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This Decree amends Decree No. 188/2004/ND-CP on methods of determining land prices and price brackets of land of different categories.Amendments have been made to the following articles: article 3(1)e on the calculation of land use right value for the collection of registration fees; article 3(2…


This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Quang Tri province.The main objectives of the plan include: exploit and effectively use mineral resources and combine mining with protection, rehabilitation and restoration of the mine environment; agriculture, forestry…


This Decree establishes the modalities of land-use planning in urban areas. It includes also afforestation in urban areas. Land-use planning in urban areas shall be exclusive competence of the local self-government that must ensure organization and implementation of land-use planning in…


This Decree establishes that condominium shall be considered non-governmental entity, non-commercial organization having the status of legal person. The purpose of condominium shall be maintenance, management and conservation of housing facilities and plot of urban land provided with amenities.…


This Ministerial Decree establishes polluter pays principle applied to soil pollution and other soil damages such as removal of fertile layer, chemical, biological, radioactive and other types of pollution. It establishes calculation formula and establishes multiplier for taxes for soil damages…


This Decision approves the planning on industrial development in the Central Viet Nam key economic region.The Decision, among other things, aims at combining industrial development with development of other economic sectors, environmental protection and maintenance of security and defence. The…


This Law establishes that agricultural land shall be exclusive property of the state and of citizens permanently living in rural areas for at least two years. Allotment in ownership and transfer of agricultural land shall be prohibited to: (a) foreign natural and legal persons, and foreign…


This Ministerial Decree validates the Regulation on allotment in lease and management of pastures, the form of contract on lease of the pasture areas for stockbreeding purpose, lease of pasture areas for other purposes, form of forest land plot usage permit for silvopastoralism. Pasture areas…


This Order establishes the modalities of legalization and registration of purchase and sale of the plots of agricultural land between the citizens of Kyrgyzstan and in case of expropriation of thereof from the persons who cannot own them in accordance with the legislation. Transactions with…

This publication is an assortment of articles on various advocacy themes that may be of practical interest to those engaged in enhancing the poor’s access to land. Many of the articles are fruits of the ToT – lectures, papers submitted, and discussions. But other articles were culled beyond the…


The President decrees to allocate area on the Eastern coast of the Caspian sea with defined administrative and territorial boundaries and with particular legal status with a view of creation of the national tourist area “Avaza”. Legal and natural persons shall operate in the aforesaid tourist…


The State Agency for the Registration of Immovable Property shall be the authorized state institution carrying out coordination and control of the common state registration system of immovable property in the sphere of regulation of land relations. The main tasks of the State Agency shall be: (a…