The most obvious, although not exclusive, explanation for the increase of species richness with increasing sample area (the species-area relationship) is that species richness is ultimately linked to area-based increases in habitat heterogeneity. The aim of this paper is to examine the relative…
A már bekövetkezett és a jövőben is várható energiahordozó árváltozások következtében minden bizonnyal nagy kereslet várható ezen környezetbarát tüzelőanyag iránt. Egyben a fafeldolgozást végző kis- és középüzemek (elsősorban asztalosipari vállalatok, vállalkozások) a hulladék hasznosításának…
Az EU-15-ök mezőgazdasága a tulajdoni és a vállalati rendszert illetően is sokkal stabilabb,mint amilyen a hazai. Ezért számolni célszerű azzal,hogy a bevezetni szándékozott SPS támogatási rendszer hazánkban a jövedelmeket,a földárakat és a bérleti díjakat illetően is minden bizonnyal mélyebb…
Rural development is of great significance for the future of both the EU and Hungary.We must reduce migration, create new jobs and focus on sustainability and the principles and goals of environmental protection and nature conservation. For this reason, it is necessary to apply for EU project…
Following the rent free land use by large-scale farms under the communist regime, it was hoped that the restoration of private ownership of land and land-auctions would revive the land market and that the market would establish real land prices and farm rents in Central and Eastern Europe. In…
This essay outlines an alternative “law and economics” interpretation of the concept of the land market. According to neo-institutional researchers, institutions provide the framework and the rules in a society, including legal regulations. This study is based on the legal background in Hungary…
Over fifteen years have elapsed since the transition from the centrally plannedeconomic system started in the early 1990’s. During this time agricultural andrural areas of Central and Eastern Europe have undergone profound structuralchanges with wide variations in the degree of transformation…
Under current market circumstances and those predictable in the near future, further increasing agricultural production seems to be rather groundless. By utilisingagro-ecological conditions more efficiently, one eighth of Hungary’s gasoline demand could be satisfied from maize production,…
Land consolidation can be an important tool for increasing agricultural competitiveness and improving rural conditions. Farmers can become more competitive when they decrease fragmentation and increase the size of their farms, and rural communities can benefit when consolidation projects include…
Besides its natural potential, Hungarian agriculture's major current advantage is low land prices and rental fees. Economic theory suggests that as Hungarian economic performance approachesthe EU average, production costs will also become equal. Increasing land prices, generated by…
The paper discusses the fluctuation of the proportion of cultivation, the development of agrarian operating and organizational structure, the separation of estate tenancy and land use, along with the change of law. In the backward areas and territories with adverse endowment,further questions…
A Gyöngyösi Kistérségben végzett felmérés tapasztalatai azt mutatták, hogy élénkült a kistérség földpiaca. A földbérleti díjak és árak egyaránt emelkedő tendenciát mutattak, szélsőséges ingadozások mellett. A vizsgált időszakban ér-tékesítettek termőföldet hektáronként 80 ezer forintért és 4,5…