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Sahel Atlas of Changing Landscapes: Tracing trends and variations in vegetation cover and soil condition

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa

The atlas provides a pictorial overview of the application of land degradation surveillance a science-based approach to land health monitoring and assessment. Systematic sampling and observation of ground conditions are combined with new technology for rapid soil characterization and with fine to moderate resolution satellite imagery to provide powerful inference about soil, vegetation and socioeconomic conditions at local to regional scales.

Soil property changes over a 120-yr chronosequence from forest to agriculture in western Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2012
Eastern Africa

Much of the native forest in the highlands of western Kenya has been converted to agricultural land in order to feed the growing population, and more land is being cleared. In tropical Africa, this land use change results in progressive soil degradation, as the period of cultivation increases. Both rates and variation in infiltration, soil carbon concentration and other soil parameters are influenced by management within agricultural systems, but they have rarely been well documented in East Africa.

Bản tin chính sách số 7 - Quý III/2012

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2012

Các nội dung chính của bản tin kỳ này:

- “Xanh hóa” ngành ngân hàng: Áp dụng chuẩn mực bắt buộc hay khuyến khích tham gia tự nguyện?

- Thu phí tham quan ở một số vườn quốc gia

- Tăng cường quản lý các dự án thủy điện

- Chuyển đổi đất rừng đặc dụng tại Vườn quốc gia Yok Đôn và Vũ Quang

- Quản lý dữ liệu về sinh vật biến đổi gen

- Kế hoạch hành động khẩn cấp bảo tồn voi Việt Nam

- Ban hành chiến lược mới về bảo vệ môi trường quốc gia

- Khắc phục ô nhiễm và cải thiện môi trường giai đoạn 2012 – 2015

Concessions and leases in the Lao PDR: taking stock of land investments

Reports & Research
December, 2012

This report presents the first nationwide analysis of land concessions and leases in the Lao PDR. The project is a joint effort between the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE), the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), to consolidate the most comprehensive national database on state land leases and concessions.

Tipping the Balance. Policies to shape agricultural investments and markets in favour of small-scale farmers

Reports & Research
December, 2012

Based on case studies in Guatemala, Nigeria, Tanzania and the Philippines. Contains introduction: shaping agricultural investments and markets for inclusion; getting the basics right: the wider policy environment; policies for inclusive agricultural investment and inclusive market governance; conclusions: policy and advocacy priorities for inclusive agricultural investments and market development.

Land Tenure and PES in Northern Thailand: A case study of Maesa-Kogma Man and Biosphere Reserve

Reports & Research
December, 2012

ABSTRACTED FROM SUMMARY: Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) is a direct approach for environmental conservation whereby service providers receive payments that are conditional on acceptable conservation performance. An enabling legal framework is an essential prerequisite for successful PES implementation. Before drafting new legal instruments, the current legal framework should be assessed for potential opportunities and bottlenecks. This policy review therefore aims to analyze the existing policies and legislations that are relevant to PES implementation in Northern Thailand.

The Relevance of Tenure and Forest Governance for Incentive Based Mechanisms: Implementing Payments for Ecosystem Services in Doi Mae Salong

Reports & Research
December, 2012

WEBSITE ABSTRACT: The report aims to contribute to the establishment of a PES scheme that promotes sound environmental management, contributes to poverty reduction and tenure security, and taps into payments for carbon sequestration. IUCN’s work on PES at Doi Mae Salong builds on the achievements of the Livelihoods and Landscapes Strategy (LLS) between 2007 and 2010, and its successor, the Poverty Reduction in Doi Mae Salong initiative (PRDMS), launched in April 2010.

Sharpening the understanding of socio-ecological landscapes in Participatory Land Use

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2012

In the two decades since the 1992 Rio Conference, Land-Use Planning (LUP) has become recognized as a key instrument in putting discourses on sustainable development into practice. In Lao PDR, despite the implementation problems, it is still seen as a lever for securing land tenure, rationalizing extension services provision, and more recently, for implementing ‘Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation’ (REDD) schemes. Impact assessments of past LUP have revealed weaknesses of local institutions in the effective implementation of land policies.