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Centre du Mali: l’accord de Niono, d’un espoir de paix durable à la résurgence du conflit

Policy Papers & Briefs
August, 2021

Cet article s'attachera à analyser la situation du conflit entre les djihadistes de Katiba Macina et les donsos dans la zone de Niono (région de Ségou, centre du Mali), ainsi que le processus qui a conduit à l'accord de paix entre les belligérants. La dynamique du conflit dans le centre et l'accord de paix permettent de comprendre les rouages complexes de la violence dans le centre du Mali.

Securing Land Rights of Smallholder Farmers

Reports & Research
July, 2021

This report summarizes the background, achievements and emerging outcomes of the Securing Access to Land and Resources (SALaR) project implemented towards improving land and natural resources tenure security for rural poor smallholder farmers, including women, men, youth and vulnerable groups in Uganda, Philippines and Laos.

The politics of mechanisation in Zimbabwe: tractors, accumulation and agrarian change

July, 2021

This article explores whether mechanisation affects patterns of accumulation and differentiation in Zimbabwe's post land reform where policy consistently disadvantages smallholders. Is the latest mechanisation wave any different? The article considers dynamics of tractor access and accumulation trajectories across and within land use types in Mvurwi area. Larger, richer and well-connected farmers draw on patronage networks to access tractors and accumulate further. Some small to medium-scale farmers generate surpluses and invest in tractors or pay for services.

Garantizar los derechos a la tierra para la construcción de sistemas agroalimentarios sostenibles y equitativos

Conference Papers & Reports
June, 2021
América Latina y el Caribe

Este documento resume las propuestas de 75 personas, 50 mujeres y 25 hombres, representantes de organizaciones de la agricultura familiar, organizaciones campesinas e indígenas, movimientos por la agroecología, organismos de Naciones Unidas, ONG locales e internacionales; organizaciones de zonas urbanas y rurales, y universidades.

Garantizar los derechos a la tierra para la construcción de sistemas agroalimentarios sostenibles y equitativos

Reports & Research
June, 2021
América Latina y el Caribe

El presente informe sistematiza los resultados del Diálogo Independiente Regional llevado a cabo el 12 de mayo para recoger aportes de diversos actores para la Cumbre de la ONU sobre los Sistemas Alimentarios 2021, con el objetivo de que la comunidad vinculada al tema de la tierra haga llegar su voz a este importante espacio.

Artisanal, Small-scale and Large-scale Mining in Lao PDR

Journal Articles & Books
June, 2021
  • Despite eight years of gradual decline due to low global commodity prices, the mining sector in Lao PDR still constitutes a key source of state revenue and an important destination for foreign direct investment, especially from China, Vietnam and Thailand.
  • Economic development through industrial mining has not translated into employment opportunities for local communities.

Food Security and COVID-19

Policy Papers & Briefs
May, 2021
Sierra Leone

June 4, 2021 -- An increasing number of countries are facing growing levels of acute food insecurity, reversing years of development gains. Even before COVID-19 reduced incomes and disrupted supply chains, chronic and acute hunger were on the rise due to various factors including conflict, socio-economic conditions, natural hazards, climate change and pests. COVID-19 impacts have led to severe and widespread increases in global food insecurity, affecting vulnerable households in almost every country, with impacts expected to continue through 2021 and into 2022.

How Are Smallholder Farmers Involved in Digital Agriculture in Developing Countries: A Case Study from China

Peer-reviewed publication
March, 2021

Digital transformation in agricultural practices may lead to a "digital divide" between small and large farms, owing to the characteristics and availability of digital technology. This paper sought to use a case study in Chongzhou County, Sichuan Province in China, to analyze how smallholder farmers in developing countries access such digital agriculture and share the benefits of digital agricultural transformation. Small farmers may own a larger scale farm through forming cooperatives; they are also indirectly involved in digital agriculture through agriculture outsourcing.

Behind the Brands Independent Evaluation on the Implementation of Land Rights Commitments

Reports & Research
February, 2021

This independent evaluation by Emerald Network focuses on land rights, access and sustainable use, through an assessment of five companies: the Coca-Cola Company (TCCC), PepsiCo, Nestlé, Unilever and Associated British Foods’ (ABF) subsidiary Illovo Sugar Africa. As a result of the Behind the Brands campaign, these companies have publicly recognized the risk of people being dispossessed of their land to make way for agricultural commodities and have pledged to respect the rights of women, communities and smallholder farmers.