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Policy Papers & Briefs
November 2014
Journal Articles & Books
November 2014

Këto udhëzime janë instrumenti i parë i gjithanshëm botëror për të drejtat mbi burimet dhe administrimin e tyre që është përgatitur me negociata ndërqeveritare. Udhëzimet parashtrojnë parimet dhe standardet e pranuara botërisht të praktikave të përgjegjshme për përdorimin dhe mbajtjen në…

UN Resolutions
October 2014

As Diretrizes Voluntárias sobre a Governança Responsável da Terra, dos Recursos Pesqueiros e Florestais no contexto da Segurança Alimentar Nacionall visam promover a segurança do direito de posse, garantir o acesso equitativo à terra, pescas e florestas como um meio para erradicar a fome e a…

Reports & Research
August 2014


Este projecto de investigação-acção pretende analisar em que medida os actuais quadros legais e

institucionais actuais promovem ou dificultam uma efectiva governança fundiária centrada nas

pessoas e nas suas comunidades, o que equivale a analisar, também, a sua…

Policy Papers & Briefs
November 2013

The second meeting of Biodiversity, Habitat and Water Quality, subject of this report, was organized in Banjul (The Gambia) from 12 to 14 March 2013. All representatives of the countries (except from Morocco) as well as the RCU URC and the project partners were able to participate. The meeting…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2013

To ensure a food-secure future, farming must become climate resilient. Around the world, governments and communities are adopting innovations that are improving the lives of millions while reducing agriculture’s climate footprint. These successful examples show the many ways climate-smart…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2012

O presente trabalho intenciona analisar os processos sociais que possibilitaram a ascensão de descendentes de escravos como possuidores de terra em contextos pós-coloniais. O debate ora suscitado busca eleger como foco de reflexão as relações que produzem discursos de verdade, nos quais…

Reports & Research
November 2012

The VGGT represent the first inter-governmental consensus on the principles and accepted standards for the responsible governance of tenure for governments, international organisations, communities, and the private sector. Their aim is to promote secure tenure rights and equitable access to land…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2012

Данные руководящие принципы являются первым всесторонним глобальным правовым документом, посвященным вопросам системы владения и пользования ресурсами и ее регулирования, который был подготовлен на основе межправительственных переговоров. В них установлены принципы и международно признанные…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2012

هذه الخطوط التوجيهية هي أول صكّ عالمي شامل خاص بالحيازات وإدارتها يُعدّ من خلال مفاوضات حكومية دولية. وتضع هذه الخطوط التوجيهية مبادئ ومعايير مقبولة دولياً للممارسات المسؤولة لاستخدام الأراضي ومصايد الأسماك والغابات وللتحكّم بها. وهي تعطي توجيهات لتحسين الأطر القانونية والتنظيمية والمتصلة…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2012

he guidelines are the first comprehensive, global instrument on tenure and its administration to be prepared through intergovernmental negotiations.
The guidelines set out principles and internationally accepted standards of responsible practices for the use and control of land,…