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Bangladesh Country Overview Paper on Climate Change and Land Tenure Rights

Reports & Research
September, 2023

This country overview paper offers a perspective overview of climate change and land tenure rights in Bangladesh. It provides a review and analysis of how the official climate responses and those of other stakeholders impact on the land tenure, use and rights of people. Lastly, it discusses the emergent impacts/implications of climate change on land tenure rights, land use systems and governance.

In undertaking the above discussions, the paper has brought into particular focus the socio-economic issues of poor, marginalized, and at-risk sectors.

Land and conflict

Reports & Research
September, 2023

Struggles to control valuable land, natural and mineral resources are at the heart of many conflicts around the world. Many have their roots in colonial conquest and post-colonial resource grabbing by colluding local and global elites. Land conflicts frequently entail clashes of values and meanings associated with land. Conflict risk is rising with climate change and the race to control critical mineral and water resources. Millions of people face loss of livelihoods and displacement.

Des aliments salubres pour tous

Manuals & Guidelines
September, 2023

Nécessité vitale, activité sociale, acte d’amour, mode d’expression: l’alimentation est toutes ces choses à la fois, et elle constitue en outre une source importante d’emploi et donne le pouls de toute économie.


Mais la filière alimentaire – culture, récolte, transformation, conditionnement, transport, distribution, vente, achat, préparation, consommation, et finalement, élimination des produits consommés – est une succession fragile de stades exposés à de multiples risques.


Analyse des archétypes des politiques et mesures forestières: Vers une nouvelle typologie

Reports & Research
September, 2023

Les décideurs ont accès à une panoplie, vaste et de plus en plus fournie, de politiques et de mesures qui peuvent, en théorie, contribuer à réduire la déforestation et la dégradation des forêts. Des théories intermédiaires peuvent être formulées pour résumer les conditions dans lesquelles ces politiques et mesures forestières sont efficaces pour mettre fin à la déforestation et à la dégradation des forêts.

Land Emerges, Land Disappears: Char Dwellers Continue Fighting for Land Tenure Security

Reports & Research
September, 2023

This case study shows the challenge of securing land rights and land tenure security among a sector of Bangladesh’s landless poor whose claim to land is among the most tenuous in the world — the char dwellers. Their settlement on land that was created by river erosion and could at any time disappear in the same way provides a compelling case for the grant by the government of land rights that are not presently provided for by current land laws. The increasing risk of disasters, particularly flooding, threatens char dwellers equally if not more than other landless poor.

Struggles of Munda people of Datinakhali Mundapara in Shyamnagar upazila (subdistrict) of Satkhira district in Bangladesh

September, 2023

This video is about the everyday struggles of Munda people of Datinakhali Mundapara in Shyamnagar upazila (subdistrict) of Satkhira district in Bangladesh. Munda is one of the indigenous communities in the country. Being on the frontline of the climate crisis, rising sea levels and salt infiltrates, 28 Munda families living in Datinakhali Mundapara are in dire straits due to landlessness, poverty, and climate change effects, with 10 Munda households already have migrated to other places.

Home is Where Climate Resilience Should Be Built: A Case Study of Climate Resilience in the Indigenous Munda Community in the South Western Coastal Area of Bangladesh

Reports & Research
September, 2023

This case study challenges assumptions that disaster-hit communities that have lost their houses and possessions would willingly pack up and leave, believing that it is easier to migrate than to remain in their communities. However, for indigenous people like the Munda in Shyamnagar sub-district, migration is not the answer to achieving climate resilience. Because their lives are inextricably linked to their ancestral home, uprooting themselves exacts a toll on their identity and undermines the continuity of their culture and traditions.

Aportes y visión que los Pueblos Indígenas de cara a la Cumbre del futuro de ONU

Conference Papers & Reports
September, 2023
América Latina y el Caribe

Los Pueblos Indígenas son mencionados solamente en 2 de las 169 metas de los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). Cada objetivo proporciona metas específicas que deben alcanzarse a lo largo de un período de 15 años. El 25 de septiembre de 2015, los líderes mundiales comprometieron firmemente la establecimiento de un conjunto de objetivos globales con el fin de erradicar la pobreza, preservar el planeta y asegurar la prosperidad para todas personas como una parte de la Agenda de Desarrollo Sostenible.

The African Leaders Nairobi Declaration on Climate Change and Call to Action. Adopted 6 September 2023. Nairobi, Kenya.

Conference Papers & Reports
September, 2023

We, the African Heads of State and Government, gathered for the inaugural Africa Climate Summit (ACS) in Nairobi, Kenya, from 4th to 6th September 2023; in the presence of other global leaders, intergovernmental organizations, Regional Economic Communities, United Nations Agencies, private sector, civil society organizations, indigenous peoples, local communities, farmer organizations, children, youth, women and academia,

Jóvenes Indígenas, Afrodescendientes y de Comunidades Locales de Latinoamerica Unidos por la Defensa de los Territorios Ancestrales

Training Resources & Tools
September, 2023
América Latina y el Caribe

Los días 6 y 7 de septiembre de 2023, un grupo de 18 jóvenes líderes Indígenas, Afrodescendientes y de comunidades locales de organizaciones de la Coalición de RRI se reunieron por primera vez en Bogotá, Colombia

Los jóvenes líderes, procedentes de 10 países de América Latina, comparten un objetivo en común: defender las tierras ancestrales y los derechos territoriales de sus pueblos y comunidades, para la gestión sostenible de estos territorios y la protección de sus ecosistemas.