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Évaluation nationale de la gouvernance foncière pour le Plan national d’investissement agricole (PNIA) du Gabon

Reports & Research
March, 2019

Il s’agit d’effectuer une analyse nationale approfondie sur l’état de la politique et de la gouvernance foncière dans le contexte de la Déclaration de Malabo pour soutenir le développement d’un PNIA au Gabon, en incluant une présentation de la situation actuelle, les éventuelles lacunes et des recommandations.

De manière spécifique, il s’agit de :

  • Evaluer dans quelle mesure la gouvernance foncière est abordée dans le PNIA en cours et l'impact de ce PNIA sur la gouvernance foncière ;

Assessing Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Governance of Tenure: A Toolkit Approach: Lessons generated from ActionAid’s work with governments and communities

Peer-reviewed publication
February, 2019

The livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people, particularly the rural poor, are based on secure and equitable access to and control over land and natural resources which are in turn the source of food and shelter, the basis for social, cultural and religious practices, and a central factor in economic growth.

Assessing the costs of tenure risks to agribusiness

January, 2019

This report on the state of industrial oil palm plantations in West and Central Africa shows how communities are turning the tide on a massive land grab in the region. Between 2000 and 2015 companies signed oil palm plantation concession agreements with African governments covering over 4.7 million hectares;mostly without the knowledge of the affected communities. These companies are now struggling. There has been a significant decline in the number and total area of land deals for industrial oil palm plantations over the past five years;from 4.7 to a little over 2.7 million hectares.

From Hill tribes to Indigenous Peoples: The localisation of a global movement in Thailand

Journal Articles & Books
January, 2019

This article presents a chronology of the growth of the concept of Indigeneity in Thailand, analysing the particular ways in which the global Indigenous movement has taken root in the country. In Thailand, transnational support networks and the opening of political associational space played key roles in facilitating the growth of, first, a regional, and later a national Indigenous movement during the 1980s and early 2000s, respectively.

Rural producer agency and agricultural value chains: What role for socio-legal empowerment?

December, 2018

Cameroon’s current land law appears to have two conflicting objectives: to attract investors through large-scale land concessions; while protecting biodiversity;defending local people’s rights and promoting rural development. But the legislation governing large-scale land-based investments is outdated and sometimes incoherent. The land allocation process is investor driven and does not appropriately balance economic;social or environmental considerations.

The Highest Bidder Takes It All: The World Bank’s Scheme to Privatize the Commons

December, 2018

Tenure risk – or the risk of dispute between investors and local people over land or natural resource claims – is endemic in emerging markets. There are hundreds of recorded incidents of tenure disputes creating delays;violence, project cancellation and even bankruptcy at a corporate level. These tenure disputes create lose-lose outcomes for investors;local people and national governments;while robbing emerging markets of the developmental benefits of responsible land investments. However;many investors are unaware of the problem or lack the time and resources to address it.

Cercos e resistências Povos Indígenas Isolados na Amazônia brasileira

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2018
América do Sul

A Amazônia brasileira é a região do planeta com maior número de comunidades nativas classificadas como isoladas. No Brasil de hoje, como nos demais países da região amazônica, assiste-se a uma proliferação crescente de relatos e imagens que dão notícia de povos indígenas em situação de isolamento. A Funai conta 114 registros, 28 deles já confirmados; a maioria se concentra nas regiões de frontei- ra com outros países amazônicos.

Land Framework of Singapore

Policy Papers & Briefs
November, 2018

Long-term planning and an efficient system of land administration and management have played a critical role in Singapore’s transformation from a colonial port to highly liveable global city.

Credibility of institutions in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), effects of government policies on real estate developers

Peer-reviewed publication
November, 2018

Credibility is the measure of how institutions are perceived as a result of autonomous endogenous patterns of interaction and power differences. It is not the tenure security in the sense of neo-classical economics that matters but the perceived security and whether developers have the assurance to retain the fruits of their investment. What matters in performance of institutions is not their form but their functions as it is determined temporally and spatially in terms of economic efficiency, stability and growth.

History and Politics of Land Reforms in Pakistan: A Case Study of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Era

Peer-reviewed publication
November, 2018

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto emerged as the populist leader in the elections of 1970 with his Pakistan People’s Party established in 1967. Bhutto had worked in Ayub Khan’s cabinet for a long time and he knew the weaknesses of incumbent government. Having established his party, he challenged the policies of Ayub government and pioneered the movement for the downfall of Ayub regime. The elections of 1970 yielded polarized electoral mandate in which Awami League won thumping majority in East Pakistan while Pakistan People’s Party outdid rivals in the West Pakistan.