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Genre Et Foncier Au Sénégal : Étude De Cas Dans La Commune De Ross Béthio.

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2022
United States of America

In Africa, particularly in Senegal, the issue of gender in land governance remains an equation when it comes to access to land. In a number of West African countries, the issue of gender and land tenure is an ongoing one, insofar as the same obstacles have been identified for vulnerable groups, women in particular.

Environmental Attributes Consideration During Property Valuation In Tanzania: Professional Valuer’S Perspectives

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2022

Context and background: With the advent of rising global initiatives to address climate change and sustainability, interest in addressing theoretical and practical alignment of how professional valuers consider environmental attributes has become the focus of much attention.

Spatiotemporal variation in soil salinity under irrigated fields at Bochessa Catchment in Central Ethiopia

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2022

Soil salinity and sodicity problems are one of the major challenges to the permanence of irrigated agriculture in Ethiopia. This manuscript, therefore, concerns its spatial and temporal variation under irrigated fields and suggests possible management options. For this investigation, eight monitoring locations were selected based on the irrigation intensity that farmers practised in the area.

Women and Youth Empowerment in the Agricultural Sector in Côte d’Ivoire

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2022

This report presents the results of the quantitative survey on women and youth empowerment in the agricultural sector in Côte d'Ivoire. The survey targeted producer households from a digital database established as part of the TAFS-WCA baseline study. Data were collected in five Ivorian regions from a total sample of 410 actors.

Estimating lime requirements for tropical soils: Model comparison and development

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2022

Acid tropical soils may become more productive when treated with agricultural lime, but optimal lime rates have yet to be determined in many tropical regions. In these regions, lime rates can be estimated with lime requirement models based on widely available soil data. We reviewed seven of these models and introduced a new model (LiTAS).

Loi organique n° 26-2022 fixant les règles d’immatriculation de la propriété immobilière

LandLibrary Resource
June, 2022

Annonces judiciaires et légales et avis divers : 460 frs la ligne (il ne sera pas compté moins de 5.000 frs par annonce ou avis). Les annonces devront parvenir au plus tard le jeudi précédant la date de parution du “JO”. Propriété foncière et minière : 8.400 frs le texte.  Déclaration d’association : 15.000 frs le texte.


LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
February, 2022

O regime de propriedade da terra é estruturante na organização de qualquer Estado, mas assume uma importância acrescida em estados pós-coloniais africanos, como a Guiné-Bissau, que, sendo unitários na forma, e na organização do poder político, são plurais na sua organização jurídica, económica e social.

Renegociar a comunidade e disputar territórios: posse e propriedade nas terras comunitárias na região do lago Niassa

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
January, 2022

O presente artigo parte da experiência de delimitação de terras comunitárias, em Cóbuè, província do Niassa, para analisar a interface entre as lideranças tradicionais e os sistemas costumeiros de terras, em Moçambique, enquadrando os debates sobre terra e território, posse e propriedade da terra, bem como os encontros com a história territorial, os impactos das transformações, da legislação e

Renegociar a comunidade e disputar territórios: posse e propriedade nas terras comunitárias na região do lago Niassa

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
December, 2021
África subsariana

O presente artigo parte da experiência de delimitação de terras comunitárias, em Cóbuè, província do Niassa, para analisar a interface entre as lideranças tradicionais e os sistemas costumeiros de terras, em Moçambique, enquadrando os debates sobre terra e território, posse e propriedade da terra, bem como os encontros com a história territorial, os impactos das transformações, da legislação e

Access To Land And Tenure Security In Ethiopia’S Ethnic-Based Administration System

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2021
United States of America

 Ethiopia follows a federal state administrative structure. Regional states are organized on ethnic basis. The country has over 85 ethnic groups and languages, but only majority ethnic groups, with few exceptions, have their own standalone regional states.The Constitution of the country categorizes land as a public property and gives land administration responsibilities to regional states.

Endangered Culture The Changing Landscape Of Matrilineal Land Ownership In Rural Communities In Kasanga Settlement In Morogoro, Tanzania

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2021

ABSTRACT African culture and tradition on matrilineal land ownership are on the verge of disappearing. Land ownership in rural communities remains an important cultural dimension to secure livelihoods, economic growth, and sustainable development. Gender relations continue to interfere culture and tradition of matrilineal communities.

Elecronic Land Titling (E-Titling) In Land Administration And Economic Ecosystems In Rwanda

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2021

ABSTRACTElectronic land titling in the field of land administration being a new concept of right registration on land and properties developed on it, is seen to be the future of a centric land administration in Rwanda. Rwanda is promoting a cashless economy and a full paperless land administration aiming at promoting the principle of “zero trip zero paper”.