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Berlin Building Ordinance.

Western Europe

The present Ordinance applies to buildings and building products. Furthermore, the Ordinance also applies to parcel of lands and other constructions and facilities subject to requirements of the present Ordinance. The text consists of 88 articles divided into 8 Parts as follows: General provisions (1); The parcel of land and its development(2); Building constructions (3); Parties involved in construction (4); Control Boards, procedures (5); Penalties, rule of law, existing constructions, competences (6).

Physical Planning (Subdivision) Regulations (Cap. 286).

Eastern Africa

These Regulations apply to land to which section 2 of the Physical Planning Act applies. All subdivision of areas to which these Regulations apply shall require the grant of permission of a local authority or liaison committee (reg. 4). Regulations 5 to 12 provides for procedures of applications and registration of applications. The register of applications, containing the information outlined in regulation 8, shall be open for inspection by the general public in accordance with regulation 12.

Thüringen Ordinance on competences of land re-arrangement authorities.

Western Europe

The present Law implements various articles of the Federal Land Consolidation Act in its consolidated version of 16 March 1976 (BGBl. I p. 546) and the and the Reich Settlement Act of 11 August 1919. The Ordinance establishes the competent authorities responsible for the enforcement of the above-mentioned Federal Act. Article 1 establishes that the authority in charge of the new land re-arrangement is the State Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Forestries. The text consists of 4 articles.

Implements: Land Consolidation Act. (1976-03-16)

Saxon Land Survey and Cadastre Ordinance.

Western Europe

The purpose of the present Ordinance is to enforce efficiently the Saxon Land Survey and Cadastre Law of 29 January 2008. The text – consisting of 22 articles – deals, inter alia, with the following aspects:announcement of land survey works, access to information, use of information from land survey database, requirements of the survey cadastre, border of parcels of land, marking, control of lower survey authorities, transfer of data, transitional provisions, entry into force and expiry.

Implements: Cloven-Hoofed Game Administrative Regulation. (2013-03-01)

Saxon Building Ordinance Administrative Regulation.

Western Europe

The present Regulation implements the Sachsen Building Ordinance of 28 May 2004. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to building and building products, as well as to parcels of land and other constructions and facilities subject to requirments of the afore-mentioned Ordinance. The text consists of 49 articles.

Implements: Saxon Building Ordinance. (2014-05-01)

Règlement sur le service de la mensuration officielle (4) (RSMO).

Western Europe

Le présent règlement met en exécution l’ordonnance fédérale sur la mensuration officielle, du 18 novembre 1992. Notamment, le règlement concerne la composition, l’organisation et les services de la mensuration officielle. Le texte comprend 51 articles répartis en 7 chapitres comme suit: Organisation (1er); Attributions (II); Mensuration officielle (III); Mise à jour (IV); Diffusion (V); Dispositions finales et transitoires (VI).

Met en oeuvre: Ordonnance sur la mensuration officielle (OMO). (2008-07-01)

Land Demarcation Act.

Western Europe

The present Act lays down provisions relating to demarcation and zoning of land, especially used in the new Länder of the former German Democratic Republic where huge collective areas needed to change their boundaries. The text consists of 23 articles divided into 4 Parts as follows: Separation of land and right of use (1); Execution of land separation (2); Effects of land separation (3); Legal protection, relation to other proceedings (4).

Land Titles Act 1996.

Norfolk Island

This Act makes provision for the registration of title in land and defines effects of registration of title. The Act also provides other rules relative to dealings in land. Land in respect of which title has been registered under this Act may not be transferred, mortgaged, leased or otherwise dealt with, and an instrument that purports to deal with such land shall not be registered, except in accordance with this Act. Rights in land shall be registered with the Registrar of Titles of Norfolk Island.

Crown Lands Act (C.C.S.M. c. C340).

Northern America

This Act is divided into 35 sections and 10 parts as follows: (1) Lands Branch; (2) Dealings in Crown Lands Reservations from Dispositions; (3) Power of Lieutenant Governor in Council; (4) Powers and Duties of Minister; (5) Dispositions; (6) Assignments; (7) Remedies Recovery of Rents and Royalties; (8) Forfeiture; (9) Possession of Land Adversely Held; (10) Prohibitions and Penalties; The Department of Natural Resources known as the "Lands Branch" which manages and administers Crown lands is continued.