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Who invests in agriculture and how much?

Reports & Research
November, 2012

Investment in agriculture is widely recognized as crucial for economic growth, poverty reduction and improved food and nutrition security. Although several estimates have been made of how much investment is needed in agriculture to achieve production or food security goals, no source to date has attempted to estimate the total amount of public and private investment that is actually made in agriculture. This paper does so using the most up to date and comprehensive international datasets available.

The Long Green Revolution

November, 2012

To combat climate change and hunger, a number of governments, foundations and aid agencies have called for a ‘New Green Revolution’. Such calls obfuscate the dynamics of the Green Revolution. Using Arrighi's analysis of capital accumulation cycles, it is possible to trace a Long Green Revolution that spans the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

Expansão agrícola, preços e apropriação de terra por estrangeiros no Brasil

Journal Articles & Books
August, 2012
América do Sul
A recente "corrida mundial por terras" transformou a América Latina, em geral, e o Brasil, em particular, em alvos preferenciais para negócios com aumento considerável de investimentos estrangeiros no setor agropecuário, inclusive na compra de terras, com a participação de empresas do setor financeiro. Mesmo sendo um mercado de baixa liquidez, negócios com terras não são novidade no Brasil, mas têm aumentado consideravelmente após 2002, sendo, inclusive, possível perceber esse processo no sistema de cadastro do Instituto Nacionalde Colonização e Reforma Agrária (Incra).

The Economics of Land Degradation for the Agriculture Sector in Tajikistan - A Scoping Study

Reports & Research
April, 2012

As part of the broader United Nations Development Programme and United Nations Environment Programme (UNDP/UNEP) Poverty-Environment Initiative (PEI), Phase 1 Project, the overall objective of this study is to develop a framework to assess the impact of land degradation and the benefits of SLM.

Direitos de Propriedade da Terra Rural no Brasil

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011
América do Sul
O artigo discute, sob uma perspectiva institucionalista, a dimensão do problema fundiário brasileiro expresso pela fragilidade dos direitos de propriedade da terra rural. Além dos condicionantes históricos referidos no texto, o artigo chama a atenção para o papel das instituições de registro e cadastro de imóveis que, por estarem separadas e não integradas, favorecem as práticas de fraude, apossamento e potencializam os conflitos fundiários.

Eroding Rivers, Eroding Livelihoods in Bangladesh

Reports & Research
November, 2010

Bangladesh is the most densely populated country in the world. Its 144,000 square kilometres are home to an estimated 150 million people. About 45 percent (2004) of them live below the national poverty line and around 36 percent are living on US$ 1 per day. Agriculture contributes largely to the national economy, with 60 percent of employment provided by the agricultural sector (including crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry) in 1995/6. Rural poverty is highest but urban poverty is growing.

Cadre législatif et réglementaire du Tchad

Reports & Research
August, 2010

Vaste pays (1 284 000km²), très largement désertique, au moins au nord de la frontière naturelle que constitue le Chari, le Tchad comptait une population de 10 millions d’habitants en 2006, dont le taux de croissance est de 3,3 % la même année1. Comme le relevait déjà une étude de 1996, la part urbaine de cette population est en forte expansion (taux de croissance de 4,8 %, mais avec des pics pour N’Djamena, 6 %, et Moundou, la ville du pétrole, avec 4,8 %). Cette population urbaine représenterait àpeu près 20 % de la population2.