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Decreto Ley Nº 10/90 - Ley de arrendamiento provisional de tierras propiedad del Estado.

Central America

El presente Decreto Ley concede en calidad de arriendo aquellas propiedades rústicas aptas para la agricultura o ganadería que al momento de la promulgación del presente Decreto correspondan, en propiedad o en posesión al Estado, administradas o no por cualquiera de sus instituciones y que le hayan sido asignadas con fundamento en los Decretos confiscatorios o expropiatorios que hubiesen sido declaradas de utilidad pública y las que bajo cualquier otra forma arbitraria hayan sido confiscadas por el gobierno anterior o que estén en posesión de terceras personas sin ser sus legítimos dueños.<

Decreto Ley Nº 11/90 - Crea la Comisión Nacional de Revisión de Confiscaciones.

Central America

El presente Decreto Ley crea la Comisión Nacional de Revisión de Confiscaciones, integrada por el Procurador General de Justicia y por cuatro personas designadas directamente por el Presidente de la República entre personas de reconocida honestidad, integridad y solvencia moral, con la facultad para proceder a la revisión de todas las confiscaciones ejecutadas por el gobierno anterior bajo las leyes y decretos confiscatorios, expropiatorios o de reforma agraria y los que de una u otra forma privaron de sus bienes, derechos y acciones a personas naturales o jurídicas.

Thuringia Land Consolidation Act Implementing Law.

Western Europe

The present Law implements various articles of the Federal Land Consolidation Act in its consolidated version of 16 March 1976 (BGBl. I p. 546). In particular, the Law establishes the competent authorities responsible for the enforcement of the above-mentioned Federal Act. The text consists of 15 articles divided into 5 Parts as follows: Provisions on proceedings (I); Contestation of land consolidation plans (II); Land consolidation courts (III); Determination of costs (IV); Final provisions (V).

Small Claims Tribunal Decree (No. 7 of 1991).


This Decree makes provision for the establishment of tribunals by the Minister, define the jurisdiction of such tribunals and lay down the procedures for the submission to and handling of claims by such tribunals.The tribunal shall be competent in small claims as defined by this Decree but shall not have jurisdiction in respect of any claim: (a) for the recovery of land or any estate or interest therein; (b) in which the title to any land or any estate or interest therein is in question; (c) which could not be brought in a Magistrates' Court; and (d) which is required by any law to be broug

Area Development Act (R.S.N.W.T. 1988, c. A-8).

Northern America

The present Act lays down provisions relating to land use planning. Section 2 of the above-mentioned Act establishes that the Commissioner may designate any area in the Territories as a development area where the Commissioner considers that it will be necessary in the public interest to regulate the orderly development of the area, as contemplated by this Act.

Land (Adjudication of Rights and Interests) Act.


This Act makes provision for the adjudication of claims to title to land and rights and interests in land by a Commissioner appointed for this purpose by the Governor-General under this Act. A Commissioner of Titles shall handle claims regarding title in land situated in the registration district for which the Commissioner is appointed and shall exercise general supervisory control over all adjudications. The Commissioner shall adjudicate claims regarding ownership, lease, encumbrances, decisions of the Chief Surveyor or entries of a Registration Officer.

Regulation of Land Tenure (Established Villages) Act, 1992 (No. 22 of 1992).

Eastern Africa

This Act makes provision for the adjudication of rights with respect to village land in relation with the settlement and resettlement of peoples in villages for the purposes of a policy promoting the development of villages. The Act also declares rights held under customary law to be extinguished. The Minister may establish a tribunal in areas where the Customary Leaseholds (Enfranchisement) Act, 1968 does not apply. Such a tribunal shall have the power to determine disputes regarding village land.

Ley Agraria, 1992.

Central America

El comisariado ejidal es el órgano encargado de la ejecución de los acuerdos de la asamblea, así como de la representación y gestión administrativa del ejido (art. 32). Como órgano de participación de la comunidad podrá constituirse en cada ejido una junta de pobladores, integrada por los ejidatarios y avecindados del núcleo de población, la que podrá hacer propuestas sobre cuestiones relacionadas con el poblado, sus servicios públicos y los trabajos comunitarios del asentamiento humano (art. 41).

Ley orgánica de los Tribunales Agrarios.

Central America

La presente Ley regula las características, funcionamiento y competencias de los Tribunales Agrarios, definidos como órganos federales dotados de plena jurisdicción y autonomía para dictar sus fallos, a los que corresponde la administración de la justicia agraria en todo el territorio nacional (art. 1º). Los tribunales agrarios se dividen en dos: Tribunal Superior Agrario y los Tribunales unitarios agrarios (art. 2º).

Law No. 57 of 1992 on protection of foreign investments.

Western Asia

This Law consists of VII Sections that contain 43 articles. Section I (arts. 1-8) lays down general provisions. Section II (arts. 9-15) regards state guarantees concerning foreign investments. Section III (arts. 16-35) regards establishment and activity of enterprises with foreign investments. Section IV (arts. 36 and 37) regards purchase of securities by foreign investors. Section V (arts. 38-40) regards acquisition of rights for use of land and other proprietary rights by foreign investors. Section VI (art. 41) regards foreign investments in free economic zones. Section VII (arts.

Law No.930 of 1994 on leasing activity.

Western Asia

The present Law regulates leasing relations in the Azerbaijan Republic, determines rights and obligations of subjects of leasing contract. The document consists of V Secs. that contain 16 Arts. Section I (arts. 1-3) lays down general provisions. Section II (art. 4) specifies the forms of leasing activity. Section III (Arts. 5-8) regards leasing contract. Section IV (Arts. 9-12) establishes rights and obligations of the subjects of leasing contract. Section V (Arts. 13-16) regards termination of the leasing contract.