The Policy provides for recognition and implementation of customary land tenure in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs)
The Policy provides the framework for planning the use of land to reconcile competing demands and ensure sustainable and optimal utilization of land
The Act provides for protection, conservation, sustainable use and management of wildlife resources
The Act provides for management of urban areas and cities, including powers to charge rates
The Act vests petroleum on the Government and makes provisions for its exploration and production
The Act provides for rights and duties of spouses with respect to matrimonial property, including land
The Act provides for development and sustainable conservation of public, private and community forests
The Act establishes the legal and institutional framework for sustainable management of the environment
The Act establishes the regulatory framework for responding to the threat of climate change
The Act provides for appointment of testamentary guardians to secure the inheritance rights of a child
The Act makes provisions for administration and management of public and private land