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Effects of livestock feed sourcing and feeding strategies on livestock water productivity in mixed crop–livestock systems of the Blue Nile basin highlands of Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
October, 2013
Eastern Africa

Inefficient management and use of water is unanimously the most single constraint of agricultural production of Ethiopia. The study was conducted to assess the effect of livestock feed sourcing and feeding strategies on livestock water productivity (LWP) in mixed crop–livestock production systems of the Blue Nile Basin in Ethiopian Highlands. Three districts representing diverse agricultural farming systems were considered. Each district further stratified to different farming systems. Multi-stage stratified random sampling technique was employed to select farm households.

Effect of current livestock feed sourcing and feeding strategies on livestock water productivity in mixed crop-livestock systems of the Blue Nile Basin highlands of Ethiopia

Reports & Research
June, 2013
Eastern Africa

Effect of current livestock feed sourcing and feeding strategies on livestock water productivity in mixed crop-livestock systems of the Blue Nile Basin highlands of Ethiopia

Smallholder farms livestock management practices and their implications on livestock water productivity in mixed crop-livestock systems in the highlands of Blue Nile basin: A case study from Fogera, Diga and Jeldu districts (Ethiopia)

Journal Articles & Books
October, 2012
Eastern Africa

The study pertains to livestock management practices & their implications on Livestock Water Productivity (LWP) in the rain-fed crop-livestock systems in the Blue Nile Basin (BNB). Seven farming systems (Rice- Pulse & Teff-Millet from Fogera), (Barley-Potato, Teff-Wheat & Sorghum farming systems from Jeldu) & (Teff-Millet & Sorghum farming systems from Diga districts) were selected & a total of 220 sample Household (HH) heads were involved. Cattle were the major livestock species accounting for 83% of the total Tropical Livestock Unit.

Livestock and land share contracts in a Hindu Society

Reports & Research
December, 2011

This paper examines factors related to the existence of a livestock rental market in western Nepal and assesses whether this is associated with caste differentiation and land rental market participation. This study brings new empirical evidence of livestock rental market against the established view that such market does not exist due to moral hazard.

Implication of Legislative Reform under The Land Act of Bhutan, 2007: A case study on Nationalization of Tsamdro & Sokshing and its associated socioeconomic and environmental consequences

Reports & Research
November, 2010

Given its seemingly beneficial aspects to socioeconomic development and environmental well-being, the legislative reforms initiated under the Land Act of Bhutan, 2007 have raised so much consternation as well as hope in the minds of the Bhutanese people who either depend on livestock husbandry or leasing out such rights to others with livestock and compensated with payment in cash or kind in the form of livestock products.

Pasture in Gorno-Badakhshan, Tajikistan: Common Resource or Private Property

Journal Articles & Books
June, 2010

This paper looks at how recent economic and legal changes have affected pasture management and property rights in Tajikistan. Firstly, current trends in livestock numbers and mobility are compared with those of the Soviet period. Secondly, the impact of current land legislation is investigated using 2007 field data from two sites in the Gorno-Badakhshan region of the country. We describe the extent to which pasture at these sites is under private, community or state control and discuss the implications for sustainable management of this resource.

Rural Livelihoods in Three Mountainous Regions of Tajikistan

Journal Articles & Books
August, 2007

This article uses data from household income surveys to look at income structures amongst households in three mountainous regions of Tajikistan: Gorno-Badakhshan, the Rasht Valley and Eastern Khatlon. The structure of incomes demonstrates the dominant role of subsistence agriculture in all three regions although commercial agriculture is important amongst better-off households in Rasht. Relationships between poverty and household characteristics including access to capital, demographic variables and income-generating activities were examined.

Las políticas de ajuste de los ejidatarios frente a la reforma neoliberal en México

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2000

Desde 1988 el sector ejidatario mexicano se ha visto afectado
por una serie de cambios de política y perturbaciones exógenas
que han puesto en tela de juicio la viabilidad agrícola del
sector en su conjunto. Los cambios --liberalización del comercio,
privatización, reducción de los subsidios, eliminación
de los controles de precios, perturbaciones macroeconómicas,
devaluación y grandes reformas del marco legal que rige el
uso de la tierra en los ejidos-- han llevado a un reordenamiento

The adjustment strategies of Mexican ejidatarios in the face of neoliberal reform

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2000

Since 1988 the ejido sector in Mexico has been buffeted by a series of policy changes and exogenous shocks that have brought into question the agricultural viability of the sector as a whole. These changes -trade liberalization, privatization, falling subsidies, the abolition of price controls, macroeconomic shocks, devaluation and momentous changes in the legal framework governing land use in the ejido- have led to a radical reordering of the policy framework and incentive structure under which the farmers of these communal lands operate.