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Peer-reviewed publication
May 2020

The aim of this research was to assess differences in the quantity and quality of herbage and invertebrate generalist predator abundance among permanent and temporary pastures. Two permanent pastures and four temporary ley pastures (either one year or two years since being sown) were monitored…

Peer-reviewed publication
May 2020

This paper reviews the scholarly literature discussing the effect(s) of land registration on the relations between land tenure security and agricultural productivity. Using 85 studies, the paper focuses on the regular claim that land registration’s facilitation of formal documents-based land…

Peer-reviewed publication
May 2020

Environmental policies in the realm of land management are increasingly focussing on inducing behavioural change to improve environmental management outcomes. This is based, implicitly or explicitly, on theories that suggest that pro-environmental behaviour can be understood, predicted and…

May 2020

<strong><em>As water is the most disruptive element in the ongoing climate crisis, how land is managed plays a major role in taming this disruption. This publication shows that avoiding, reducing and reversing land degradation can have positive long-term gains in water security.</…

Manuals & Guidelines
April 2020

This guide identifies lessons learned and outlines critical steps that countries can apply to their own rural land administration programs as they strive to ensure these programs become more gender and socially inclusive. The document provides a valuable learning resource to help governments and…

Journal Articles & Books
April 2020

Soaring food and fuel prices and the instability of global financial markets have prompted agri-businesses, investment banks, and food- and energy-hungry nations to secure resources in countries where land is available, or is made available, for investment. Given that access to land is closely…

Manuals & Guidelines
April 2020

This handbook contains basic information needed by indigenous peoples to be able to exercise their right to FPIC in the face of mining activities affecting their communities. It can be used as a reference by indigenous communities and civil society organizations in understanding and raising…

Manuals & Guidelines
April 2020

This note proves recommendations for governments, international actors, and mining advocates who seek to optimize the value of green energy mineral reserves, to ensure that expectations for green energy materials do not replace careful planning, impact assessment, and allocation of risks, as…

Peer-reviewed publication
April 2020

Language and technology barriers are a very serious constraint to effectively exchange and learn from land data, information and technologies across the globe. We would like to explore whether we can gain inspiration from how semantic web technologies have overcome knowledge-sharing challenges…

Journal Articles & Books
April 2020

Agricultural long-term experiments (LTEs) are most valuable research infrastructures to reveal the effects of agricultural measures in the long run. However, information about existing LTEs is scattered and the data are often not easy to access. A repository for LTE data and metadata can ensure…

Peer-reviewed publication
April 2020

A vast array of trends and innovations, such as drones and person-to-person trust solutions, have been proposed to revolutionize the task of recording land and property rights. There is, however, a gap in current research regarding how to approach systematically the future(s) of cadastral…

Peer-reviewed publication
April 2020

Land related inequality is a central component of the wider inequality that is one of the burning issues of our society today. It affects us all and directly determines the quality of life for billions of people who depend on land and related resources for their livelihoods. This paper explores…