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Documental Niweaba: mujeres shipibas enfrentan las amenazas a sus territorios y sus vidas

December, 2022

Las comunidades shipibas cuyos territorios se ubican en la provincia de Coronel Portillo, región Ucayali, enfrentan múltiples amenazas a sus derechos territoriales y sus vidas: narcotráfico, tala ilegal. Pero no solo actividades ilegales, también concesiones forestales y agrícolas otorgadas por el Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego en sus territorios. Los menonitas han deforestado grandes extensiones.

Energy transition minerals and their intersection with land-connected peoples

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2022

Rapidly transitioning the global energy system to renewables is considered necessary to combat climate change. Current estimates suggest that at least 30 energy transition minerals and metals (ETMs) form the material base for the energy transition. The inventory of ETMs indicates a high level of intersectionality with territories less impacted by the historic forces of industrialization.

Deriving countermeasures to the use of housing, land and property rights as a war-financing commodity

Journal Articles & Books
October, 2022
Eastern Asia
Western Asia

Efforts to thwart the trafficking of conflict commodities to finance wars constitute an ongoing endeavour. As specific approaches become effective for certain commodities, belligerent actors pursue new forms of exploitation. The trafficking of housing, land and property (HLP) rights in war zones has now reached a pervasiveness, lucrativeness and severity to warrant significant attention on the derivation of countermeasures.

Executive Summary - State of Land Information in Namibia Report (English)

Reports & Research
October, 2022

This is a brief summary of the State of Land Information in Namibia report. The SOLI Namibia reports serves as a diagnostic for the land information ecosystem in Namibia and enable targeted interventions for improved information management at a later stage. 

The full report can be found here:

Gobernanza Ambiental, una estrategia para superar las desigualdades en territorios campesinos e indígenas de tierras bajas de Bolivia.

Journal Articles & Books
June, 2022

En los últimos años, la Chiquitanía, Chaco y la Amazonia han experimentado recurrentes eventos climáticos adversos, pero también, los territorios campesinos e indígenas están fuertemente presionados por el avance del modelo agroindustrial. Bolivia, actualmente presenta las mayores tasas de deforestación y cambio de uso de los suelos de la región, por la ampliación de la frontera agropecuaria (monocultivo oleaginosas y ganadería extensiva).

Land expropriation in Palma, Mozambique

Policy Papers & Briefs
April, 2022

In a context of conflict affecting northern Cabo Delgado, the government approved the request for allocation of 12,000 hectares of land located in Palma in favour of the Cabo Delgado Economic Development Promotion Centre (CPD), an unknown public entity created in May 2021 and whose attributions and competences are confused with the mandate of the Integrated Development Agency of the North (ADIN). The approval of the provisional DUAT in favour of the CPD was not preceded by a public consultation with affected communities, as required by land legislation.

Housing, land and property rights as war financing commodities: A typology with lessons from Darfur, Colombia and Syria

Journal Articles & Books
February, 2022
Latin America and the Caribbean
Western Asia

The ongoing use of landscape-based conflict commodities — diamonds and other minerals, timber, wildlife, etc. — to finance wars continues to evolve. The success with which such commodities can be transacted to support militaries, militias and insurgencies has led belligerents to innovate with additional commodities. Housing, land and property (HLP) rights within war zones have belatedly joined the list of conflict commodities that are subject to transaction, and to such an extent as to warrant significant concern.

Informe sobre la situación de las personas y comunidades defensoras de los derechos humanos ambientales en México, 2021

Reports & Research
February, 2022
América Septentrional

El informe pretende visibilizar la situación de violencia estructural que enfrentan las personas y comunidades defensoras de los derechos humanos ambientales, de la tierra y del territorio en México, a través del monitoreo, registro y análisis de las agresiones perpetradas en su contra en razón de su labor. Con ello se pone a la vista información de las cifras generales de dichas agresiones, las cuales lamentablemente no son alentadoras.

BTI 2022 Country Report: Georgia

Reports & Research
January, 2022

The governing Georgian Dream party (GD) continues to control all branches of the state. Although the UNM-led opposition put pressure on the GD government, it won a third term in allegedly fraudulent parliamentary elections on October 31, 2020. The opposition refused to take up their seats in the new parliament, which led to a political deadlock. The crisis peaked when Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia resigned in February 2021 over his personal refusal to arrest UNM opposition leader Nikanor Melia.

BTI 2022 Country Report Kazakhstan

Reports & Research
December, 2021

In 2019, the long-awaited transition of presidential power from Nursultan Nazarbayev to his anointed successor Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev took place. However, Nazarbayev continues to wield power. Among his many positions is the chair-for-life of the National Security Council, a constitutional body that has effective veto power over key policy decisions.