Las declaraciones del Director General de la FAO y del Rey de Nepal, los resmenes de cuestiones y actividades relativas a las montaas en pases como Bolivia, Italia, Kirguistn y Per, e informacin sobre bosques de montaa, bosques de niebla tropicales y montaas sagradas completan el recorrido de…
The management of conflict over land and natural resources is a very broad issue and there is a growing literature on techniques that have potential for use in this field. At the moment, the Land Tenure Service of FAO’s Rural Development Division is working towards achieving a deeper…
(land tenure studies) 1951
Section 1 will examine current debates around poverty, vulnerability and livelihood issues related to access to natural resources. Section 2 will describe the main features of the sustainable livelihoods approaches and relate them to current thinking about access to natural resources. Section…
Statements from FAO's Director-General and the King of Nepal, profiles of mountain issues and activities from countries such as Bolivia, Italy, Kyrgyzstan and Peru, and information on mountain forests, tropical cloud forests and sacred mountains complete Unasylva's foray into the…
La Oficina Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe organiza cada dos años la Reunión de la Comisión Forestal para América Latina y el Caribe (COFLAC), donde se invita a participar a todos los países miembros de la FAO en la Región, para analizar la situación y evolución regional de…
Resumen El documento que aquí se presenta aborda el tema del acceso de los indígenas a la tierra en América Latina desde una perspectiva histórico-jurídica. A objeto de entender la situación actual de la relación de los pueblos indígenas con sus tierras, territorios y recursos naturales en la…
The damage caused by illegal activities and corrupt practices in the world’s forests is a problem of enormous proportions. In many parts of the world, forest exploitation is dominated by rampant illegal harvesting, large-scale violation of trade regulations both domestically and…
This paper looks at the impact of the introduction of new soybean technologies on the clearing of natural vegetation (forest and savanna) in southern Brazil, the Brazilian Cerrado, and Santa Cruz, Bolivia. The paper looks at how technological change interacted with other government policies and…
Meeting symbol/code: LACFC 2000 4
Meeting symbol/code: LACFC 2000 4