Ministerial Decree No. 668 validating the Regulation on application of taxes for soil pollution.
ПОРЯДОК ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ ТАКС ДЛЯ ИСЧИСЛЕНИЯ РАЗМЕРОВ ВЗЫСКАНИЙ ЗА ПОРЧУ ЗЕМЕЛЬ В КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКЕ Утвержден постановлением Правительства Кыргызской Республики от 7 сентября 2004 года N 668.
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This Ministerial Decree establishes polluter pays principle applied to soil pollution and other soil damages such as removal of fertile layer, chemical, biological, radioactive and other types of pollution. It establishes calculation formula and establishes multiplier for taxes for soil damages and pollution depending upon the type of polluted soil classified as environmental protection, rehabilitative, recreational and historical and cultural heritage for which index tax shall be multiplied by 0,5. Payment of applicable taxes by polluter does not exonerate him from payment of other compensation for damages originating from deterioration of soil.