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Reports & Research
July 2016

Nota Conceptual de la Reunión de Expertos "Conceptos, Contextos y Soluciones para la Gobernanza Responsable y Tenencia Segura del Suelo en América Latina y Caribe", realizada en San José, Costa Rica, Julio 2016. Participaran de la reunión expertos y representantes de diversos sectores…

Reports & Research
July 2016

Agenda de la Reunión de Expertos que se realizó el 14 y 15 de Julio en San José, Costa Rica donde representantes de diversos sectores (públicos, academia, OSC, privado) para revisar el Reporte preliminar Gobernanza Responsable y Tenencia Segura del Suelo de Áreas Urbanas y Peri-Urbanas en…

Reports & Research
July 2016

O assentamento Dom Luciano Mendes (Minas Gerais) é resultado da luta de famílias sem-terra, organizadas pelo Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra (MST), que ocupam uma fazenda de 1.348,1819 hectares até então considerada terra devoluta, grilada por fazendeiros na cidade de Salto da Divisa. Ele…

Peer-reviewed publication
June 2016

Brazil’s Cerrado is a highly diverse ecosystem and it provides critical habitat for many species. Cerrado habitats have suffered significant degradation and decline over the past decades due to expansion of cash crops and livestock farming across South America. Approximately 1,800,000 km2 of the…

Peer-reviewed publication
June 2016

The production of soy is one of the most important economic activities in the Brazilian Amazon, though the expansion of this industry has come at the cost of huge swaths of forest. Since 2006, the private firms that buy and trade soybeans globally have assumed a key role in ensuring that soy…

Reports & Research
June 2016

To meet carbon emissions targets, more than 30 countries have committed to boosting production of renewable resources from biological materials andconvert them into products such as food, animal feedand bioenergy. In a post-fossil-fuel world, an increasingproportion of chemicals, plastics,…

Policy Papers & Briefs
June 2016

To meet carbon emissions targets, more than 30 countries have committed to boosting production of renewable resources from biological materials andconvert them into products such as food, animal feedand bioenergy. In a post-fossil-fuel world, an increasingproportion of chemicals, plastics,…

Reports & Research
June 2016

Use of conditional cash transfers has become widespread in development policy given their success in boosting health and education outcomes. Recently, conditional cash transfers are being used to promote pro-environmental behavior. While many of these Payments for Environment Services (PES)…

Policy Papers & Briefs
June 2016

Use of conditional cash transfers has become widespread in development policy given their success in boosting health and education outcomes. Recently, conditional cash transfers are being used to promote pro-environmental behavior. While many of these Payments for Environment Services (PES)…

Reports & Research
June 2016

A Terra do Meio, no sudoeste do Pará, é formada pelas Reserva Extrativista do Rio Iriri, Resex Riozinho do Anfrísio, Resex Rio Xingu, Área de Proteção Ambiental Triunfo do Xingu, Estação Ecológica da Terra do Meio, Parque Nacional da Serra do Pardo e as Terras Indígenas Cachoeira Seca, Xipaya,…

Reports & Research
June 2016

A demarcação das Terras Indígenas no Alto Rio Negro, entre dezembro de 1995 e maio de 1996, encerraram 30 anos de lutas dos povos nativos pela garantia de seus territórios e culturas. As cinco terras reconhecidas no final do século passado formam uma área única na faixa de fronteira com Colômbia…

Reports & Research
June 2016

Maroba dos Teixeiras foi reconhecida como comunidade quilombola pela Fundação Palmares no 26 de janeiro de 2009. Comunidades quilombolas são aqueles grupos formados por sujeitos afrodescendentes que resistiram ao sistema escravista que perdurou dos séculos XVI a XIX no Brasil. Além do acesso à…