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Reports & Research
June 2019

Presentation summarising key findings and lessons from 2019 LEGEND report <em><a href="">Securing rights to…

Policy Papers & Briefs
June 2019

The aim of this policy paper is to present successful approaches to secure land tenure rights in rural and urban areas. To support future programmatic decisions by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), this paper focusses especially on impacts and good practices.…

Conference Papers & Reports
June 2019

There is no doubt that the Global Data Revolution has reached the land sector. Government data portals, open access academic journals, community mapping initiatives and other citizen-generated data - there is a palpable positive drive across the world that allows processes such as data…

Reports & Research
June 2019

The German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) created the Special Initiative “One world, No hunger” aimed to eradicate extreme hunger and poverty. Special focus is on Action Area 6 “Promotion of responsible land use and improvement of access to land”. The German…

Peer-reviewed publication
June 2019

Land plays an important role in the economies of developing countries, and many theories connecting land inequality with different dimensions of economic development already exist. Even though efficacious land distribution allows societies to transition from poverty to a human capital-based…

Reports & Research
May 2019

This report reflects on the experience of DFID land programmes which include LTR across six countries (Guyana, Rwanda, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Mozambique), drawing also on relevant experiences of programmes driven by other donors.
It summarises the drivers of LTR and land…

Reports & Research
May 2019

This is the executive summary of the full report <a href="">Securing land rights at scale</a>. The report…

Policy Papers & Briefs
May 2019

This bulletin focuses on land tenure regularisation (LTR), with articles from practitioners to accompany the new LEGEND report <a href="…

Manuals & Guidelines
April 2019

የነዚህ የበጎ ፈቃድ መመሪያዎች አላማ የመሬት፣ የአሳ እንዲሁም የደን ይዞታ አስተዳደርን ለማሻሻል ምሪት መስጠት ብሎም እንደማጣቀሻ ማገልገል ሲሆን ይህም ለሁሉም ሰው የምግብ ዋስትናን ማረጋገጥ የተሰኘው መርሆን መሠረት ያደረገ እና የሰው ልጆችን በቂ ምግብ የማግኘት መብት በአገር አቀፍ የምግብ ዋስትና ማዕቀፍ ውስጥ በዘላቂነት እውን እንዲሆን ድጋፍ መስጠት ነው። የነዚህ መመሪያዎች አላማ ረሃብን እና ድህነትን ለማጥፋት ለሚደረገው አለም አቀፍ እና አገር አቀፍ ርብርብ…

Reports & Research
April 2019

L’Afrique se trouve à un moment décisif de sa trajectoire de développement. Les politiques qu’elle adoptera aujourd’hui détermineront la rapidité avec laquelle elle pourra accélérer sa croissance et créer la…