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Characterization Of Socio-Land Management Modes Of Lowland Areas In The Kyon Municipality (Burkina Faso)

December, 2022
Burkina Faso

Context and background The mastery and control of rural areas remain a challenge for both landowners and the Burkinabe State. The major agricultural production basins, particularly areas with high exploitation of lowlands, experience permanent changes in production actors and land management strategies. This leads to the establishment of a multitude of access and exploitation rules aimed at better controlling all production chains. Therefore, what are the set of rules and principles that govern the exploitation of lowland in the study area?

The Administrative Transformation Of The Agrarian Urban Authority And The Emergence Of Urban Village In Urban Settings

December, 2022
United States of America

The United Republic of Tanzania has been administratively restructuring and Transforming its Local Government Authorities from lowest to higher rank based on ranking structural ideas adopted from China. Based on that regard, the Urban Local Government of Tanzania has been categorized into administrative hierarchical positions of Trade Centers, Townships, Towns, Municipalities and Cities. Materially, the administrative transformation of urban authorities in Tanzania resulted in the reemergence of rural urbanism and the urban village in urban Localities.

Understanding Protracted Resource-Based Conflicts In The Horn Of Africa: The Case Of North Wollo Amhara And Zone 4 Of Afar In Ethiopia

December, 2022
United States of America

Prolonged communal resource conflicts have undermined development and exacerbated poverty in North Wollo Amhara and neighboring Afar communities in Ethiopia for over two decades. Finding a permanent solution appears to elude all stakeholders mainly because of the inadequate understand of the underlying and proximate causes of these communal resource conflicts. To unpack the causes, the study employed in-depth interviews with three focus groups, 43 key informants and randomly selected 354 household heads.

Du Code Domanial Et Foncier À La Loi Domaniale Et Foncière: La Réalité De La Reconnaissance Des Droits Fonciers Coûtumiers Est-Elle En Cause Au Mali ?

December, 2022

Context and backgroundIn 2017 Mali developed a law recognizing the customary land rights of local populations called the "Loi sur le Foncier Agricole" (LFA, Farmland Land Law). This law was celebrated by rural populations, particularly farmers, who saw their family farms protected from state monopolization through incorporation into the private real estate domain of the state by means of registration. It was in this euphoria that the Land Law (LDF) was passed in 2020 by ordinance.

Unlocking Africa’S Land Potential And Addressing Its Problems Through Sustainable Land Management

December, 2022

Context and backgroundUnsustainable land management practices result in land degradation that threatens the environment and stifles livelihoods. Africa remains exposed to threats such as natural resource degradation and poverty due to various reasons that include: changing demographics, urbanization, mining, fragile natural resources and ecosystems, increased soil erosion and land degradation, low yields and high post-harvest yield losses.

Foncier Et Recompositions Sociales En Mauritanie Analyse Socio-Anthropologique Et Juridique Des Difficultés D’Accès Des Descendants Des Couches Serviles À La Terre

December, 2022

Context and backgroundDespite a social recomposition marked by the abolition of slavery and the emancipation of the layers of servile origin, access to land ownership rights for descendants of servile origin is far from guaranteed in Mauritania. Customary law based on Islamic jurisprudence stands up to the law of 1960 and the decrees of 1983 and previous legal reforms; in short, the modern legal arsenal does not elucidate, justify or facilitate equitable access of the descendants of the former servile strata to land like other landless Mauritanian communities.

Property Valuation Theory: Implications For Policy And Practice In Zimbabwe

December, 2022

Context and background There is a reciprocal relationship between theory, policy and practice. Property valuation as practiced today is elucidated by certain standards and policies which are based on theoretical foundations. The axioms of value have been postulated throughout history, from pre-classical times to the present, with succeeding theorists, some adopting the former’s reason with adjustments and some refuting.

Peoples’ Perspectives On The Walking Environment In Rapidly Growing Cities: The Case Of Dar Es Salaam City

December, 2022

Goal and Objectives:The overall objective of this paper is to examine the perspectives of pedestrians on the walking environmennt in a stuation of increased transport and to recommend for policy and planning interventions through which the walking environment in cities of developing countries can be improved.Methodology:On methodological fronts, the study adopted a mixed research methodological approach and a caste study research strategy. Data were collected by using observations, unguided group discussions, questionnaire and checklist.

Industrial Land: State Of The Art And Management Methods. International Benchmark And Case Study Of An Industrial Zone

December, 2022
United States of America

Context and backgroundThe land is a finite resource for which competition is intensifying due to rapid urbanization, population growth, economic necessities... In Morocco, the land is increasingly seen as an obstacle and a major constraint on several levels. . In the industrial sector, the land is an essential lever for investment. In this context, we can cite the issue of the management of industrial zones, which remains a global dilemma. It also raises the issue of the place of the State concerning the private sector in the development, planning, marketing, and management of areas.