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Reports & Research
September 2024

<strong>From the DEI Working Group<a href="#_ftn1"><strong>[1]</strong></a></strong>


This research paper discusses the pervasive gender inequalities that limit individuals' choices and…

Conference Papers & Reports
September 2024

The starting point for the Conference and Summit was the recognition that ongoing transitions in the name of climate change and clean energy are deeply unfair in multiple ways. Climate policies and so-called green investments place huge burdens on people and spaces in the Global South as well as…

Policy Papers & Briefs
September 2024

This paper explores ways in which global actions to tackle climate change can potentially undermine women’s land tenure security. While there is greater cognizance of the role of secure land tenure as a critical enabler of global climate goals, climate actions that fail to account for…

Reports & Research
August 2024

La versión resumida de la publicación de la FAO, El estado de la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición en el mundo 2024, contiene los mensajes clave y los puntos principales de la publicación y está dirigida a los medios, los responsables políticos y al público general.

Conference Papers & Reports
July 2024

After two years of organizing the LAND-at-scale Exchange in Utrecht, the third LAND-at-scale exchange took place from June 9th to June 13th in Uganda, hosted by LAS partner UN-Habitat/ Global Land Tool Network. Nearly 60 LAS country and knowledge partners came together in Kampala to exchange…

Reports & Research
July 2024

When UN member states adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, we celebrated world leaders’ recognition of the foundational and strategic role that sustainable land management must play to advance climate resilience, biodiversity conservation, and maintain sufficient food…

Reports & Research
July 2024

Secure land rights for all—women and men, regardless of ethnicity or religion, or civil, economic, social, or political status—are foundational for achieving a world free of poverty, hunger, and systematic gender discrimination. So, in 2015, we celebrated when world leaders recognized the…

Reports & Research
July 2024

Direitos à terra seguros para todas e todos - mulheres e homens, independentemente de etnia ou religião, ou status civil, econômico, social ou político - são fundamentais para alcançar um mundo livre de pobreza, fome e discriminação sistemática de gênero. Portanto, em 2015, comemoramos quando…

Reports & Research
July 2024

Quando os Estados membros da Nações Unidas adotaram os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODSs) em 2015, comemoramos o reconhecimento de líderes mundiais do papel fundamental e estratégico que a gestão sustentável da terra deve desempenhar para promover a resiliência climática, a…

Manuals & Guidelines
May 2024

Often, approaches to investment-related land rights violations are reactive, rather than proactive and preventative: legal support is usually provided <em>after</em> communities have been negatively impacted, displaced or evicted — and <em>after </em>lives have been lost…

Peer-reviewed publication
March 2024

Countries face severe local and global climate risks with grave social, economic, and environmental costs. Given a significant portion of global emissions are a result of agriculture, forestry, and other land-based investments, governments can mitigate climate risks by ensuring these investments…

Reports & Research
March 2024

Countries face severe local and global climate risks with grave social, economic, and environmental costs. Given a significant portion of global emissions are a result of agriculture, forestry, and other land-based investments, governments can mitigate climate risks by ensuring these investments…