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Peer-reviewed publication
December 2020

The coastal heathland of Western Europe, dominated by Calluna vulgaris L., was previously maintained by prescribed-burning and grazing to the extent that the Calluna became anthropogenically adapted to regular burning cycles. This 5000–6000-year-old land management practice was essential for…

Conference Papers & Reports
February 2019

Most countries in Western Europe have a long tradition for implementing land consolidation projects. In Central and Eastern Europe, land reforms from 1990 on in most countries resulted in farm structures characterized by excessive land fragmentation and small average farm sizes. Most CEE…

Conference Papers & Reports
February 2018

Most transition countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) face enormous challenges in developing a viable land structure, requiring a set of measures which is unprecedented in its scale and intensity to speed up this process. Analysis of policy initiatives in CEE countries illustrates that…

Conference Papers & Reports
February 2017

Neighbourhood effects on land use change are very common. Therefore, they are often
included in spatially explicit models of land use change and other spatial analyses. Neighbourhood
indices, however, depend strongly on the spatial extent set for calculating them. So far, most of the…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2014

The Alqueva reservoir created the largest artificial lake of Western Europe in 2010. Since then, the region has faced challenges due to land-use changes that may increase the risk of erosion and shorten the lifetime of the reservoir, increasing the need to promote land management sustainability…

Journal Articles & Books
August 2014

Biodiversity continues to decline in the face of increasing anthropogenic pressures such as habitat destruction, exploitation, pollution and introduction of alien species. Existing global databases of species’ threat status or population time series are dominated by charismatic species. The…

Peer-reviewed publication
July 2013

It has often been stated that land fragmentation and farm structures characterized by small agricultural holdings and farms divided in a large number of parcels have been the side-effect of land reform in Central and Eastern Europe. This article reports the findings of a study of land reform in…

December 2010

The present Ordinance implements the Introductory Law relating to the Federal Agricultural Soil Act of 23 October 1994. Article 1 establishes that the Agricultural and Environmental Office is entrusted with the enforcement of the afore-mentioned Law. The text consists of 7 articles divided into…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2006

Clay is a common lithology in the Dutch shallow subsurface. It is used in earth constructions such as dikes, and as raw material for the fabrication of bricks, roof tiles etc. We present a new national assessment of Dutch clay resources, as part of a project that provides mineral-occurrence…

June 2006

Le présent arrêté règle l’arrêt volontaire, complet et définitif de la production de tous les effluents d’élevage provenant de bovins. L’article 2 établit que dans les limites des crédits budgétaires approuvés à cet effet, il est alloué une indemnité d'arrêt aux éleveurs de bovins qui…

June 2006

Le présent arrêté du Gouvernement flamand règle l'arrêt volontaire, complet et définitif de la production de tous les effluents d'élevage provenant de volaille. L’article 2 établit que dans les limites des crédits budgétaires approuvés à cet effet, il est alloué une indemnité d'…

February 2004

Le présent décret fixe la procédure de délimitation du rivage de la mer, des lais et relais de la mer et des limites transversales de la mer à l'embouchure des fleuves et rivières, conduite, sous l'autorité du préfet, par le service de l'Etat chargé du domaine public maritime.