active protection of the environment; prevention of pollution; rational and efficient management, utilization and exploitation of natural resources; and urban space development.

Décret n° 2011-036/PR/MHUEAT portant création et fixant les règles d’organisation et de fonctionnement du Bureau d’Exécution des Projets de la Grande Muraille Verte.

Eastern Africa

II est créé au sein du Ministère de l'Habitat, de l'Urbanisme, de l'Environnement et de l'Aménagement du Territoire un Bureau d'exécution des projets de la Grande Muraille Verte (BGMV).

Decision No. 581/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Kon Tum province through 2020.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Kon Tum province.The main objectives of the plan include: forestry, fishery and rural development; hunger elimination, poverty reduction and social policies; development of water supply, irrigation and drainage systems; urban planning; environmental protection; and pollution control.

Decision No. 1222/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Ninh Thuan province through 2020.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Ninh Thuan province.The main objectives of the plan include: agriculture, forestry and fishery development; to improve environmental quality and assure hygienic water sources; rationally utilize natural resources and protect biodiversity; development of water supply, irrigation and drainage systems; prevent and mitigate environmental impacts in association with pollution treatment; and urban planning.

Decision No. 1226/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Ha Nam province through 2020.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Ha Nam province.The main objectives of the plan include: agriculture, forestry and fishery development; ensure urban environment sanitation, food hygiene and safety; development of water supply, irrigation and drainage systems; reasonably and effectively exploit land and natural resources; mitigate environmental pollution; and urban planning.

Decision No. 470/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Dong Thap province through 2020.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Dong Thap province.The main objectives of the plan include: agriculture, forestry and fishery development; development of water supply, irrigation and drainage systems; urban planning; environmental protection; and protection and rational use of water and mineral resources.

Decision No. 438/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Tra Vinh province through 2020.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Tra Vinh province.The main objectives of the plan include: agriculture, forestry and fishery development; development of water supply, irrigation and drainage systems; urban planning; environmental protection; protection and rational use of water resources; and protecting and developing marine and coastal resources and forests.

Decreto Nº 4.213 - Modifica el Decreto Nº 951, que reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 387, sobre medidas para la prevención del desplazamiento forzado.

South America

El presente Decreto modifica el que reglamenta la vivienda y el subsidio de vivienda para la población desplazada, respecto a los criterios de calificación de las postulaciones y asignación de los subsidios de vivienda de interés social urbana.

Enmienda: Decreto Nº 951 - Reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 387, sobre medidas para la prevención del desplazamiento forzado. (2001-05-24)

Planning (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2011 (S.R. No. 99 of 2011).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations amend the Planning (Fees) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2005 by, among other things: inserting a new regulation 16A to introduce an additional fixed charge for applications for planning permission requiring an environmental statement; removing fees for listed building consents, conservation area consents and demolition within an area of village or townscape character; making changes to the fee structure and fee maxima for wind turbines and wind farms.

Amends: Planning (Fees) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2005 (S.R. No. 222 of 2005). (2005-04-27)

Ministerial Decree No. 353 on setting up state national parks “Kara-Shoro” and “Besh-Tash”.

Central Asia

This Ministerial Decree, with a view of conservation of unique ecosystems and biosphere reserves, and organization of national and international recreational tourism, establishes to set up state national parks “Kara-Shoro” and “Besh-Tash” and transfer thereto forested land, shrubbery, pastures out of the stock of public land. This Ministerial Decree contains complete mapping and description of the boundaries of both national parks.